Extra Bio Stuff
"Cannibal"; 6"7; Beth's twin brother; Dark Grey; Known for having black horns and cargo pants with work boots on most of the time; very flirtatious; plays devious, dangerous and illegal jokes on people; roommates with Jhonnathan; HATES his grandfather Bensan; mother has passed and it's a very sensitive topic; extremely depressed but takes MDMA's and fentanyl; we're suggesting he might be immortal or immune to overdosing; Pansexual; likes to steal Jhonnathan's stuff to make him annoyed; Has psychotic episodes often; part black matter so can shapeshift; part demon & Stikingderion; fav food is, ofc, flesh; fav drink is CSF. (only found in spines)
"Fur Boy"; 5"9; No known family; light cream colored fur; Known for having a work strap on his shoulder connected to a work belt and having some red goggles on his head; Innocent little guy; likes being with people and NOT being alone; roommates with Stik; HATES being alone and is traumatized from his childhood; father has passed and mothers whereabouts are unknown; usually neutral when it comes to emotions; we're suggesting he might be looking for his family and childhood caregiver; Bisexual; likes snuggles and balls of rope; Has random panic attacks and is usually anxious about everything; part Stikingderion; fav food is jambalaya; fav drink is coffee.
"Psychopath"; 6"4; family is unknown; white skinned; Known for having black spiked armor on all the time for no exact reason or purpose; very creepy and weird; randomly will talk about people he's killed and their faces before they died with a smile; roommates with Red & Jhonnie in the outskirts; HATES the smell of salt, probably is a demon so; talks about how he had a family but who was in his family is always changing so no one knows if he even had a family; extremely happy 24/7 and loves genocidal people like Loc; we're suggesting he might also be a cannibal but we could be wrong; Sexuality is Unknown; Bites stuff to stop himself from screaming at random times; Has weird episodes often where he talks about people he's murdered; part walker; Stikingderion; fav food is goat liver; fav drink is bleach. (only liquid bleach though)
"Mom"; 6"6; Stik's twin sister; purple-ish lilac; Known for having a hair bun on her head all the time and messy hair from watching the group; very mature; usually tries to stop the group from getting into trouble; Lives with her husband Zione and their child Zione Jr; HATES her grandfather Bensan; mother has passed and it's a very sensitive topic; oddly neutral but takes MDMA's sometimes; we're suggesting she might also be immune to overdosing; Pansexual; likes Ed Sheeran's music; If annoyed enough, will snap and lose her mind; part glitched; Stikingderion; fav food is ice; fav drink is chamomile tea.
"John Doe"; 6"8; Beth's Hisband; Dark Grey with red & blue limbs; Known for having different colored limbs and eyes; neutral; plays devious & dangerous jokes on people; Lives with Beth & their son; HATES Bensan; mother and father are here and there; neutral; we're suggesting he might be...just a normal guy; Straight; likes to be with his family; No Psychotic Episodes; Stikingderion; fav food is chow mein; fav drink is, in simple terms, water.
The "Friendly" Demon; 6"6; demon from hell trying to make friends after being orphanized; bright red; Known for having red horns and long talons and legs; very goofy; plays devious, dangerous and illegal jokes on people; roommates with Jhonnie & Brute; HATES when people want to see his real face; parents are unknown and was an orphan; always sounds happy and wears a smiling mask; we're suggesting he might be hiding his face for a reason; Demisexual; likes to dance but isn't very good at it; Has psychotic episodes if pushed to take off the mask; part red demon & Stikingderion; fav food is, coconuts; fav drink is root beer.
"Outcast"; 6"8; No known family but might be related to Stik?; Black & Dark Grey; Known for having black horns and many, MANY, spikes on his back going down to his tail, arms and legs are only black at halfway point and down; very goofy; plays devious, dangerous and illegal jokes on people; roommates with Red & Brute in the outskirts; h doesn't like being bored; family wus unknown but he was raised by a Wendigo when he was very young; tries to stay happy and keep others happy; very good at parkour, possibly from the time with its Wendigo Caregiver; Demisexual; likes to jump off of the ceiling and say"Here's Jhonnie!"; will have a breakdown once alone for a long amount of time or without anyone to make happy; part demon & Stikingderion; fav food is unknown; fav drink is Koolaid.
"Alcoholic"; 6"8 but is usually never standing straight; known family has passed but forgotten about it; Yellow; Known for having a pipe bomb or TNT on hand 24/7 along with alcohol; almost always drunk; usually just "there"; lives alone but never remembers where his house is; HATES rocks because they were the cause of his lost eye; war friend, Gerald, has passed; depressed but is bipolar when drunk; we are still surprised by how he isn't dead yet from lighting bombs and forgetting to throw them along with too much alcohol; Straight (NOT CONFIRMED); when he wasn't drunk, he liked to go out with everyone and karaoke or take them out to eat; Has episodes often where he remembers war or dead friends; also forgets people; Stikingderion; fav food is saltine crackers from what we remember; fav drink...kinda obvious...
"Big Brother"; 13"7; Twig's older brother; dark brown with deep green eyes; Known for having a graduation cap on all the time; somewhat mature; likes axes; Probably lives with Twig; HATES being touched on the legs and neck; parents whereabouts are unknown; neutral emotions; we're suggesting he might be a half brother of Twig; Straight; likes "tea parties"; part time assassin with his younger brother; part Stikingderion; fav food is sinigang; fav drink is water.
"Skinny boi"; 6"3; Branch's younger brother; white with average black eyes; Known for having a scarred eye; not really mature; likes duel weapons; Probably lives with Branch; HATES being left behind; parents whereabouts are unknown; neutral emotions; we're suggesting he might be a half brother of Branch; Straight; likes Grilled Cheese; part time assassin with his older brother; Stikingderion; fav food is unknown; fav drink is water.
"Sugar"; 6"7; Family members are different names for Bob; white with a weird yellow crown; Known for having an addiction to sugar even though he has type 3 diabetes; just really likes sugar; likes sugar; Probably lives with nobody; HATES when people go anywhere near his sugar; parents whereabouts are unknown; average emotions; we're suggesting he might be immortal...he was nuked and came out without a single scratch; Straight?; likes...you'll never guess...sugar; part time father; Stikingderion; fav food is sugar; fav drink is probably sugary stuff.
"Hunter"; 5"11; Stik's adopted daughter; light pink with a single green eye and a single black eye; Known for being a bounty hunter that is secretly a minor; mature when needed to be; likes making stuff from scratch; Probably lives with Stik here and there; HATES being talked down to or being taken for granted; parents whereabouts are unknown; neutral emotions; we're suggesting she might be an orphan; Possibly Straight; likes to hang out with red (thinks of him as an uncle); part time Bounty Hunter; Stikingderion; fav food is "anything that's not poison"; fav drink is water.
Zione Jr.
"Baby Gunner"; 4"10; Zione & Beth's only son; bright red with yellow eyes; Known for being a minor with...a gun; 7 yrs old; likes hanging out with his parents; lives with his parents; HATES being talked down to and being called short; parents are Beth Proktor and Zione Proktor; neutral emotions; we're suggesting he is advanced for his age; Straight; likes to hang out with red (thinks of him as an uncle); part time "ninja"; Stikingderion; fav food is spam musubi; fav drink is horchata.
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