18 Things I've Learnt in 2018
A friend did this a few days ago, and it really got me thinking about all the things that I've learnt and experienced this year that have made me either a better or a different person than I was before. So here is a comprehensive list of the eighteen things I've learnt in 2018.
1. I am more powerful than I give myself credit for, and therefore I should believe in myself more. This year showed me that I have the capability to do great things, I just have to put my mind to them and take more risks. There's no harm in putting yourself forward for something, and even if it doesn't go well it's the experience which can help shape you.
2. Some people will let you down in life, but don't take that as the norm. All my life I've always expected people to upset me or let me down, and I realise now that it's such a toxic way of thinking. Of course people will make mistakes, but to doggedly stand by someone when they've hurt you so much isn't being a good friend but being toxic to yourself.
3. Look after your body as much as your mind. My emotions manifest themselves in my body and vice versa. Therefore, a healthier body makes a healthier mind.
4. Sometimes doing nothing is all you need in life. Sometimes we all just need the mind-numbing peace and quiet of nothingness to calm us down.
5. Dating isn't worth anyone's time. I hate dates, they cost way too much and they always end in nothing. I've decided that in 2019 there will be no dating or crushes because it always leads to sadness with very little happiness in between.
6. You can handle a lot more pain than you initially believe is possible.
7. Do the things that make you happy, not the things you believe you need to be doing in order to be happy.
8. Don't drink too much, I'm not a fun drunk.
9. Try not to think too far into the future all the time.
10. Music will always make me happy, even if it makes me cry.
11. Life will throw you curve ball after curve ball, but the real test of a person is not how well they avoid these but how they get themselves back up after being hit.
12. Don't idolise people. It's unhealthy.
13. You may not always feel your best, but you have to leave the house and the sooner you accept this the easier life will be. I went through a couple of months where I didn't want to show my face outside, and everyday I just wanted to hide my face from everyone. Still it can be hard to go outside without makeup on, but I'm getting there.
14. When things are at the worst you can imagine, know that good things will always be there in the future.
15. Focus on yourself more than others. Be selfless, but don't forget that you have to be there for yourself before anyone else.
16. K-pop is one of the best things that has ever graced this earth, and has provided me with enough happiness to combat everything that has been hard to deal with.
17. You have to believe in yourself before others can.
18. While there are bad moments, there are also amazing ones. Don't always let the negatives cloud your vision.
I've had quite a hard year emotionally and mentally if I'm honest, and I'm hoping that in 2019 I will learn to focus on myself and improving myself. It will be probably the biggest year seeing as I am leaving school (god my stomach dropped just writing that) and hopefully going to university. I hope that you have all had an amazing year, and even if you haven't know that you have 365 days with limitless potential for happiness to come. Next year I am planning on releasing some new books, but I just want to thank everyone who has supported and read my works this year!
I'll see you in 2019 :)
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