Dark woke me up this morning early, because he wanted to speak about something. I am worried and nervous. Has something happened? Did I do something wrong? Those questions continuing to run amongst my thoughts. I sit on my throne and try to stop thinking, proven quite difficult, I think about Anti. How nice it was to see him again last night, he truly is the one I love. Soon enough I hear the sound of lightly clanking armor, and his heavy foot steps. There is a slight amount of urgency in his pace and I look up seeing the look on his face. "Dark what's wrong? Are you alright?" I ask worry and distress written all over my face. "Yes, well no, but. Ugh." He walks to his throne and sits down next to me as we always do when we talk. "I have to tell you this one way or another." he says looking down, and twiddling his thumbs. I look at his questioningly, he looks up at me again. "Mom and Dad don't approve of you and Anti together. They don't like him nor do they trust him. They plan to get you to two break away from each other." He says sadly knowing I don't like the other guy, and that I truly love Anti. I look down and begin to sob slightly. "This isn't right it was all fake wasn't it?" I cant believe my parents they don't ever listen to what I want only what they want. I bring my knees up to my chest and cry into them visibly shaking. Dark kneels in front of me and hugs me, rubbing my back, in a comforting way. Eventually we hear the throne room door open and in walk my parents. I dry my tears as Dark gets up and sits in his throne. My mother looks at e with a concerned look. "Sweetie, are you alright?" She comes over to me and goes to put her hand on my shoulder, I grab it and hold it. placing a look of angry and sadness on my face. I let go and walk out with Dark following behind me. "(Y/N). Stop." I stop in my tracks and turn around. "What?" Anger and ache lacing ever sentence. "You cant just-. They are still our parents." He states calmly but sternly. "You just told me, that they are planning to try to get rid of Anti. HOW CAN I NOT BE MAD!" I shout, with tears beginning to stream down my face. "(Y/N), calm down." I put my hands up and walk to my room, away from him and my parents. I slam my door and lay on my bed. Hearing a knock I look in the direction of my balcony. Anti is standing there in his usual outfit looking at me worried. Getting up I go to the door and open it for him so he can come in. Since I am still crying slightly, and sniffling he hugs me. "What's wrong? What happened?" He asks holding my cheek in his hand. "My parents don't agree with us being together." I say clinging to his waist. I drop to the floor, him following as he holds me closely. "It'll be okay, they cant do anything. Just don't let them make you think I am bad, like before." He picks me up and lays me on the bed. I grab my pillow and latch onto it. "I wish I could go back to your castle with you, but they would know right away." I sniffle some more. He lays down next to me and hugs me tightly. "I can take you away from here and your parents, but not right now. I will see you soon. I-I love you." He says, then kisses me and jumps off of the balcony onto the grass. Leaving me thinking about two things. One, He said he loves me. Two, how the hell does he land that drop and go running off like that. Shaking off any other thoughts I get up, wash my face, leaving my face clean. Not wanting to put on make up, I walk out of my bed room and into the hallway. I hear shouting, it sounds like my parents.
Anti POV
Walking into the stables at home I get two horses. I tie the one horses to the other and I hop on mine. Beginning to head back to (Y/N)'s palace I think of a plan to get her out. 'I will just jump off the balcony with her.' I chuckle and smirk at the thought and click my tougne to make the horses go faster. "I'm coming to save you (Y/N)!"
Dark POV
I walk quickly and angrily back to my parents. They are really starting to get on my nerves. "Mom, Dad!" I say loudly walking into the throne room. "Yes Dark?" My Mother says. "How could you two!" They look at me confused. "What are you btalking about?" Father asks. "(Y/N), she was cruying because of you two. You both are liars and cannot be trusted. She loves Anti and Anti loves her. You are so blind!" My mother approaches me with her hands up. "Now dear, we are only doing whats best for her. She is our daughter after all." Not caring for what she has to say, I put my hand up and stop her in her tracks. "You both crossed their kingdom and I cannot forgive you guys for practically taking away, (Y/N), Mark and I's child hood. We were friends with them. She has a future with a wonderful person." My father walks towards me. "Son! You are out of control!" I shake my head. "No, I am protecting my sister from terrible adoptive parents. Mark and I may be adopted but, we sure as hell love our sister more than you two ever will." They both gasp and look at me. Anger clouding their judgement and thoughts. "I cant believe you Dark! How would you ever know that?" My mother shouts at me. "This Kingdom may have secrets but, not everyone of them, is kept hidden. I should have you tweo thrown out of the kingdom. You no longer rule! My finace and I will fix all the problems you two caused and get rid of the slander that is said about this family. You two will have nothing to do with it." I finish my stement and walk to (Y/N)'s. She walks out and I call out to her. "(Y/N), wait can we speak?" She sighs. "Yeah sure." Smiling she walks over and hugs me and apologizes. "I am sorry I yelled at you, your not the one making me upset." I chuckle and hug her back. "Hey its okay. Is Anti coming to visit you tonight?" She looks down and away. "I will take that as a yes then." I ask and she nods yes.
Time Skip
Dark and I are waiting for Anti to show up. "Dark I'm nervous what will Mom and Dad think about me after this?" I say a little shaky. "Don't worry I told all the guards to keep quiet about it. Mark knows as well and he wants you to be happy." He says giving a smile full of sympathy. "Thank you Dark. You are the best brother I could have ever asked for!" I say wanting to cry because I will miss him. "You'll be fine I am not worried at all. You are strong. Now one question, do you have everything." I nod signaling that I do, and I put on my cloak as we near the front. I see Anti riding towards the front avoiding the commoners, as they stop and stare. Anti comes to a stop and hops off. He waves and I run and hug him. "Hello my Love!" He says with an obvious smile on my face. Dark gestures us to come over and speak to him. "Now Anti what are your plans for this to work?" He looks at me and starts to speak. "I plan to stop by my castle and, get food from our castle then, we are going to continue to travel through each kingdom coming and going. We will stay one night and then move again. This will go on for about the next couple of weeks hopefully." He finishes and I smile up at him. "I wish you two the best of luck." Dark says handing my bag to Anti I put my cloak hood up and so does Anti. I hug Dark once more and I hop onto the other horse, following Anti closely behind. Dark waves as we leave. I think to myself, I will see you again soon brother.
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