Harry Styles imagines
Numerous short stories🥇 #1- harryfreakingstyles…
Numerous short stories🥇 #1- harryfreakingstyles…
sometimes the words left unsaid are the loudest in someone else's mind---)This book is full of sad poems which will make you cry.And so many words left unsaid.🎖️ #8 - wordsleftunsaid…
A love story of a ghost girl who has been wandering on streets for three years without being noticed by anyone until suddenly one guy notices her.…
Just you…
Daniella Maxwell had a crush on a popular guy in her school, Harry Styles who happened to be in her chemistry class. But she never got courage to tell him, so she expressed her love through texts. But what happened when Daniella lost her phone and Harry Styles happens to find it, will he read the unsent messages? Find out The story is all about texts at first.…
M.. Mary, Er..Eric, I stammered in shock while shaking. I looked at the two lifeless body of my siblings laying on the floor. I couldn't believe what was in front of me. I wanted to wake up from this nightmare but I couldn't, I closed and opened my eyes hoping that I'm just imagining things but "No" everything was real. They ware both dead. I screamed but no words came out of my throat. I was numb.…
DEATH is not the greatest loss in life The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.A bunch of JOKER quotes.…
What happens when Isabella Howard loses the guy she loved for so many years and the one she still love........ In the blink of an eye? Boom!!! Let's find out what she goes in through after that night when her life changed When everything shut in her life and the darkness became her best friend. Xoxo💝💖…
This story is full of my thoughts. All the things which are stuck on my mind. Sometimes my mouth can't translate all the things which are on my heart so I've decided to write them down.…
I hate that moment when you realize that you and a friend are drifting a way from each other. It's one of the worst feeling in the world to know that you and someone you were once close to are growing apart. And there's nothing you can do to fix it. You try to strike up a conversation with them when you get the change, just hoping the vibe you once had comes back again. But eventually you get tired of trying and accept the fact that nothing will ever be the same. Here is a girl named Hannah Rose McDowell who once had a very close friend. But One day her world fell apart.When the girl she once called her best friend Dakota Rowe stopped talking to her for a reason she never knew. So Hannah decided to write a thousand letters to her which were never even read.…