Chapter Seven
Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans: Back to the Past
Chapter Seven: Why Are You Kidnapping Us?
Tori Vega POV
"Hey, what's up, Tori?" Andre asked me as he, Beck, Robbie, Rex, and Jade approached me.
It was now close to 8:00 in the morning here in Los Angeles and I was just walking down the concrete pathway that led to the front doors of the high school that I attend, Hollywood Arts.
"Yeah, what's up?" Beck, Robbie, and Rex all chimed in.
"Hey, guys!" I greeted my best friends as I stopped and turned around so that I was now facing them.
I paused for a moment. I noticed that Jade was ignoring me once again.
"What?" I asked her, "No, 'what's up'?"
"The sky is up," Jade answered coldly, "You'll be up there pretty soon if you don't stop talking to me."
"Well, looks like someone is in a bad mood today!" Rex exclaimed.
"Jade, stop being mean to Tori!" Beck ordered, defending me.
"Oh, don't worry, Beck, she'll come right back down," Jade said, glaring at me, "But, she might be asleep for awhile once she does."
"Jade, why are you always so mean to me?"
"It's just how I am."
"I know that you're mean to everyone, but you seem to be even meaner to me! What did I do?"
"You annoy me; that's what you do!"
"How? How do I annoy you?"
"You just being here annoys me enough."
Just as I was about to say a really good comeback that I have been saving for awhile now, Andre got in between Jade and I, breaking up our argument. "Guys, stop fighting!"
"We weren't fighting. We were ar-" Jade began.
"I don't care what you guys were doing; I just want you to stop."
Jade and I both sighed. "Fine."
"Why don't we go inside now?" Robbie suggested.
"You mean inside of our school?" Jade questioned, "Yuck, I hate school!"
"Come on, let's just go," Beck egged Jade as he, Andre, Robbie, Rex, and I started to head towards the school building.
"Ugghhh, fine," Jade grunted as she reluctantly followed us, "I'm coming."
Just as we were about to open the front doors, I felt like something was missing. I looked back at my friends and realized that there actually was. Someone was missing. Cat.
"Hey, where's Cat?" I asked Andre, Beck, Jade, Rex, and Robbie.
"What do you mean, 'where's Cat?' " Robbie questioned, giving me a confused look.
"I mean, why isn't she here yet? She usually shows up to school early and is already here by now!"
"What are you talking about, Tori? Cat hasn't been here for a really long time."
"Huh? For how long?"
Beck, Andre, Jade, Robbie, and Rex all thought for a moment.
"A little over a year," Beck finally answered.
"What are you guys talking about? She was here last Friday!"
"No, she wasn't."
"Yes, she was!"
"No, she wasn't!" Jade, Beck, Andre, Rex, and Robbie all argued in unison.
"I'm confused. You guys are saying that Cat has been gone for over a year, but I don't remember it that way. I remember her always being here. How come? What happened to her?"
"Don't you remember when her roommate, Sam Puckett, came here to give us the bad news a little over a year ago?"
I was starting to get scared now. How come I couldn't remember anything that my friends were talking about? Was this all a huge prank just to see how gullible I am? I scanned Andre, Beck, Jade, Robbie, and Rex;s faces to see if they were lying or not. Rex being a puppet that Robbie has given a realistic character to, I could not read his facial expressions. But by the expressions of the rest of my friends' faces, I could tell that they were being serious.
"N-no, I-I d-don't," I stammered, "Wh-what w-was i-it?"
Before anyone could answer my query, I suddenly felt a large, string hand grab me by the collar of my shirt. Before I knew it, I was now being dragged. Kidnapped. I looked over to my left to see that Andre, Beck, Jade, Robbie, and Rex were still there. They were being kidnapped too. They were kicking, punching, and trying to pull away from the hands that were grabbing them. I began to do the same. After a few seconds of struggling to break away, I looked to my left again. It was no use. We were all still being dragged.
"HELP!!!" I managed to yell, "WE'RE BEING-"
Whoever was dragging me threw their other hand over my mouth, covering it up. Eyes full of fear, I looked back over at my friends. All of their mouths, except for Rex's, were now covered up with hands of our kidnappers. The kidnappers then started to drag us around the corner of the school, where nobody could see us, in a fast manner. We continued to kick, punch, and attempt to pull away until they finally let go of us. Jade, Beck, Andre, Robbie, Rex, and I all fell to the ground. Just as I was about to get up and sprint, I noticed that we were all not only outnumbered, but surrounded too. Surrounded by twenty-six people. I quickly recognized those people as my friends, Piper, Charlotte, Jasper, Henry, Captain Man, Nora, Billy, Max Thunderman, Phoebe, Mr. and Mrs. Thunderman, Frankie, Taylor, Ms. Hathaway, Carly, Freddie, Gibby, Spencer, Max Russo, Alex, Justin, and Mr. and Mrs. Russo. There was also a man, a boy, and an even younger boy, whom I did not recognize; but I assumed that the man was Mr. Preston, the older boy was Miles, and the younger boy was Louie.
"Piper, Charlotte, Jasper, Henry, Captain Man, Nora, Billy, Max Thunderman, Phoebe, Mr. and Mrs. Thunderman, Louie, Frankie, Miles, Taylor, Ms. Hathaway, Mr. Preston, Carly, Freddie, Gibby, Spencer, Max Russo, Alex, Justin, and Mr. and Mrs. Russo!?!?" I exclaimed, really confused, as I slowly sat up, "What are you guys doing here? Why did you drag us like that? Why are you kidnapping us?"
"You know them!?!?" Jade questioned as she sat up, gave me the evil eye, and pointed at me, "If you set this up, I swear-"
"Jade, how could've Tori set this up if she just asked them why they are kidnapping us?" Andre asked.
"She could just be playing dumb!"
"Now, Jade, would Tori ever do something like this?" Beck asked.
"Yeah, nobody would go as far as pretending to be kidnapped just so they could kidnap someone else!" Rex added, "But, maybe you would though..."
Jade growled at Rex as she slowly crawled up to him. Just as she was about to snatch him out of Robbie's hands and throw him across the lot, I asked, "Wait, Jade, why were you shocked when you found out that I know them? You guys know them too!"
"Um, no, we don't," Jade, Andre, Beck, Robbie, and Rex replied confusingly in unison.
"What? Yes, you do!"
"No, we don't!"
"Only you know them, it seems like," Robbie stated.
"And it seems like you're the only one who remembers what really happened out of Cat's friends," Freddie added.
I whipped my head around and looked up at Freddie. "What do you mean? Are you saying that what I remember is correct? Are you saying that Cat was never gone for over a year? Are you saying that she was always here?"
Freddie kneeled down so that we was now down where I was and our eyes were interlocking. "Tori, something terribly awful has happened. We don't know what happened exactly, but what we do know is that all of our enemies must be behind it. And, what ever they did has caused the majority of us to forget that we were even friends and remember something totally different from what really happened. You, Phoebe, Carly, Alex, Miles, Henry, and I are part of the minority of us who remember what actually happened."
I gasped. I had no idea what to say. I was speechless.
Miles squinted his eyes and scrunched up his nose at me. "Wait, Cat has been gone for a whole entire year?"
Jade, Robbie, Rex, Andre, and Beck all nodded.
"Why? What happened to her?"
Before any of them could answer Miles' query, Alex asked him, "Don't you think that we should explain everything to the ones who are even more clueless before they explain anything to us?"
"Yeah, we probably should."
With that being said, Henry, Miles, Phoebe, Carly, Alex, Freddie, and I explained everything that we remembered to Andre, Jade, Beck, Robbie, and Rex. Of course, Phoebe and Miles did a lot of the talking since they were there during everything. Carly and Freddie did a lot of talking too, but did not jump in until the part where Carly, Max Thunderman, Phoebe, and their arch nemesis, Nevel Papperman, got kidnapped by The Dark Twister and The Dark Hurricane. Henry did not jump in until towards the end of our story and Alex and I did not jump in until the very end.
"Jade, Beck, Robbie, Rex, I know that you guys might think that I'm crazy for saying this, but I believe them," Andre began, "I mean, why would they go through all of this trouble just to lie to us?"
"I second that," Robbie agreed, "Are any of you even from California?"
"No," Piper, Charlotte, Jasper, Henry, Captain Man, Nora, Billy, Max Thunderman, Phoebe, Mr. and Mrs. Thunderman, Louie, Frankie, Miles, Taylor, Ms. Hathaway, Mr. Preston, Carly, Freddie, Gibby, Spencer, Max Russo, Alex, Justin, and Mr. and Mrs. Russo all replied as they shook their heads.
"Not even a single one of you?"
They shook their heads again. "Nope."
"I agree too," Beck stated, "I mean, if they're not even Californians, then why would they travel so far just to lie to us?"
"Yeah, the furthest I'd go to lie to someone is one-hundred-twenty-six-point-three miles," Rex stated.
We all turned our heads towards Rex and gave him a strange look.
"That sounds like the exact distance between here, Los Angeles, and somewhere else!" Piper exclaimed.
"That's because it is! America is a pretty big country! I could drive that far if I wanted to without crossing a country border line."
"Ok, so ignoring that, Jade, are you in?" Carly asked.
"In what?" Jade questioned.
"Are you on our side? Do you believe us?"
Jade thought for a moment. "Yeah, I guess so. It looks like you guys want to take us somewhere so we can settle out your problems, and I'd rather go with you than go to school."
"Ok, me, loving school and all, that was not the answer I was hoping for, but I am glad that you are on board!" Phoebe told Jade.
"Me too!" We all agreed.
"Ok so, Piper, Charlotte, Jasper, Captain Man, Nora, Billy, Max Thunderman, Mr. and Mrs. Thunderman, Louie, Frankie, Taylor, Ms. Hathaway, Mr. Preston, Gibby, Spencer, Max Russo, Justin, Mr. and Mrs. Russo, Andre, Beck, Jade, Rex, Robbie, can you guys please explain to me what it is that you remember?"
"Ok," they all agreed.
I was shocked with what I was hearing. I was shocked that Sam had never interviewed Phoebe for the Countrywide State Essay Contest and vise versa, and that Cat had never interviewed Taylor and vise versa. That Max had never betrayed The Dark Twister and The Dark Hurricane, instead betraying Phoebe and Carly, letting Twister and Hurricane suck their super powers out of them and into their own bodies. That as a punishment, Mr. and Mrs. Thunderman confiscated all of his super villain belongings and made him watch super hero training videos, brainwashing him into becoming one. That the vandals who spray painted that library wall in Swellview, New York, saying mean things about Thunder Man and Captain Man, were never found, which meant that the FBI were forced to but these anklets on Carly, Gibby, and Freddie's ankles that had these tracking devices in them that prevented them from leaving the cities that they live in. I was relieved to hear that Max was able to take the anklets of of them and disable them. However, I was not relived to hear from Robbie, Rex, Jade, Beck, and Andre that the reason why Cat has been gone for over a year is because Nora Dershlit, Linda, Steve, Mack, and Paul Marty are still holding her captive. They told me that the police have been searching for her for so long that they have almost given up.
"We need to find Sam so we can find Cat!" Henry cried after hearing what Andre, Beck, Robbie, Rex, and Jade told us, "God knows what those maniacs could have done to her by now!"
"Alright, so do you want the next place that we go to to be Sam and Cat's apartment?" Carly asked.
"Yes, I do! We need to get over there like right now!"
"Hey, if you guys don't know how to get there, I could lead the way since I do," Robbie offered.
"That's ok, Robbie," Phoebe said, rejecting Robbie's offer, "Carly and I have this."
"Oh, ok."
All of the sudden, Carly and Phoebe held out their wrists. Wrapped around them, were black wrist watches. They looked just like the one that Sam had used to teleport herself, Jade, Robbie, Rex, Andre, Beck, and I to Louisiana. They then began to type something on the touch screens on their watches.
"Ok, everybody hold onto either me or Phoebe!" Carly ordered.
With that being said, Piper, Charlotte, Jasper, Henry, Captain Man, Nora, Billy, Max Thunderman, Mr. and Mrs. Thunderman, Louie, Frankie, Miles, Taylor, Ms. Hathaway, Mr. Preston, Freddie, Gibby, Spencer, Max Russo, Alex, Justin, and Mr. and Mrs. Russo grabbed onto Phoebe and Carly. Jade, Andre, Robbie, Rex, Beck, and I quickly pulled ourselves up off of the cold, hard ground and grabbed onto Phoebe and Carly. Carly and Phoebe then tapped a button on their wrist watches, which caused us all to disappear into tiny, blue molecules.
"Don't worry, Cat," I thought to myself, "As soon as we get Sam, we're coming to rescue you. Don't you worry."
A/N: I just wanted to announce that RyanSmith020 is making a book called, Suite Life:10th Suite Anniversary, which will sort of be like a spin-off to The Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans Series! You guys should totally check it out when you get the chance!
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