Exxon's Log
Dake wasn't injured, but my sister insisted on doing a thorough check-up. As usual. He wouldn't be joining our roster, so his uniform was plain grey, none of the trimmings the rest of our uniforms had. It had the same protections, it just wasn't marked.
The poison/venom type was next, and I was just hoping we wouldn't have any problems between Dake and the girl, Nila, was it? Plant types and poison/venom types never got along.
"What did Obsidia mean by the getting along bit?" Syl asked as we walked back to the ship.
"Plant types don't usually get along with poison/venom types. It's a history thing," I replied.
"They don't get along for about the same reason predator and prey don't get along. Poison/venom types are often on worlds with plant types, and usually, the plant types are the prey. It's a generational thing," Obsidia offered.
"That's one way to put it I suppose," Dake said, shrugging.
"Still stands. As little fighting as possible," Obsidia said.
"As little as possible?" Syl asked skeptically.
Obsidia snorted. "Like two teens whose species have a history of fighting are not going to fight at all. Moons, throw ten teenagers together and there's bound to be fighting."
"I suppose you're right, but the Fantasyverse house gets along fine," Max said.
"Cause there's all that room. Have a fight with someone, and you don't have to see them at all unless you want to, or it's dinner," I pointed out. "And besides, they get on freakishly well."
"I guess they do," Syl conceded.
"You two do too," Obsidia pointed out. "It's like you're one person, kinda freaky."
"Admit it, we're all a little freaky," I told her.
"More so according to humans," Max agreed.
"We're not from Earth, what did you expect?" Obsidia asked, amused.
Syl shrugged. "Nevermind."
I gave him a weird look. He was making that weird face that Secilia always makes when she's thinking about something. Usually, something that she called nerdy.
"Hey, Lance, open the hatch please," Obsidia called as we approached the ship. The hatch swung down, and we walked inside.
"Took you long enough," Elance commented.
"Oh shush you," Obsidia sniped back.
"I'll lead you to your quarters," I said, gesturing for Dake to follow me. "Over here."
Being on a rather small spaceship, the quarters were more like barracks, and not really decorated, but when you have to worry about the Senhir attacking you every minute, stuff like decorating falls by the wayside. Plus any paintings and such would just fall off the wall. The ship did an awful lot of jostling during battle.
"Which bunk do I take?" Dake asked.
"Whichever one doesn't look like someone's slept there before. We're not exactly strict about making beds. The girls are in the other room. But do try and keep all your bedding on your own bed. Steal other bed's bedding if you wish, just keep it on your own bed. The beds do have a rails option, so if you're a turbulent sleeper, you are kept on your bed."
"Helpful," he said dryly.
"Yeah, Secilia put it in. She does most of the upgrades for our ship. She's gotten it to the point where most of the mechanics don't even know how to repair our ship, let alone upgrade it. Cause of rules, we have a blueprint of the ship, but it is in no way accurate. At all. Especially the wiring and such." I realized I was rambling, and stopped talking. "Sorry, Exxa always says I ramble too much."
"Nah, it's fine. I think it's cute," Dake replied offhandedly.
I blushed. Of course, it didn't really show up on my dark skin, but I did it anyway. "O-oh, okay." I don't think he realized he was causing an existential crisis for me at that point. Mostly cause oh my moons and stars, he just said he thought my rambling was cute.
After a little bit of silence, which was filled in my head by my silent freaking out, I turned and trotted off. Of course, as it was both my, and Exxa's break time, I went straight to my sister for help. I mean, come on, who doesn't go to their sister with stuff like this? (Max and Syl say that I could've just gone to them, and it would've been a lot less embarrassing, but eh.)
(Alright, I'm not telling you about my talk with my sister, all you need to know, is that it involved a lot of embarrassment on my part, and a lot of plotting, giggling, and shipping from my sister. It was supremely embarrassing, and I am really glad no one else heard. So very glad... I mean, I love my sister and all, but... shipping. No, just, no.)
We stopped by to pick up Nila next, which thankfully went off without a hitch. I was still mildly freaking out and was avoiding Dake as much as possible while I tried to sort it out. I'm fairly sure he thought he'd offended me, but who knows. He seemed to take it in stride, avoiding me as well to make my job easier. I guess maybe he noticed the panicky looks my sister kept telling me were appearing every time I saw him.
Nila was friendly enough but avoided Dake, and he did the same with her. At least they didn't really argue much. That was good.
Nila was brightly colored, with an odd patchwork of bright yellows, reds, oranges, and a few splotches of neon purple, oddly enough. It's normal for poison/venom types to be colorful, after all, Max keeps saying all the prettiest ones are the most dangerous. I think he might have been A, talking about girls, and B, quoting something. She also wasn't planning on staying with us, she was heading towards the science section, probably to develop new antivenoms and such. A lot of poison/venom types work in the science section, making new medicines and antivenoms/poisons.
Plant types tended to work in the terraforming sections, remaking worlds so they could hold life after they'd been razed to the ground by the Senhir. Plant types could often control plants, making them sprout up faster then you could blink. Dake, of course, was only a teen, and still had a while before he could do that sort of thing.
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