Friday, 5:00 pm
V: hey
me: oh finally you're back huh
You changed his name in your contacts again. Tae= Taehyung. Too= you like Hoeseok, but you like him TOO.
me: where did you go the other day.
Taetoo: Uh...
had some important thing to do...
me: about that photo...
I didn't scar your virgin eyes, did I?
Taetoo: Tf?
I have already lost my virginity
me: np
you can have mine ;)
Taetoo: ...
me: you didn't even tell me
Taetoo: Tell you what
me: about that pic I sent you
Taetoo: You're hot
me: and you're boring
how can you just say I'm hot
Taetoo: What else am I supposed to say?
me: you could say something like...
"I'll give you a nickel if you tickle my pickle"
Taehyung burst out laughing and only then he realized his mother and her friend were staring at him from across the table, sipping their tea and probably judging him silently.
Taetoo: You're so weird
me: at least I'm not boring
Taetoo: That's true though.
I'm kind of busy.
So you should go do your homework or something.
We'll talk later.
me: I'll treat you like my homework!
I'll slam you on my table and do you all night long ;)
Taetoo: Exactly what did you eat that turned you into...
this thing that you are?
me: I was born this way
Taetoo: Would you like to
You wanna meet up?
Nope. You didn't have it in you to face the guy you had been trolling with perverted jokes and dirty pickup lines because that would be super awkward to be sitting across him and remembering all the things you had said. It would be totally different when he's in front of you and you knew that.
me: uh? I d k...
I mean?
Taetoo: Thought so
Anyway, go study.
So you can pass.
more tests ;)
me: omg Kim Taehyung did you just say that?
and added a wink wonky emoji to it too?
are you serious?
me: Ah you've vanished again
me: ttyl.
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