☏ epilogue ☏
three years later
"jung jaehyun, where the hell did you hide my speech?!" the co-ceo of jungkamotors yelled backstage, barely catching the attention of the other co-ceo who was too busy pinning his boyfriend to the wall and kissing him like there was no tomorrow. "jaehyun! i'm talking to you!" yuta exclaimed again, now standing right by the two lovers' side with arms crossed.
jaehyun pulled away from the kiss with a loud smooching sound, smiling lovingly at his boyfriend before turning his head to give his attention to the co-ceo.
"what did you just ask me?" he questioned, not having heard anything of what had been said a second ago – whenever him and taeyong kissed, they were in their own bubble, and an explosion could be going on, neither of them would hear it.
"my speech." yuta tsked. "where did you hide it? we're going on stage in less than half an hour and i'm not sure whether it says 'this year once again we will make world creativity and innovation day memorable' or 'this is yet another year when world creativity and innovation day will be memorable'."
the korean co-ceo blinked a few times, looking at his friend and co-ceo with a brow raised and an amused smile. it was the third time they participated in world creativity and innovation day together, both as co-ceos of jungkamotors, the company which was now the leader of the automobile industry, and every single year, yuta was a nervous wreck before that day.
"are you serious?" jaehyun asked with a chuckle, angering ytua even more.
"of course, i am!" yuta slapped his arm. "just tell me where you hid it, asshole!"
jaehyun didn't pay much mind to the insult that was thrown to him, knowing that it had slipped past yuta's lips out of nervousness. after three years of working closely together, the two of them could be considered very good friends, and they often hung out as a group of four with their boyfriends.
even though he had been a bit sceptical at first, the korean male found it very nice to be working with his friends and his boyfriend. the days went by much faster, and it was always a pleasure to come to work and joke around with each other.
he never imagined he would be saying such a thing years ago, as he had been leading the successfully business that was jung corporation at that time. but oh well, things had changed a lot, and so had jaehyun. and now, he would go back to his previous life for nothing in the world.
"can't you just for once try going without that speech of yours?" jaehyun asked to his co-ceo, him being much less stressed at the idea of going on stage and speaking in front of thousands of people – world creativity and innovation day was more and more popular every year after all of the drama that had happened that same day, five and four years prior.
"do i need to remind you how i lose my means and how much of a mess i become when i don't learn my speech by heart?" yuta snorted, crossing his arms over his chest. "we've managed not to cause any drama for the past two years, but do you want more drama this year?"
jaehyun rolled his eyes at his friend's words, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder to try helping him relax. "hey, calm down." he spoke in a low voice, looking deep into his friend's eyes. "you'll never be able to speak without a speech and improvise if you never try."
"i know, but can't we try that during a shitty seminar or anything?" yuta groaned. "why does it have to be world creativity and innovation day?! it's like the most important event occurring each year!" the japanese co-ceo continued whining. "just give me back my speech!"
"i don't have it." jaehyun replied simply.
"and stop lying to my face! i promise you we'll try at another event, but just not now! i need my speech!"
jaehyun sighed at yuta's childishness. "once again, i don't have your speech." he repeated.
"liar! i know you purposely hid it to- "
"yuta!" another male voice broke their conversation, causing the two co-ceos to turn around and meet eyes with a dishevelled sicheng wearing a nice tuxedo, running towards them with a few sheets of paper in his hands.
the two co-ceo looked at the engineer approaching them, sicheng stopping by their side and breathing loudly to catch his breath after running for a while.
"yuta... you forgot... your speech at home... this morning..." he panted, wiggling the few sheets of paper in front of his boyfriend. "i... i came... as fast as i could..."
the japanese co-ceo looked at the sheets of paper with an open mouth, blinking a few times before lifting his head to meet eyes with jaehyun who was staring back at him with an eyebrow raised and his arms crossed over his chest.
"i know that you purposely hid it! stop lying to my face!" jaehyun mimicked in an exaggeratedly high-pitched voice, mocking his friend who had been so sure that jaehyun had stolen and hid his speech a while ago.
"shut up..." he muttered with a tsk, rolling his eyes.
"oh, i definitely will not." jaehyun scoffed. "you'll hear about it for long. you're always blaming me for everything, and i'm never responsible."
"i am not." yuta snorted at those words.
"yes, you are." jaehyun tackled back immediately. "can't you remember about the contract with the motorcycle company?"
"that was- "
"and sicheng's surprise birthday party?" jaehyun didn't let the time for yuta to argue. "oh, and when you had lost your favourite pen? and let's not forget about the day we launched the marketing campaign and- "
"oh!" yuta gasped, his eyes immediately widening. "this was your fault, and you know it!" he assured, pointing an accusing finger at his co-ceo.
"how?!" jaehyun snorted. "i'm not the one who made the whole banner break a second after the beginning of the press conference!"
"nothing would have happened if you hadn't poked my side!" yuta yelled back, now poking jaehyun's side to illustrate his sayings, which caused jaehyun to squeak and wiggle. "see? no one can stay still at that! of course i wiggled and knocked the banner over!"
as the two co-ceos were bickering like children, sicheng and taeyong stood side by side, a step away from them, both questioning their love interests with a long sigh.
"they're bickering again..." taeyong declared uninterestedly, more than used to this since he worked in the same office as both of them.
"sometimes, i wonder if i should have kept my mouth shut instead of suggesting that yuta and jaehyun had their own company." sicheng hummed, his eyes focused on his boyfriend and his friend.
"i wonder as well..."
as much as sicheng and taeyong complained about it, the bickering was nothing bad actually. most of the time, it started with some teasing and ended up with a mini-fight which never lasted long. in fact, it was quite funny to watch, and jaehyun and yuta enjoyed these small rivalry moments. it made their days livelier and funnier; and well, it had become their way of showing that they cared for each other.
"should we stop them?" sicheng asked after a while as taeyong and him were still watching the two co-ceos.
"i guess, yeah." taeyong nodded. "i take yuta?"
"okay, i'll go with jaehyun." sicheng approved. "here, the speech." he added, handing taeyong the sheets of paper yuta had forgotten at home this morning and precisely, the starting point of this little fight.
in a second, taeyong and sicheng had slipped between the two males, pushing them away from each other and allowing them to calm down. it also helped the backstage being more silent and not having everyone around staring at them weirdly.
"the speech is here. be quick to review it." taeyong informed, handing out the sheets of paper to yuta.
"i don't need it anymore." yuta shook his head. "i'll just improvise, like jaehyun asked."
taeyong frowned at that, turning around to look at his boyfriend who was standing a few steps away with sicheng. "a-are you sure?" taeyong questioned. "it's world creativity and innovation day..."
"yeah, well. jaehyun will be there to help if i ever mess up, right?" yuta spoke again, looking over taeyong's shoulder at his co-ceo, slightly raising his voice for him to hear.
and of course, jaehyun snorted. "as if!" he said. "i'll just let out embarrass yourself alone. i'm sure i'll have a good laugh."
sicheng tsked at those words, lightly slapping jaehyun's shoulder.
"i'll make sure to make you laugh a lot, then." yuta replied at those words with a smile directed to his co-ceo, knowing that this was only a joke and jaehyun would be there to help him if there ever was a problem. i mean, it would be in his interest since they were part of the same company.
"you better not let my boyfriend ridicule himself on stage." sicheng warned jaehyun, his brows furrowed.
"it was a joke, sicheng." jaehyun rolled his eyes. "of course, i won't let him ridicule himself."
"you better not." the chiense male continued, making jaehyun chuckle.
"have i ever let you down?"
sicheng didn't answer, not having the opportunity to as a ding coming from his phone forced him to check the message he had just received. and after reading it, he could only heave out a sigh.
"i need to go, guys. i'll see you tonight?" he declared, putting his phone back in his pocket.
"our speech is in like ten minutes; can't you stay to watch it?" yuta asked his boyfriend, approaching him and wrapping his arms around his waist.
"sorry, but my speech is starting in around half an hour, and i still need to get to the venue." sicheng informed.
yuta pouted at those words. "why can't they hold world creativity and innovation day for cars and electronics in the same venue..." he mumbled in the crook of sicheng's neck.
"come on, stop being a whiny baby." jaehyun rolled his eyes. "he's a ceo now, and he needs to fulfil his ceo duties. so let him go."
yuta's pout intensified at jaehyun's words, and he tightened his embrace around his boyfriend.
around a year and a half ago, sicheng had managed to leave the bad influence in his life that was nano electronics – and mostly his bitch of a boss – and to create his own company.
of course, he had sought lots of help from his boyfriend and his close friend who were both successful co-ceo of the biggest company of the automobile industry, and this had allowed him to create a new small business that seemed to be growing more each day.
it wasn't much for the moment, and it was barely known, but it was more than enough for sicheng. actually, he was quite happy that it was still small, because then, even as the ceo, he could still do some technical interventions and help people with electronic problems they may have.
but well, despite that, he would still be very proud of seeing his company growing, and with a first participation at world creativity and innovation day, sicheng hoped that he would be able to get a boost of popularity for his company.
"i'll watch your speech in replay, tonight." sicheng promised, his hands wrapping around his boyfriend's body to hug him tighet.
"and we'll watch yours as well." yuta assured. "good luck, baby."
sicheng giggled. "you too." he replied, leaning forwards and pecking his boyfriend's lips sweetly.
he then pulled away, stepping towards taeyong to embrace him in a quick hug and doing the same after with jaehyun.
"go rock the stage." taeyong said, patting sicheng's back.
"show them who the real boss of electronics is." jaehyun added with a proud smile.
"i will." sicheng nodded, waving his hand at the three males in front of him before walking away and rushing to the venue for his own world creativity and innovation day.
"mister jung and mister nakamotors! you're expected to get equipped!" a technician called, catching the two ceo's attention.
"coming!" yuta yelled back before facing taeyong.
"i'll be waiting for you on the side of the stage." the secretary informed.
"alright, see you." yuta nodded before heading towards the technician that had called him a while ago.
jaehyun then faced his boyfriend, opening his arms to allow him to come snuggle there, which taeyong did immediately.
the two of them hugged for a while, and jaehyun then cupped tayeong's cheek to lift his head and place a long and chaste peck on his pink pouty lips.
"good luck with the speech." taeyong spoke, his boba eyes looking up at jaehyun while glistening.
"it's going to be a piece of cake." jaehyun assured with a small chuckle.
"please, make sure to cover yuta's back. he refused to review his speech, claiming that you asked him not to." taeyong added, being worried for his boss and friend.
jaehyun nodded. "i will, don't worry." he spoke, leaning forwards to peck taeyong's lips lovingly again. "i'm glad that he accepted to do it today. i'm very proud of him."
"jaehyun!" yuta's voice rang backstage, making jaehyun know that he was expected.
the korean co-ceo sighed before pecking his boyfriend's lips one last time, keeping their mouth pressed together for a bit longer than the other kisses this time.
"i love you." he spoke, barely above a whisper, his heart going mad in his chest at his and taeyong's proximity despite the three years they had spent together.
"i love you too." taeyong replied, his lips curved up in a beautiful smile. "impress me with your speech."
and with that said, jaehyun chuckled lightly before placing a last kiss on his boyfriend's forehead and joining yuta backstage to get equipped.
as it was over pretty quickly, the two co-ceo found themselves standing behind the curtain that would be opening any second from now, revealing them to the crowd of people and journalists there to listen to their speech.
yuta cleared his throat in nervousness, wondering if not reviewing his speech last minute was the good thing to do or if he would end up completely messing up.
and seeing yuta's distressed state, knowing how nervous the japanese male could be, jaehyun decided to lighten up the mood.
"so..." he asked, elbowing yuta's arm to catch his attention. "do you have any freaky secret to unveil before it all starts?" he asked with a smirk, making the japanese male look at him with an amused smile, completely forgetting about his previous nervousness.
"i thought you knew that there were no more secrets between the four of us...?"
and the next thing they knew, the curtains slid open.
hello lovelies! we've finally reached the end of the long and adventurous journey that was secret(ary)!!
i wanted to thank all of you for all of the love and support that you showed throughout the chapters! i had been wanting to write this plot for really long and i'm so glad it's now posted<3
so, now that we know that jaehyun isn't going to be a bitch again (unlike his awful dad) i guess it's my time to say bye bye until next story is published!
thanks again for everything! take care of yourselves<3<3<3
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