Chapter Five-Freedom
My shadows guide me to the right place and my hands start shaking the second I arrive at the top of the stairs. The Hybern fort is relatively abandoned, but people still mill about here and there. But not here. Not at the top of these stairs.
Endless darkness stretches out before me and I take a deep breath before starting down the steps. "You are not alone." My shadows assure me and I cling to that as I descend. I have darkness of my own now too. My shadows writhe around me and I let them explore as I peek in every empty cage in search for my own. "We know this place well. Many died here. Many feared here."
"Yes." I agree mutely. "Including me." I may not have died here, but the person I was before did. She died with her family, then her husk was used and abused until I was reborn different. Made different.
"We were born here as well. Here, and in many places like this." My shadows go on and my apprehension fades a moment in favor of curiosity. I know my magic is different, but they don't usually speak to me like this. "We're close now." They warn and my steps freeze as I lift my head to see a cell at the end of the hall. One with a skeleton still on the far wall. "There is no need to fear the past when you are fear itself."
Logically, I know that's true, but my body still shakes as it did all that time ago in the freezing cold. Each step closer sends a drop of dread dripping down my spine until I'm standing in front of it and my muscles are starting to ache with how I'm clenching them. Memories flash through my mind and I struggle not to panic.
"Kaira, are you alright?" Azriel's worried voice comes over the bond and I block him from seeing where I am. Still, his voice allows me to breathe a little easier.
"I will be. I'm not in danger." I tell myself as much as him.
A beat passes and I feel him warring with himself. "Where are you? I'm about to leave for the townhouse." He says and I take another few cleansing breaths before pressing my lips together.
Azriel has put so much trust in me again and again. I can trust him with this. "I'm in Hybern." There's another pause as pure shock courses through him.
"Where in Hybern?" This question is chosen carefully and has me sighing.
"You know where, Azriel."
"I'm coming."
"No, you are not." These words are said aloud and I flinch at the echo down the halls. "I need to do this on my own."
"I need to do this. I can do it."
"I know that. You can do anything, but you don't have to do it alone."
Tears prick my eyes at the sentiment, but I'm adamant about this. "I need to know that I can do it on my own. I love you. I'll see you soon." I promise and he's silent before I feel him pull away.
"He understands. He has been caged as well." My shadows say and at least the distraction stopped my trembling. I nod to them and move to the door to push it open.
The creaking makes me flinch, but I don't hesitate before walking inside. "I know. It's not that I don't trust him or want him here, but I don't want him to see a cage and be reminded of his own. The same reason I didn't bring Rhys." My eyes look over the cell and the skeleton within it before my shadows slither over it. "Who were they?"
Darkness takes its time washing over her before tendrils return to me. "A young woman. Someone not much different than you, but who did not have the strength to survive." Flashes of memory assail me and panic begins to creep in again. A loud clang has me spinning around to see the door shut. I'm instantly there and yanking on the door.
"No. No!" I shout as the panic now takes over and I start ramming my body into the rusting metal bars. They creak and groan, but don't give. Even with my new strong body, I still can't get out of this place. I'm still trapped.
"You are not who you were back then. You have power now." My shadows tell me as tears leak down my cheeks. "We are the darkness. We are fear. You do not have to cower." They tell me without a touch of grace or kindness. "Get up, Shadow of Velaris. Get up." They command and swirl around me, but when I stand it's only by my power. I embrace my fear, thrive on it, use it to drape my surroundings in the darkness that once cradled me in safety. Roughly, I wipe my tears away and shrug off my coat before carefully placing the girl's bones within it. I won't leave her here to rot in this pit.
I cradle her close before letting my shadows drape over me slowly, as Rhysand does. I allow myself to feel the sheer power I contain, I control. Then I release it on the dungeons that once held me, but never will again. Metal clangs as my shadows rip every bar from the stone from this entire level without a trace of effort and yank every chain from the wall with glee. The building above me groans as dark talons rip into its very foundation before I pull on their reins. Hybern wouldn't appreciate it if I destroyed this place even though it's very tempting.
"We have things to do," I tell my shadows while they return to my back of curls and I stare out at the space in front of me with no bars. Nothing holding me back. And nothing will again. I step out of the cage and turn to look at the space that not only can't hold me, but won't hold anything ever again. My arms tighten on the bundle of bones before I turn and walk to the top of the stairs and winnow out.
At first, I'm not sure where to take the bones. There's the beautiful area around the lake, the Steppes, but none seem to fit. Finally, I simply return home. A shadowed hand takes less than a minute to carve up the earth and I gently set the bones down so they'll be facing the river. "You were there in my darkest hour and you rotted in that pit too. I hope here you may find peace here as I have." I whisper and leave them warm inside my coat before climbing out so my shadows can shove dirt back over the grave. I leave three sticks at the head and promise to get a proper headstone before I hurry inside.
After a long conversation with the hounds not to dig in the yard, I'm changed and flying towards the townhouse. Tonight makes it two days until Solstice and everyone should be gathering there. Although I know one sister who will be dragging her feet at the very least. I coast to a stop at the front door and take a moment to steady myself. Part of me is exhausted from the mental and emotional trials today, but another part is exhilarated. I'd faced that place and it didn't conquer me. I conquered it.
Laughter echoes from inside and brings a smile to my face as I finally push open the door. I'm silent as I shut it behind me and bask in the relief from the chill outside. I've barely done so when Azriel is in front of me and scanning my body for harm. "I'm fine," I assure him and run a cold hand over his cheek. He catches my fingers and raises a brow at the scabbed-over scratches there, then pushes back my coat to reveal more. The upper half of the right side of my body is dotted with them from ramming into the rusty bars. I sigh and let him slide my coat off my body and his frown deepens at the sight of more scratches.
I'd chosen my outfit for tonight a week ago and didn't want to go through the pain of choosing another to hide the superficial wounds. Thick straps wrap around my neck and under my wings to leave a decent amount of skin exposed. It's a lovely pine green and I hurriedly piled my curls on top of my head in a twisted braid to show it off. Still averse to skirts or dresses, my bottom half is in flowing black pants that make it look like I'm floating when I walk.
Azriel's fingers coast over my arm and I melt into the touch which has his posture softening as well. "Fine does not include injury,'re alright?" I allow him to feel my body and how even though certain body parts twinge with soreness, I truly am okay.
"Perfectly fine and I will tell you what happened. Everything." I promise as my hands slide over his chest to soothe him further. It takes less than a minute to speed through the events as his hands slide gingerly over my arms. When I'm done, we take a moment in the hall standing forehead to forehead. Pride shines in his eyes and he lets me feel it as it overrides his worry and concern.
"And you argue that you aren't trouble."
A smile takes over my face. "You love me for it."He rumbles quietly with laughter before we pull away. "But right now, I'm starving," I tell him aloud and his lips twitch as he nods.
"Then get your ass in here. Az has been guarding your plate all night." Cassian says and my eyes roll as I walk in, but there is a plate of still steaming food sitting at the table. I squeeze Azriel's hand in thanks before I'm kidnapped by Cassian and I let loose a stream of laughter as he scoops me into his arms to spin me around. "Where have you been? You missed us learning that Amren doesn't know how to piss." He sets me down and that wild grin never fails to make me smile.
"Watch it, soldier." Amren hisses with casual eyes surfing over me. "You smell like death, girl." She bids and my eyes cut to Rhysand casually sitting on the arm of Feyre's chair.
His gaze is knowing as he shakes his head, but flicks his chin to my plate of food. "Better eat that before Cassian beats you to it." I smile gratefully and shove Cassian behind me before moving to the table. Conversation picks up again as I pause and glance at my mate already watching me from across the room. I look from him to the chair, then back again to find a smile tugging on his lips.
He walks over and settles in the chair, then I happily plant myself sideways in his lap even as his cheeks brush pink. "Is that all I am to you? A seat cushion?" He teases quietly and I smile while holding my delicious, warm plate of food in my lap.
"A very good seat cushion." I posit and the corner of his lips inches just a bit higher. "And one with other lovely uses." The memory of us earlier in his office flashes into my mind and his arms around me tighten slightly.
"You've been ravenous lately." He comments and his eyes shine with the double meaning.
The smile I give him is absolutely devious. "I'm always ravenous for you." His throat bobs as he swallows and I feel him shield our scents from the rest of the room. Something that Rhys and Feyre never do, but Az is more private than them. More sensitive to the thoughts and opinions of others. That's part of why he's such a good spy.
"We are in a room full of people." He barely says with our eyes trained on one another. Gods,the way those eyes burn could set me aflame. The food in my lap has almost completely been forgotten.
"We are."
"And tonight I will go up to share a room with Cassian."
"And you supposedly with Nesta."
"But you choose now to..." He struggles with his next words and I laugh softly before pressing a kiss to his lips.
"Afraid of a little challenge, mate?" I goad and cold fire dances through his eyes that makes me bite my lip.
"Oi, enough of that. Get over here and drink instead of whatever the hell you're doing." Mor calls and I slide out of his lap with a wink, then walk over to her and take a glass before sitting next to Cassian. His arm instantly falls over my shoulders and I shake my head at him already on his way to being drunk. I look back over to Azriel's burning eyes and he nods.
"You're on, mate."
The rest of the evening, we tease each other into heated messes with casual touches or comments. Az keeps a shield tight around the two of us to keep our privacy intact, but I doubt everyone is oblivious to our game. I claim victory this time because the only way Az keeps himself from hauling me away in his arms is by passing out on the couch opposite of Cassian. There's a soft smile on my lips as I look between their peaceful, sleeping faces.
"So," Rhysand's soft voice jerks me from my thoughts and I look up from my seat between the Illyrians to look at him across from me. "You went." He finishes and I nod. It wasn't really a question after all.
"I had to. And I had to do it alone. Even with objections." I whisper back with a hand waving towards Azriel. A grin cuts across Rhys's face before he tilts his head towards the other room. Silently, I rise and brush a hand over Az's hair before following Rhys to the room across the hall. He shuts the doors behind us and I speak before he can. "It wasn't for lack of trust of you that I went alone."
Rhys nods with that smile growing fonder by the minute. "I understand. I'm also touched that you're worried about my feelings, little sister."
My eyes roll and I elbow his ribs while he laughs. "Only in the respect that Feyre might string me up if you're too bruised." I combat and he absolutely shines at the mention of his mate. They'd gone out after dinner and going by Feyre's frown when they returned, it was to visit her stubborn sister.
"As for objections about your activities, it's only because he loves you." Warmth fills me along with surprise. I'm not sure anyone has ever said Az loved me before, but I'm glad everyone can see how we feel. Glad we wear it like smiles on our faces.
I drag out a dining chair and settle down in it while nodding. "I know that. I feel the same when he's off doing whatever he's doing." My gut dips at the thought of the danger he gets into without me knowing about it.
Rhys sits in a chair across from me with a soft sigh. "You also have a talent for trouble."
"Shouldn't that be comforting? I'm certainly more trouble than most things out there."
He snickers and shrugs. "Most. Not all." He points out and my eyes roll. "And he is not the only one who worries."
I look over at him and shake my head even though I'm smiling. "That is because you are all overbearing mother hens. You most of all." He doesn't deny it, but his blue-violet eyes do shimmer when I meet them.
"But it wouldn't hurt you to be a little more careful. Or at least more open with us."
"And it wouldn't hurt for you to trust my judgment more," I tell him gently, trying to be fair but also unwilling to compromise.
His eyes burn into me for a few moments before he nods slowly. "Fine. I'll try if you will." Challenge shines in his eyes and a little mischief too.
I fight my smile as it tempts me, but it eventually wins out. "A bargain then." His grin widens and I look to my right pinky finger as ink twirls around it. Looking over to Rhysand reveals the same mark in the same place. A pinky promise it is, then. Cute.
Rhys and Kaira's relationship is just *heart eyes* I'm so proud of my babies. Cassian and Azriel have looked after Rhys since they were young and now he has Feyre, but with Kaira things are different. Just like the way Rhys is different with Kaira than her brothers were with her. Being apart for so long and finding each other, naming each other family as Rhys does all the time, adds a preciousness to their bond that families that grow up with one another forget about. Family won't always be there and that's something both of them know very well. Intimately. So there's a tenderness between them, and an understanding of what each other has gone through, that allows them to care for one another in a way that is wholly unique.
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