Chapter 9: A new toy
A.N. Danny is speaking with every specie on its native language. When he is speaking English, the words will be written like this.
It was going much better than Phantom anticipated. Not that he was going to complain about it. On the contrary, he personally welcomed everyone who was willing to join his cause. However, Danny wasn't happy with the reasons some of them joined. They feared him. His display of power and ruthlessness was terrifying, so they joined only to be sure Phantom doesn't snap their necks or cuts them down with his lightsaber. Danny tried to sound polite and gentle to everyone in order to calm his new subordinates. He continued to assure them that no harm will come to any civilian or surrendering soldier. Phantom also publicly warned that every soldier who continued fighting would be eliminated.
The threat didn't work so good. Many soldiers continued resisting, the fights kept going. The biggest group took stronghold in the building of the capital administration and refused to surrender. Phantom personally took part in eliminating the last remaining loyalists. After leading his troops through the first line of defence, snipers and shooters in the windows, Danny managed to break inside the building. The rogue soldiers were taken by surprise when he started deflecting their blasts back at them. And the last thing you may wish is to be trapped inside narrow corridor while fighting against the lightsaber combatant, even if amateur one.
And now they were brought to their knees, both literally and figuratively. Danny looked down on their downcast faces, humming under his nose, as the soldiers grimly awaited their execution.
"You have killed plenty of my men," Phantom commented, twirling the lightsaber in his hand for intimidation. "Be it someone instead of me and you would have shared the fate of your comrades," he gestured towards motionless bodies lying nearby. "But...I'm a strong believer in second chances. My offer still remains, since you are the officers, you either tell us what you know or die. Simple enough, isn't it?"
"We will never tell you anything, scum!" One of them spat.
"Boldly spoken."
The soldier started to choke, he tried to breath, but something was gripping his neck too tight. He fell on the ground. Phantom didn't even need to raise his hand to do this trick. Once the soldier's skin started to get a blue shade, he released the man. The soldier panted deeply, gasping for every bit of air he could breath in. The others stared in horror at the brutal display of power. Danny sat on his knee near him, and Phantom's deadly green eyes bored into the man's.
"I'll give you time to reconsider your decision. Move them to their cells, I'm done here for now."
His subordinates nodded and led the survivors out of the room, leaving the ghost teen alone in the half destroyed hall. Danny hummed, getting on his feet. Now he understood the populace's fear. Yes, they better fear than hate him, but he needs to show them that he was not a cruel power hungry monster. But he needed the imperial codes, whatever it takes to get it. Phantom closed his eyes in contemplation, before feeling that he wasn't alone.
"Rufus, is there anything you want to talk about?"
He sensed a wave of surprise coming from the commando.
"How did you know it was me?"
Danny chuckled. "I sensed your emotions. Who else could come to me with a feeling of annoyance and the high expectations?"
Pax clapped his hands sarcastically. "Yeah, yeah, then you probably know what exactly I want."
Phantom dug in his pockets, before taking out a shining datacard and handing it to the slightly older man. Rufus took the card and smashed it with his hand.
"From now on your reputation is clean as the toddler's tear," Danny smirked without looking back. "What are you going to do now?"
"Don't know," Rufus shrugged. "Don't want to serve in the army again. No one saw my face so no one will suspect me, but simply suppressing revolts is boring. I want to fight with Chisses again. They are the real fighters."
Danny turned around to face the former soldier. "And what about your own army?"
"Oh, I get it, you want to convince me to join your rebellion."
"Indeed. After our marvelous victory we have about ten thousand men and women in our ranks. Of course, not enough for an open fight, but it is still something. Her Majesty is unaware that the planet is out of her control, I made sure of it. Well, it is going to last for a month, until the tax collector arrives. By that time I plan to build up strong enough defense."
"You are freaking insane," Rufus shook his head. "Yes, after we lost the last war with the Assenndancy the Imperial Navy is strictly limited, but there is still more than enough ships to wipe out the entire planet!"
"I'm as much insane as required. Because the sane person like you would have never attempted to go against the stellar empire alone. Now look around, we won, and our numbers grew hundred times. This is the first step and only one of many. I have a further plan of action, and I'm sure it is going to work."
"I think the sorcerers hit you pretty hard," Rufus muttered. "What are you planning?"
"I'm not obliged to tell it to the one who is not the part of The Rebellion," Danny smirked, putting his hands behind his back. "What did YOU think I was planning?"
"Get the ship to get out of this planet and as far from the empire as possible."
Phantom laughed. "Surprisingly, you are very close. The admiral's lapdog will arrive here in a few days. He needed to put some new toys on his ship, plus he saved money by putting cheap and slow hyperdrive. By that time we will be ready to capture his dreadnought. Then we will destroy the hyperspace beacon so no one will be able to get here."
"And what are you going to do then? Declare independence?"
"Sounds tempting, but it's too early for that..."
A sudden beeping noise interrupted their conversation. Danny took out a holocom and turned it on. The Rebellion female soldier showed up.
Phantom created his own small design change to the standardized rebel's armor. They all were wearing the imperial armor, but painted in black and white, instead of white and orange. However, not every set of armor was repainted, and since the friendly fire had to be avoided, not everyone was wearing them.
"Sir," the rebel nodded. Danny nodded in response.
"What is it, ensign?" He asked. "Nothing serious, I hope?"
Many wondered how Phantom was so productive. He controlled the planet for less than a day and he already had done a lot. For example, he introduced military ranks, since their numbers grew considerably. This small army needed strict organization. And to create all of this in twenty hours was something to be proud of, even if duplication
"No, not at all, sir," Phantom could sense her nervousness all the way through the communication. "You ordered to inform you when the sorceress wakes up. She is awake now."
"Thank you, I'll be there shortly."
Danny turned off the communicator and looked at the commando.
"I've got to go now," he created a portal with a wave of his hand. "Think about my offer, Pax. It will be really sad if I will have to kill you one day."
And with that Phantom stepped inside the portal. He reappeared in an underground complex. It was based right under the governor's home and was used as a prison. That's where Danny threw all the former governmental representatives. The surviving sorceress, however, was put in a special cage.
Danny made his way through the shady metal corridors, lightened only by the weak red lightbulbs. His figure could be easily spotted because of shining white aura surrounding him. Once they saw their leader, the rebels guarding the cell stood still.
"Open the doors," Phantom ordered curtly and they obeyed. One of the soldiers turned to the console and pressed a few buttons, before the door slid open.
Danny calmly stepped inside the room. There he was greeted by his own security measure - an ectobarrier. The sorceress was a Force user, after all, leaving no security measures would have been foolish, and Phantom was not a fool. The barrier dispersed for a moment, before closing right behind the ghost. The cell was what you expect from it, future or not, physical needs are the same to anyone. The sorceress was sitting on a metal bed, not looking up at him, with her mask still on.
Danny smiled slightly. "Well, good morning, I guess."
He sat on a chair near the table and gestured for her to sit as well. She didn't. Phantom tapped on a table with his fingers.
"You are in no mood to speak, are you? I am not going away without answers, so you know."
The sorceress stayed quiet, before finally responding. "Turn off the cameras first."
Danny chuckled, before looking at where the camera was. He nodded and the small red dot turned black. The sorceress got up and sat in front of the ghost teen.
"I'd like to see the face of the one I'm talking with."
He sensed a wave of annoyance and aggravation. "I can shut down the ventilation system in this mask and force you to take it off. I let you do that before I take action," Danny continued with a calm expression and amused tone.
She finally took off the mask, letting the ghost teen see her face. The sorceress couldn't be older than him, seventeen maximum. She had dark purple hair, which seemed black in some places, with her eyes being the same color. Of course, there was that natural orange skin color. Phantom looked a little surprised.
"What?" She snapped.
"I expected you to be older," Danny leaned back on the chair. "This helmet changes voice drastically," he murmured, thinking about something.
If she had fallen to the Dark Side completely, her eyes would have become yellow and red. Yet they had natural color, it was a good sign.
"I didn't catch your name," Danny looked back at her.
"Because I didn't say it," the sorceress muttered. "My name is Komand'r."
Phantom smiled. It was going better than he expected. "Hm, commander, funny."
"What's funny?" She almost growled.
"Just my home language, nevermind."
A silence settled for some time. Two Force users just looked at each other, each having different thoughts. While the sorceress wanted to rip his throat and stuck it somewhere where the sun doesn't shine, Phantom was trying to choose the best way of continuing conversation. However, it was Komand who spoke first.
"Where is Hodor?" She asked.
"Dead. Killed with this," Danny took out the lightsaber and her eyes widened. "That is precisely the reason I came here. Where did you get a lightsaber?"
"A what?"
Danny raised his eyebrow. Did she even know what she had wielded?
'Wait, I said that in English,' He realized. He automatically switched to his own language, which meant that this word didn't exist in theirs.
Phantom twirled the hilt of the weapon in his hand. "A lightsaber," he attempted to translate. "That's the name of your weapon. Where did you find it?"
"It is a family relic. The...lightsaber never worked until I held it. Maybe it feeds from magic..."
"It is called 'The Force', not magic, and yes, it can be charged during meditations or by contact, if the conditions are right. But. The lightsaber wasn't made by you, and so you lack the required connection to it. Let me show you."
Phantom put the weapon on the table. It floated in the air, before starting to dissemble by itself. Part by part he was getting towards the main element, and with one final twist, the cyber crystal was taken out of the special cage, lighting the entire room with crimson color. Komand stared at this, she never tried to look what's inside. She was afraid to break such a powerful weapon.
"Each Force user makes its own lightsaber. The key component - a cyber crystal, is tied to a certain person, so no one will be able to use the other's weapon just as effectively. I saw this when we fought. You couldn't use the lightsaber well enough to best me, no offense."
"And this 'Force' that what you used back then?" Komand asked.
"Not at all, I prefer using ghost powers," his hand glowed red at this, and Danny couldn't help but smile proudly. "But the entire potential of the Force is yet to be found. It can leave the entire planets lifeless, it can obliterate space armadas, it can create new life forms and heal any wounds. It's an energy, flowing through every living being, no matter how small the being is."
'And not only living beings,' he added mentally.
"But look at me rambling," Danny chuckled. "I'm here to listen your story, after all. So, what are the origins of this weapon?"
The sorceress looked down in thought. She will be assisting an enemy if she tells him, even if she didn't know what Phantom was going to do with the newfound information. On the other hand, Komand'r could learn more about the Force in exchange. Maybe one day she will get enough power to kill that arrogant bastard sitting in front of her. Pros were definitely bigger than the cons.
She sighed. "It came from my ancestor. Actually, he got it from the outlander. He was visiting a border planet, they were preparing for a war against the Chiss Assendancy. When they saw an unauthorized ship, they took it down. No survivors. There wasn't many of them, though, only one. He looked a bit like you, with white skin, as he described. One of your kind?"
"I don't think so. The beings of my race don't leave our planet, they are unable to. I am the first one to venture into space. Were there any other traits?"
"Black hair and blue eyes, that's all. There were some datacards and other things on the unknown language."
"Most probably it was human. They are the most populous race in the galaxy," Danny crossed his legs. "Go on with a story, please. What was he wearing?"
"Some kind of armor. Yellow, black and red. The journal wasn't that generous with details."
"Hm, on the contrary, we now know a lot. We can guess that he was neither a Jedi or a Sith," Komand raised her eyebrow at unfamiliar terms, but Phantom didn't notice.
"But how this man got a lightsaber, though?" Danny hummed. "This one was made by a Sith, only they make curved lightsabers. Plus the color is a dead giveaway. And they aren't the most generous bunch. Then it was either stolen or taken from a dead body. The last one is unlikeable, but possible. But the fact that our supposed thief ended up here means that he was trying to run away."
"Believe me, where he is from it will be considered a suicide to make a hyperspace jump here. He must have been very desperate. So he WAS being followed, probably by its owner. Notice, I found that only by knowing that he was from the Republic. Take that, Sherlock. How long ago that was?"
"Thousand years ago," Komand answered, stunned by his line of assumption.
"So the owner is dead by now. I doubt that the Sith who let someone steal his lightsaber could live for long. I believe I heard enough for now."
Danny rose from his seat and left the cell with a thoughtful expression on his face. Phantom looked down at now his lightsaber. Even if it was almost clear how it ended up in the Unknown Regions, he still didn't know its true owner. His search narrowed to thousand years ago, he needs to find out which Sith Lord 'reigned' back then and he will possibly get his answer. Nevertheless, Phantom got the lightsaber after defeating Komand'r, and the Sith blade should respect the power, possessed by the ghost teen.
Phantom created a portal and reappeared in his chamber, formerly known as the governor's bedroom. It was painted typically in orange and black. There was a king sized bed, untouched by the ghost, since he didn't have the need in it. Many weird artefacts on the shelves, they were simple objects of art, nothing of interest for Danny, even if they looked rather peculiar. He spent a lot of time in that room, carefully planning what he was going to do, drinking a lot of coffee tasting stuff.
There was one important question which needed to be solved. The question of property. The slavers were imprisoned, not executed like many people wanted. Phantom was feeling merciful, they could be valuable tools for his plan. Sadly, the populace didn't see all the possibilities. He could understand that, hate is a one way to becoming blind.
Their property, on the other hand, was a more touchable topic. They wanted to do a typical communist thing - take from the rich and share among the crowd. Nothing wrong about that, but better not forget that there were also good rich men, who fairly earned their money. It was good to be able to sense lies. Phantom protected them from the populace, but he let the crowd have fun with their former masters. What exactly? Well, some things better be left unspoken.
Danny sighed, dropping on the chair. Life was so much easier in GIW compound. Not without daily tortures, but it WAS rather simple. Get up, go through torture, wash away the blood and ectoplasm, go to bed. Still, his afterlife may not be easy, but it sure was interesting. Speaking of interesting, he had an admiral to converse with. Phantom turned on the communicator, which was situated on the table. His call was answered almost instantly. A full sized hologram of the aged man appeared.
"Ah, Outlander, is there a reason for your call? I'm busy right now."
"Aand you are just as impatient as before," Danny grinned. "I have done my part of the deal. Scaball is currently occupied counting all the cockroaches in his cell."
Phantom rolled his eyes. "They are the most unkillable pest insects on my planet. They can even survive an orbital bombardment. I'm saying that my part of the job is done. We are the government here now," he crossed his legs with a proud smirk on his face.
"Do not jump over your head, Outlander. This is only a temporary measure, you are getting out of this planet as soon as I get there."
"Which is..."
"Five Valor'rum days, I will arrive by that time and then you get off. Am I clear?"
"Sure thing, old man."
The admiral closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "What exactly are you planning to do?"
"We put a small fight and eventually let you win," Danny shrugged.
"Your men are going to die, then," the old man pointed.
"Yes, but the others will live freely."
The admiral snorted. "You don't have any principles, do you?"
"I do, but every action has own losses. Heh, I sound like Vlad now."
"Free me from your inner problems, boy. Make sure you put a believable fight."
With that the transmission was over. Danny sighed, running a hand through his hair. He really was becoming like Vlad. But...Phantom suddenly found himself accepting that fact. It was easy to criticize the half-ghost, when Danny was a naive champion of Amity Park. Now, on the other hand, he was in the same situation as him. It was stupid to think that Masters gained all the influence and money only with possession. No, he was cunning and deceitful, knowing when to remain loyal and when to betray.
'We are more the same than you think, little badger,' he used to say.
Plasmius was right in some way. They had something in common, but unlike the older halfa, Phantom had principles. He would never cause any harm until it was necessary. The choking act from before was a show. He never planned on killing that soldiers. But there was no need for them to know that. As for the admiral, he served his purpose, Phantom never planned on simply leaving the planet. Especially now, when the population was almost entirely on his side.
Danny smiled deviously. He was going to have both the ship and the high ranking imperial officer.
Danny watched the green screen in the headquarters. The screen was showing the radioactive interference, in other words, hyperspace exit. If the dreadnought comes, they will know and greet the ship properly. The rebels were fussing around, doing their own preparations. They learned how to use the yuthanean machinery and electronics. Not on the level of mastery, but it was acceptable. Former imperial instructors, siding with the Rebellion, could train them just that in such a short time.
"Ensign, the status of the ion cannon?" Phantom asked.
"Fully operational and ready to fire, sir," she responded.
Danny nodded, "Wait for my signal and only then start to charge it."
The operative rebels' eyes widened. "But...sir, their engines will shut down, too! The ship will fall down on the city!"
"Not if I have anything to say about it," Phantom smirked.
Darth Nihilus kept his ship from falling apart with a little to no effort. On his current level of strength, plus the size of the arriving ship, it could take some of his energy, but not that crucial. However, he couldn't use his ghost powers while holding the dreadnought. Danny was practicing on the space debris, moving an enormous pieces using the Force.
But he was not supposed to hold it forever, after all, the systems should restart after fifteen minutes. More than enough to get aboard without any trouble. Danny just hoped that the admiral will not unleash his wrath upon the citizens. Otherwise Phantom's good mood will be ruined.
"Commander, the dreadnought exited the hyperspace!"
"How much time we have before it gets here?"
"About ten minutes."
Phantom turned around and took his way to the exit. On the landing pad was a jet fighter, which could also be used as a transport for his men. He could just fly there, but the other rebels couldn't. He mustn't be overconfident, he must be ready for any surprises. If they find the means to trap him, there must be a support from his subordinates, and the other way around.
"What a nice day it is, huh?" Danny asked Haseas over the sound of the engine turning on and the storm raging on the distance.
"If by that you mean a eight points storm then I can't agree more," the second in command responded sarcastically, coming inside the fighter.
"Aren't you going to take any armor?" He asked.
Danny was wearing the same dark robes he bought on Coruscant. He came to like them. The robes were very light and didn't slow his movements - perfect for the Force user. But yes, they couldn't even stop a usual metal bullet, which meant it was not the best protection.
Phantom smirked cockily. "I'd like to see them try landing a single hit."
Inside the ship were ten people, pilot not included. They had already situated themselves in the special seats when Danny and Haseas came in. It wasn't hard to pick the rebels to go on the mission. Not many had enough guts to go against the dreadnought with AT LEAST thousand battle droids aboard. Who knew, maybe there was even more. Everything Danny had were the plans of the ship and its capabilities, including how much soldiers it could carry.
To ensure that the dreadnought won't bomb the ground, he created that storm. The ability was called just that - a Force storm. It combined the telekinesis and Force lighting. It manipulated the nearby atmospheric conditions to whip the weather into frenzy. Skilled enough user could create the storm several kilometers in diameter. Phantom certainly was, he covered an entire city and nearby territory. Without lightings, though, he didn't want to damage anything.
He needed to give coordinates to the ion cannon, because the blindness worked both ways.
"Sir, we are coming above the clouds," the pilot informed through intercom.
"Procced further," Danny ordered. "Everyone, keep your cool, it may feel a little strange, but no harm will be done."
Everyone watched with curiosity when Phantom put his hand on the wall. Then, much to their surprise, the surface started to dissappear. Sensing their fear, Danny turned to the rebels.
"Relax everyone, we are simply going invisible. You are not going to fall anywhere, and you will become invisible as well."
That put them more at ease, but they still felt uncomfortable not seeing own bodies.
"Pilot, status," Phantom asked.
"Eh, it's...unusual. I don't think I will be able to land in the docks if we remain invisible."
"This is temporary. By the time we get to the hanger we will bypass all the cannons."
After a few minutes they finally exited the cloud cover, and the dreadnought showed up before their eyes.
It was two miles long, in a shape of 'H' letter, painted in black with orange outlines. Its two decks were connected with the third one in the middle. The front deck was about 0,8 miles wide, while the back deck, including the wings, was 1 mile in width. The ship's forage had something like the wings flipped to the side, and each of the wings had two turbolasers. They were for shooting at the target ahead. The surface of the wings was armed as well, with laser and blaster cannons providing side defense. Five massive engines were located on behind.
The middle deck was armed to teeth with seemingly everything the galaxy could offer: turbolasers on each side, a big amount of laser cannons, ion cannons, tractor beams, etc. The bridge was located there, it was a small square construction on top. Smart move, it will be hard to land a direct hit on such a small target. However, the position was rather bad, Danny would have moved the bridge to the back of the dreadnought. If you put a lot of eggs in one bag, don't complain later if you drop it and break all the eggs.
The front deck didn't have that much weapons, not a single turbolaser, only the smaller cannons to protect the ship from the starfighters. However, there was something else. A huge circular hole in the centre. Phantom acquired the blueprints of the dreadnought, and he knew what it was for. Once fully charged and fired, it could tear the enemy ship apart with a massive beam of energy. The ghost teen couldn't believe that such a monstrosity could even get in the air.
'Just how much energy it wastes?' Danny thought. 'Most probably it can't use all the weapons at once.'
Of course he was thinking about how the ship works, after all, it was soon to be his.
"Sir, we are approaching the hanger. It would be nice if you dropped invisibility!" The pilot warned.
"Inform the cannon on the ground about the coordinates. We need to take precautions."
The ion cannon was supposed to shut down the defences in case they won't be able to get inside.
After his order was completed, Danny started to count.
"Prepare to fly as fast as possible, dropping invisibility on!"
He removed his hand from the ship and it flickered into invisible spectrum. Almost instantly the ship's firepower was unleashed upon the much smaller fighter. The pilot was skillful enough to evade most of them, nevermind burning wing. Plus, they were close enough to the hanger, so the cannons didn't have much time to shoot.
The landing wasn't exactly what you call pleasant or soft. They rode on the bare bottom of the ship by innertia. Thankfully, no one was hurt because of that.
"Well, that went better than I thought it would be," Danny commented as some of the rebels hurled on the floor. "What are you waiting for? Get moving!" He ordered.
The rebels exited the ship. The hanger was big and could fit in about thirty starfighters and bombers. They were empty at the moment, since they required pilots, instead of being the droids themselves. Phantom led his troops to the exit. He took out his PDA, which showed the map of the dreadnought. His plan was to get to the bridge and force the admiral to surrender. They went towards the exit, and were greeted by the first squad of droids. Besides the usual one eyed droids, there was one twice bigger human size, with two built-in guns, who was walking on three thick legs.
They opened fire, and the rebels hid behind the starfighters, retaliating with fire of their own. Danny turned on his lightsaber and started to deflect the blaster bolts back to the senders. His bigger concern was the bigger droid. Phantom pushed the droids back, which gave him time to approach. He cut off the droid's leg with no effort, making it fall forward. Danny shot an ectoblast into another droid, before jumping and slashing the big droid in half. By the time he finished, Phantom was almost hit by a metal fist. One of the droids decided to engage in hand-to-hand combat. Danny managed to get a grip on the droid's neck and tore the head off. He looked around and saw that the other droids were down.
"Moving on, guys," Danny called, "We need to hurry."
The troops didn't object and followed their leader. On the way they faced even more droids and even turrets coming from the walls. Phantom was in front of the group and deflected most of the blasts, while creating small ectobariers for his men to hide behind. With one lighting strike, the droids were down. No common resistor could protect from 1,21 gigawatt in one lighting bolt. Danny couldn't always use lighting, otherwise he could damage something important. This ability couldn't be fully controlled.
Danny wasn't holding the weapon with both hands, as it was meant to be, nor he held by one in each hand. He held it in his right hand, while his left hand was free. He constantly shifted the Force lighting with ectoblasts, the former for the crowd, the last one for the direct strong hit. Sometimes he used telekinesis in order to drop something on his enemies, or push them over the edge into the bottomless pit. Such a waste of space, but it was still entertaining.
They got to an open space, with their destination being the elevator to the bridge. The rebels got there without any trouble, but when one of them called for the elevator, they were surrounded by the droids, who came from every entrance and started to approach.
"Uhm, is this a part of your plan, boss?" Haseas asked nervously.
"Not exactly. How long until the elevator gets down?"
"About twenty seconds."
"More than enough for me," Danny gave a fanged smirk. "I advice to close your ears."
The white haired teen breathed the air in, before unleashing his most powerful attack. A loud, echoing sound, so intensive that it could be seen to the naked eye. The green waves of energy flew forward, tearing apart pieces of metal from the ground, droid's body pieces, and those who managed to keep themselves in one piece were tthrown into the wall with such a strength, that they were broken afterwards, leaving dents on the wall. The rebels closed their ears and grimaced, even with closed ears it was too loud.
After everything on his path was destroyed, Danny closed his mouth, smiling slightly. He was a full ghost, he couldn't turn human. And since his power grew, he was able to stay on his feet and retain his ability to fight. Phantom turned to his men, who stared at him with wide eyes.
"Told ya," he said cockily. "Oh look, the elevator is here."
The rebels looked behind and saw that the elevator doors were opened. They went inside, thankfully it was spacey enough. Danny was the last one to go, but suddenly he stopped as the sudden thought occured in his mind.
"Guys, go without me. I'll scout ahead."
The others looked confused. How was he going to get up first? Still, they obeyed. When the elevator doors closed, Phantom flew up in the air and through the ceiling. Danny got to the required floor. He softly stepped on the floor, looking around. It was one narrow corridor, without any protection.
"Huh, they learn from their mistakes," he commented.
Yet again, fighting against the lightsaber combatant in the close space was a deadly sentence.
The elevator behind opened and the troops stepped outside. Phantom leaned against the wall, smirking at their confused faces. Well, except Haseas, he got used to that stuff. Without extra words, the reunited group went through the corridor. They got to the door, but it was locked. Danny ordered to step aside, before igniting the lightsaber and slashing into the central line between two parts of the door. He sliced down and pushed it foward, effectively breaking it in two parts.
There was a 'path' to the circular platform in the center. Two small stairways led to the lower level, where all the navigation and weapon consoles were located. The rebels had company. Besides almost harmless piloting droids there was the captain. But not the admiral.
"Hello there," he said, obviously smirking under that stupid helmet of his.
"Captain Hex," Danny grinned, twirling the lightsaber in his hand. However, under that grin of his was a great displeasure.
"If you are looking for the admiral Pompeus, he'd like to talk with you."
The Captain pressed a few buttons on the table, before a hologram appeared on it. The admiral was smirking down at the ghost teen.
"What a surprise," he said. "I just knew you will betray me. So I decided to take a few precautions. You will surrender, and then delivered to the capital for execution for the crimes against the Yuthanean Empire."
"What makes you think I'll surrender that easily?" Danny tilted his head to the side.
"You seem to care about that scum you call 'rebels'. If you don't surrender, I'll order to start bombardment."
"Oh, is that so?"
Phantom put his hands behind his back, pressing a small button on the bracelet he was wearing. The rebels behind noticed the movement,
"You are just as arrogant as always," the admiral commented. "Do you seriously think that you can stop the ship by yourself?"
"Not stop," Danny grinned. "Hold it, on the other hand..."
The second he said that, the entire dreadnought started to shake violently as the purple beam hit it. The clumsy droids stumbled and fell on their butts, along with some of the rebels. The holocom shut down, along with all machinery powered by electricity. Phantom was probably the only one nonphased by the fact that the ship started to descent unwillingly. He planned all of this beforehand, that's why he ordered to charge the cannon even before they launched the small attack.
"Sir, we are being hit with an ion cannon!" The droid stated the obvious.
"Thank you, Captain Obvious," Danny deadpanned.
Hex looked at the ghost teen, holding the nearest railing to stop himself from falling.
"Are you NUTS?! We all are going to die!" He shouted.
Phantom sighed loudly, waving his hand. "Then I have nothing to lose," he mumbled, "But since I need this ship intact..."
He sat on the ground crosslegged, closed his eyes and started to concentrate. The dreadnought started to slow down. They were halfway through the clouds when the ship stopped falling and steadied itself, still completely shut down. Phantom opened his eyes, only to see a gun pointed at his face. He wasn't bothered, he only grinned toothily.
"So, cap'n, want to kill me?" He asked innocently.
"Nothing personal, kid, I'm being payed too well."
"Yes, but you can't kill me. For two reasons. One, I'm the only reason you aren't a pancake yet. Kill me, and you will die shortly after. Two, I doubt my friends will agree with you."
The captain suddenly noticed that every rebel present was pointing a blaster rifle at him. He sighed, before raising his hands in surrender. Phantom got on his feet.
"Well, cap'n, all I need is the droid access codes. Now."
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