chapter 21
I held my nose in disgust as a light breeze passed by and brought with it the repulsive stench of a dark alleyway, rotting food, spilled sewerage and most probably a mutilated animal or two.
I perched on a near by roof top getting ready for one hell of a show.
"I will avenge my brother!" Iida yells out recklessly charging at the Hero Killer. Stain just stares at him with pity and annoyance.
"You have no idea how annoying you fakes are. Going after me just to seek revenge, how pitiful. You aren't a real Hero!" Stain proclaims and leaps in to the air and tries to stab Iida but Iida moved out of the way just in time.
This game of cat and mouse went on for quite a bit.
I sat there thinking to myself 'Stain better not kill Iida because then he'd be breaking the rule and I'd have to deal with him.'
Eventually the game comes to an end and Iida gets cut and the minute Stain put Iida's blood in his mouth, Iida fell to the floor unable to move.
Don't kill him. Don't kill him. Don't kill him.
Stain proceeded to raise his sword above the fallen hero in training and prepared to give the final blow.
Now I have to get involved.
I noticed the inner turmoil that Iida was going through. As much as I would love a new hero turned villain at my side, he would be set on revenge and I don't want that.
I jump down from my perch and almost land on top of Stain. His eyes widen at the sight of me, he drops his sword and I give him a cold-hearted stare.
"Midoriya what are you doing here! This is my mission- I wanted to end him!" Iida cried, pathetically trying to claw himself to a wall, so he'll be able to stand up.
"How dare you say that! And you call yourself a hero. Heroes don't end people, they save people and you-you didn't save Native who is dying!" I bury my feet and turn my glare back to Stain.
He smiled a smile at me. "I know you will no longer give me what I want but ending you will be worth it." Stain declares at lunges forward trying to stab me with his other sword. I dash under him and snatch his other weapon which now lay forgotten on the floor. I lick my lips and try to devise a plan.
Stain makes the first move and I bounce off the walls and kick his back, and he stumbled but unfortunately regained his balance.
There is no way I can defeat him alone especially since I'm in his territory. I can't call one of League since that would be highly suspicious.
I dodge another of his attacks and lead him deeper in the alleyway.
I can always ask Alpha but I wouldn't be able to contact him without alerting Stain and I know he won't help me on my own, to him it will be like some big test, and he has faith in my abilities. Yet I can't use most of my high power moves that can actually do something as that would raise a high amount of suspicion from Iida.
Also, Analysis isn't giving me any ways I can beat him while keeping my damn cover which is an extreme handicap.
Another option I can call another Hero here but I really don't want to do that and there aren't any other Heroes in the area...
Then the Lady of Wisdom blessed me with an idea.
I leap onto one of the fire escapes and Stain follows me, waving his sword around like it was some toy. While narrowly missing his crazy sharp blade, I send a message to Tomura using my emergency contact device embedded in my suit.
Hosu. Now. Being nomus. Go crazy.
A bit scrambled but understandable. A couple later I give Stain a chilling smile as I hear the screams of the citizens and the yelling of heroes.
Phase 1-complete.
Stain backs me into a corner, I send my location out to my class from my personalized Nokia- it has all the functions of a modern phone, except the fragile touch screen, but at least if it falls it won't break.
I ignored Iida's frustrated shouts, angry comments and discouraged words as I walked back even further into the wall, he literally had me cornered. Which was fine, I can get out of a simple mouse trap. Stain menacingly swung his sword back and forth staring at me like a rabid dog.
"Do you know how annoying it was to find out that all my orders came from some kid. Who is pretending every day, such a hypocrite, how pathetic." He dangerously mutters.
I forcefully swallow the fear that had begun to build up in my throat and return a snarky comment.
"Please, you are the pathetic hypocrite. Who came running, when you found out just how much power we hold and you planned to use that power for yourself. For someone who talks a lot about dignity it surely is an undignified and greedy goal."
My statement seriously riled him up because he came charging at me with a new-found fury in his eyes but it wasn't like Bakugo's anger, it was calculated and precise, so I couldn't depend on him recklessly making a mistake due to his rage.
At that very moment I had a ludicrous feeling of wanting to laugh but I fought that feeling and did not give into the deranged temptation.
Before Stain could plunge his weapon into me as he so desired, a wall of blazing flames came between me and him, and Stain had to skid to the side, so he didn't get roasted like a turkey.
I turned to thank my 'saviour' and to my surprise and amusement it turned out to be Todoroki, my favourite pawn who I'm in the process of moulding, I gave him a relieved smile.
Now that Todoroki was here I didn't have to risk my cover any longer. We fought Stain together and it was a lot easier than fighting alone. Since Stain was after me he was rather annoyed that someone else had come to join our little Tango. As strings of profanities left his mouth I jabbed him in the stomach and slammed him into the mucky brick wall which had remnants of previous fights still stuck on it. Todoroki then blasted him with shards of ice and fire balls. Stain dodged the fire and sliced the ice as if he was playing Fruit Ninja.
Together we fought, kick, punch, fire, ice, Todoroki and I held the Hero Killer back until Iida's paralysis wore off, and he delivered a super charged axe-kick to his back, which was the final blow.
Stain was out for the count.
Oh, well it was fun while it lasted. I tied up Stain using the reinforced rope from my utility belt and also cuffed him.
"Hey Iida are you okay?" I ask eyeing his injuries.
He nods "No need to worry Midoriya."
"Good." I smile a deceiving smile before hitting him hard on the head and burning holes into his face with my almost toxic green eyes.
"That was for going after Stain even after I warned you against it and told you that it won't give you any fulfilment but you didn't listen. So I hope I knocked some sense into you." I said while scowling at him, some of my true personailty slipping through the cracks in my mask which I'll need to patch up later.
They just laughed and I cracked a slightly annoyed smile.
Suddenly over the top slow clapping filled the alleyway and standing there was Alpha. A huge smirk was on his face, "About time you finished up with your little brawl. I was beginning to think your reputation was all smoke and mirrors but you shined through." I rolled my eyes and scoffed at his attempt to annoy me. He turned around and started to march off but then turned his head to face me.
"Now that little game has ended are you ready to get going." Alpha said to my stationary figure with a predatory grin on his face which made even Todoroki shudder, but I was unaffected.
"We need to drop this pile of garbage off first." I chirp pointing to Stain. Alpha sighs and lumbers over to the bloodied Hero Killer.
"I'll drop him off at..." he questions eyeing me over.
I gritted my teeth, I really wanted to punish him more and Toga has been complaining that she has had nothing to do lately... but I can't just say that and if we drop him off at the police station we will get millions of questions. I sigh defeatedly. Not liking the unavoidable result.
"The nearest Police station but discretely please, don't want the police hounding after us more than they already will." I say fiddling with the edge of my hood.
I whip around and face my classmates. "Hey guys can you go attend to Native while I call the ambulance." They nod and scurry off, not wanting to be around my temporary mentor and teacher for another minute.
The rest of the night was a blur of red, white, blue, random faces and flurries of questions attacking me. The exhaustion and blood loss was setting in. I couldn't stand the noise any more, I left the scene and went on a walk, so I could clear my head. A stupid idea but still, I needed it.
As I was walking I swore I could hear another pair of footsteps behind me but I couldn't locate where they were coming from, I was whipping around like some schizophrenic person trying to find their monster. I clutch my head as the pounding headache becomes worse.
"Oh Bunny still as reckless as ever." A familiar seductive voice called out with amusement.
'No way! It can't be him, he is dead. But only one person calls me that. Or...after all this time is he still alive. Does Sparky still live?' My breath was rapid and I was feeling dizzy. Suddenly my body couldn't hold up any more.
"Izuku!" The voice calls out in distress and the sound of heavy footsteps come closer and closer, until they finally reached me.
I saw flashes of yellow and a hints of black. That doesn't make any sense, Sparky had dark brown hair. My vision blurred and I lost consciousness.
When I awoke the next morning I was greeted by the chief of Hosu's police, and he was unfortunately not an ally or friend of me or my dad, so I was prepared for the inevitable punishment. He knew we were the ones who apprehended Stain, he isn't daft, and our scent was all over him, so he would easily be able to connect the dots.
Thankfully we got off light and the recognition went to Endeavour and Alpha. Which I'm fine with, if the information got out that we defeated Stain (mere students) then I'd have the press hounding at my door and I wouldn't have a seconds' peace, not that I have any now.
After the half dog-half human chief of police left, us three survivors chatted a bit about arbitrary things- like food, the internships so far and, the one thing that had slipped my mind completely, exams. After an hour of talking we were ordered to get some well-deserved rest.
As Iida and Todoroki snoozed I lay up thinking.
Sparky, my dear friend since childhood, who was in the Slums with me, who had travelled the first 10 levels of the Underground with me. Sparky, the one that I thought was dead! Was actually with me this whole year.
Sparky is Kaminari.
Shout out to
They have really motivated me with their comments and messages. Thanks y'all.
Yeah so Kaminari was the one who knew Izuku's tattoos and scars, he was the one who was watching Izu in the first chapter and he was one of his friends mentioned in chapter 5- I think...
But he isn't the UA student who helps Izuku out, her identity will be revealed later on. 😉
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