Jack is playing Deltarune! Which if you dont know, is like a second Undertale! I heard the news the day it came out which is AWESOME!!!!!! But... it also gives me an excuse!
I found Undertale rather late, i only whatched it cuz i would binge whatch Jack's reading your comments videos and there were so many UT related things, i just kept thinking "the fuck is this undertale shit!?" Then they mentioned the soundtrack ans i gave up! So i exited the video and went to his UT series... first epusode and i was blown away just "OH MY GOD! THIS IS UNDERTALE! WHY HAVE I NEVER FOUND THIS BEAUTY!?" I whatched the whole series, genocide as well! I got Dragon into it and oh. My. God. That soundtrack! I love it to bits!!!!! The storyline! The characters! The soundtrack! The game! Ugh! I just love this game! I loved it immediatly! Dragon and I would whatch comic dubs! Undyne was one of our favorites because it reminded us of Erza from Fairy Tail. Another GREAT AMAZING WONDERFUL thing to exist! I FUCKING LOVE IT!!!! Natsu is amazing! I whatched the first episode a few weeks ago! Oh! You HAVE to whatch it! I love it so much! Its so badass! I always cry around the hundredth episode... the first time i whatched it i was sobbing! It was so sad! Why? Why did there jave to be an S class competition.... WERE GOING S CLASS! Aye the referances! Fucking Grey and his striping problem! Hehehe, strap into a chapter of this shit! Anyway... yeah whatch Fairy Tail, you wont regret it!
Oh! Voltron is super cool too! Ok ok ok ok ok ok ok OK! Back on topic! Undyne's theme tho... DA da da da da da DA da da da da da DA da da da da da! Amazing! Every day at school Dragon and I would sing songs and mimick the themes... then rack out brains trying to remember megalovania! Then we found the AUs... oooooh boy! The ships! The fandoms! The orgins! Everything were thrown at us! Just our normal conversation "wait wait wait wait... who? The fuck? Is that Sans!? He looks so cool! What AU is this!?" Oh i should say... AU stands for Alternate Universe! Ive actually made my own! Undertale NG! Its on my old account... but no one reads it anymore... and its really bad... but i still love the characters! Tansy, Nova, and Glitch are my babies! I raised them from inky words to drawings! And yes. Undertale NG was my very first public story! It was my very first Wattpad book! But i originally wrote it in a notebook a year before! So Undertale brought me to writing, it made Dragon and I closer and have more to talk about when we couldnt think of anything... we play a weird game where we see who knows more AUs! There are alot and that game could probably go on for hours! Anyway, Undertale... its just a purely perfect heaven. You can get lost in its content for hours, and learn more about each character's secrets! But then... now to talk about what everyone has been sitting on the edge of their seats for! Without UT, i never would have met JayJay, Henry, Haize, Felix, Beth, Mary, MT, Wolfie, and... i want to call her Joy but i dont know if she'll like that... but she's a new friend! We talk quite a bit! And the conversations are always very nice! But... I want to take the time and accept each and every one of the opportunities Undertale has given me.
JayJaysworld... you've heard this so muany times by now. But i can not thank you enough for everything! You... obviously gave everyone opportunities now that were just one huge strong ass family! But... personally, you inspired me to write even nore than Toby or my own desires ever could! I aspired to be like you, a random kid who has thousands of reads! That was a dream come true for such a small waste of space such as myself... i wanted so badly to be the big shots! The one everyone knew about, if they liked me or not! And... heh, just having ten other people that i know are always there ans i entrust theyll tell me when something is bothering them... especially if that something is me... and without you, none of that wouldve ever happened. So go outside and ealk the streets with your head high because YOU are a hero! You always will be from now on... thank you SOOOOOO much! For everything you couldve ever done!
MTSansy... honestly, i think youre WAY to cool for me... way out of my league... hehe, and you probably always will be! But... you have a beautiful voice... i only know about you because i just so happened to stumbled upon your singing video... for all i know, that video is probably long gone... but damn... that voice...
BeththeSkeleton334... i think im the most hopeful of you... that maybe, one day i can meet you face to face... i mean youre the closest to me... and if not thats fine i guess... your an amazing and beautiful person... and im more than lucky to know you!
FelixtheToon... i do beleive you were the first person i talked to out of my country... obviously you or Haize... and thats perfectly fine! Cool even! The whole world is a peice of shit and your lunies and tunies are stupid! But... your an awesome friend and im grateful were friends...
I bet your all tired of this... just sitting at home thinking 'shut the fuck up already!' And yeah, this really means nothing and i should shut the hell up... meh, too bad!
Haize_the_skeleton... i adore youre crazy personality. It shows you dont have a care in the world and your not afraid of who you actually are! And many people need help with that... so keep it up! Keep being you and all tuat pointless motivational stuff!
Marylyn101XD... man we havwnt talked in a while... thats fine though, no matter how much we talk im still Wildy! Hehehehe my first nickname, i fucking love it! Thank you! And actually, i felt as though you and I got along alot better than anyone else! Suprisingly... and id love to talk to you some more but... im very awkward when it comes to starting conversations... extremly quiet, shy, and nervous.... yay! Heh... anyway, i hope your doing well!
I cant find Wolfie... i hope she's ok...
blackmagicwiz, Groofin! Hehe, im so glad we can hang out so much more than when we were children. Well... we still are children but younger us! And im sorry November has been so busy that we cant just sit on your bed doing nothing... but im sure ill have more freetime in December! Plus, its almost here so hang on! Your one of my oldest friends.... i need to spend more time with you... we should plan a while two day weeked together! That would be fun!
Dragonheart1314, has it been four years together? Goddamn... and we probably habent chaged a bit! Maybe a small bit more comfortable around people but we were still weirdos! I hate that we cant be together as much... but the last weeked was super fun! I loved it! Especially Sunday, when the three PHYCOTEERS were together again! I dont think i spelled that right... awe well! I cant wait till we get to have another weekend together! Maybe we can play another drinking game... hehe, that would be fun! Right? Anyway, thank you for the... many unlonely years of the past, and im sure there will be even more in the future! And scare the shit out of people as spirits! *winks* hehehe oh god... i need to wink more... i feel lost...
WHATEVER ACCOUNT THEY GO BY, im not positive at the moment...
HenrySorielShipper or..
Ugh fucking load you stupid phone!!!! I hate this peice of shit....
Lets try again later...
SorielShipperHenry!!!!!!!!!!!!! (fucking finally....) anyway, you're insane! Nice heartfelt letter thing, right!? Hehe, im sorry! I love you! And i must agree... saying it is alot better than texting... but thats kinda obvious. After the call... my chest feels like warm embers are inside! I love it! Wait... im sorry this is a mess! hehehe...
So. Henry.... as you know, i never fantasized over ever finding love, and for a ling time i told my family boys were a waste of time! ... i regret that... and you'll never guess why!? But never have i been so excited over someone saying hello! Never have I actually enjoyed Daylight Saving Time, i get out of school and you can talk! Its great! Never have i been so nervous at just the mention of your name, either if its you or another Henry. My grandma found out yesterday and like i guessed she teased me about it... but thats ok! And i told her i really want to see your eyes, for some reason, but i... dont want to show my face in a call yet... i can wait! Heh, and lets just take a moment to highlight the fact that you fell for me with no fucking clue what i look like! That... is a fucking bold move. I think its safe tp say i am a 40 year old man in my mother's basement!!!!
Dont take that seriously... i dont have a basement, and there's no fucking way my dad would allow me to live with them until im 40! Hes constantly reminding me 4 years! 4 years and i get the boot! Hehe anyway, i hope you werent disappointed... i mean how many other brown hair, brown eyed girls have you seen!
I dont know what else to say... *snort* yes its perfect...
worth it...
And of course, thank you Toby Fox for forming my love for the game, music, writing, my friends, and Henry... without you... i dont really know where i would be... hopefully one day ipl he able to say this too your face, because this doesnt seem good enough for someone like you... but thank you so much for everything!
And i obviously wrote this, when Jack's first episode of Deltarune came out... then i stopped writing to pay respects for Aulora, and now its Thanksgiving... HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!! 🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃👨👩👧👧👨👩👧👧👨👩👧👨👩👧👦👨👩👦👦👨👩👧
Bye bye!
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