Chapter 16
Ash's P.O.V.
"So Ashy-boy. You haven't told me anything about your date with Serena."
Fast forward. It has been four days. It is Friday afternoon. Right now, it is the lunch break, and I decided to walk around the school with Gary.
"Umm, I wouldn't exactly call it a date..." I sweatdrop.
"Well, you hung out with her, just the two of you, ALONE. I'm pretty sure it was a date."
"You think so?" I look at him.
"Yeah. Now tell me. What happened?"
"Well, it was a fun day. We did the usual stuff people do at a carnival. We rode the roller coasters, man that was intense. We also played the mini games for prizes." I smile at the thought of that day.
"Ehh? Boring." He smirks.
"What? It was a great day, so shut your mouth." I cross my arms.
"Don't tell me what to do."
"Erg. Whatever." I roll my eyes.
"But seriously though. That's all you did?"
"Um, we watched the fireworks before we left the carnival and afterwards when I bought her home she..."
I pause when I realize what I'm about to say. I don't know if I feel very comfortable telling Gary about what happened after the carnival.
"She what?" Gary stops walking, causing me to stop as well.
"Come on Ashy-boy tell me. I don't have all day. The bell for fifth period is ringing soon." He says as he opens up his water bottle and begins drinking.
"She kissed me." I feel my cheeks burning up.
Gary spits all the water from his mouth onto me. He looks at me with a shocked expression on his face.
"SHE WHAT??!!"
"YOU IDIOT! YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO SPIT ALL YOUR WATER ONTO ME!" I shout at him as I wipe my face with my sleeve.
"Pika!!!" Pikachu says as it shakes the water off himself.
"Oh, sorry. I got surprised." He sweatdrops. "Here uh, let me help." He takes a dirty rag out of his pocket and brings it up to my face.
"No, I got it." I push his arm away and glare at him.
"I said I'm sorry." He rolls his eyes.
"Fine." I sigh.
"Anyways. Tell me Ashy-boy! Did she really kiss you!?"
"Yeah..." I nervously scratch my cheek.
"Woah...I never thought something like that would happen so early. I got to admit, I'm kind of jealous."
"I don't even know if we are friends anymore. She is acting like we are more than that."
"Then why don't you just ask her to be your girlfriend? There's no more time to waste, it's pretty clear she likes you back. She kissed you, man." Gary says as he takes another sip of water.
"I don't know...the kiss was only on the cheek."
Gary spits his water at me for the second time.
"WHA?! IT WAS ON THE CHEEK? I THOUGHT YOU MEANT AN ACTUAL REAL KISS, YOU KNOW, ON THE LIPS!" Gary shouts. "You got me all excited for nothing..."
"OKAY THAT'S IT!" I wipe my face with my sleeve and thump his head. Hard.
"Ow!" He rubs his head.
"You knucklehead. That's what you get for giving me another face full of water." I glare at him as I take his water bottle and throw it in the trash.
"Ehehehe, sorry!" He sweatdrops.
"Let's just get to class, the bell's ringing in a minute." I grumble and stomp away.
* * * * *
For the last few hours, people kept on asking me what happened to my face and clothes, because they were soaking wet. Right now, it is the middle of eighth period, and we are playing a game of soccer.
"Agh!!!" Gary grunts as he is pushed onto the ground of the field. "Not fair!!!"
"Five more minutes!" My teacher shouts.
"C'mon! We can do this! Score a point before the time is up!" I run towards the ball.
The score is 4-4. If we can score a point within those five minutes, we can score a point for our team and win the game.
I take the ball away from the opposite team and make my way towards the net.
"Oh no you don't!" Gary gets up from his fall and runs after me.
I pick up the speed to outrun Gary as I avoid all the members from his team try to steal the ball away from me.
"Ash! Over here!" Misty waves her arms in the air.
"Alright, get ready!"
As I am about to kick the ball over to Misty, I catch a glimpse of Serena not too far away to the left of me. She is running towards the opposing team's net, most likely getting ready to block any opponent from getting in my way. This may sound random, but I love the way her hair flows in the wind as she runs. It makes her look so attractive.
She stops in place, and looks back at me. I quickly look away, trying not too make it obvious I was already looking at her.
Looks like I spent too much time looking at her, because the moment I look back at the ball I was about to kick, it was gone.
"H-huh?!" I stop running. "Where did the ball go?!"
"Haha. You better pay more attention next time!" Barry says from afar, making his way to our net.
"AGH!!! Why you!" I glare.
"Aw man..." Misty facepalms.
Barry makes it to our net a scores a point for his team.
"And, time is up!" My teacher shouts. "The winner is the red team!"
"Oh yeah! We are victorious!" Barry jumps.
"Alright!" May jumps along with him.
"Way to go, Barry!" Iris gives Barry a high five.
"Good job, team!" Clemont cheers.
Serena, Misty, Dawn, Kenny, Paul, Drew and the rest of my team join me as I stand and watch the red team.
"In your face, blue team!!!" Gary smirks at us.
"Shut up!" Paul shouts back at him.
Great. Thank you, Serena, for distracting me. Ugh, why do you have to be so cute?!
"We lost last time, and now another loss for us..." Dawn sweatdrops.
"If only Ash payed more attention, we could've won." Misty rolls her eyes.
"I'm sorry! I just got...distracted." I nervously scratch my head.
"Well, you could have at least kicked the ball over to me before getting distracted for whatever reason!"
"Wha? So you are saying this is my fault?!" I take a step closer to her.
"Yeah! Only because it IS your fault!"
"You know what Misty? I will-"
"Ash, calm down!" Serena grabs onto my arm.
I look at her, and sigh. Okay, fine. Maybe it was my fault. Wait, no. It was Serena's fault, actually. If I hadn't seen her, everything would have gone perfectly fine. Agh, nevermind. What am I thinking.
"She started it." I mumble as I glare at Misty, who glares back at me.
"Let's just push this aside for now." Serena sighs as she lets go of my arm.
"Yeah. There's always next time." Kenny says.
"Right." I reply.
"Gather around!" My teacher calls.
I turn around and head to the teacher, while the rest of follows close behind.
"Congrats to the red team for their victory. As for the blue team, you may have lost, but you still did a great job."
"Thanks sir." Drew smiles.
"The bell goes in ten minutes. It takes time to change back from your gym wear, so I will let you all go early. Dismissed."
We change, and afterwards head to our bus.
"Man, I am soaking wet." I sigh.
"I already said I'm sorry for what I did earlier today! How many times do I have to say it?" Gary says.
"Calm down, man. This time it wasn't you. It's my sweat."
"Ick..." Misty gags.
"What happened earlier today?" Serena asks out of curiosity.
"Gary did something that pissed me of. Why don't you tell them?" I look at Gary.
"Umm, well when we were talking about Serena kiss-"
I quickly cover Gary's mouth before he can say anymore. There is no need for anyone else to hear about what happened on that night. Also, it'd be too embarrasing.
"Ehehehe, on second thought, let's just forget about what happened!" My cheeks turn red.
"Wait, you were talking what about me?" Serena looks at me as her cheeks turn pink.
"N-nothing! Gary is just a little sick today, he doesn't know what he's saying!" I blurt out as I remove my hand from his mouth.
"I'm not sick." Gary rolls his eyes.
Serena's P.O.V.
Ash and Gary were talking about me? About what? I hope it isn't anything bad....
Oh, right! I have to give something important to these guys. I totally forgot earlier today.
"Here, these are for you guys." I say as I take out a few envelopes from my pocket and hand one for everyone.
"What are these?" Paul asks as he opens up his envelope.
"You are all invited to my birthday party tommorow!" I smile.
"Oh right! April the 16th! I almost forgot about that!" May says.
"Mhm." I nod.
"You are turning 16, right?" Ash asks.
"Why you asking, Ashy-boy? You afraid of her being older than you?" Gary smirks.
"I was just curious. And I already turned 16 before I even moved here, okay?"
"Whatever." Gary shrugs.
"So where is it at?" Drew asks.
"Umm, about that...the party is being held at my mom's place in Lumiose City." I reply.
"What? But you live in Vaniville. You guys have another house at Lumiose?" Ash asks.
"You see, Ash. You don't know everything about Serena yet. She is like, rich." Dawn says.
"Dawn, I wouldn't use that word." I sweatdrop.
"What do you mean?" Ash looks at me confused.
"There is a picture in the envelope, Ash."
Ash digs into the envelope and takes out the picture. The picture is of a large, beautiful mansion.
"That's where it's being held at." I say.
"Where did you get the money for this?!" Ash says as he admires the picture.
"My mom is a famous Rhyhorn Racer. She was given the mansion as a thank you for serving as one af Kalos' great racers. So technically, we aren't rich, because she didn't buy the house."
"Woah...that's awesome!" Ash says with stars in his eyes.
"Smh. It's not that big of a deal. I have lived in a mansion for awhile as well." Gary smirks.
"Like I'd believe you." Ash rolls his eyes.
"Actually, it's true." Barry says.
"I am Proffesor Oak's grandson. in his mansion was good times." Gary says as he puts his hands behind his head.
"WHAT?! You are his grandson?!" Ash shouts.
"Yeah, Ashy-boy. You got a problem with that? Are you jealous?"
"Umm, no. It's just Proffesor Oak was the one who gave me Pikachu. He never mentioned anything about having a grandson. And no, Gary. I am not jealous."
"Still doesn't change the fact that I'm better than you." Gary smirks.
"Why don't you shut up?" Ash shouts.
I watch the two argue for the next few minutes. These two are always fighting like, every single day.
"Anyways..." I sweatdrop. "You guys need to wear something formal to the party."
"What?! Why?!" Kenny almosts shouts.
"Well, you wouldn't want to be in your casual clothes around her rich family members." Iris says.
"I said I am not rich!" I turn to Iris.
"That means I get to wear a cute dress! Eeeekkk! I am already so excited!" Dawn jumps.
"Aw great. I don't think I can go, I need to babysit Bonnie tommorow." Clemont sighs.
"You can always bring her along. She is welcome." I smile at him.
"Really? Thank you." Clemont sighs of relief.
"HEY! YOU KIDS WANT TO MISS YOU BUS OR WHAT?!" An angry voice yells.
We turn to see our bus driver waiting to drive us home. We must've been talking for a while and didn't realize class ended about ten minutes ago.
"Oh, sorry!" Ash sweatdrops.
We make our way to our bus and get on. I find a seat for myself and sit down. As I am about to place my backpack beside me, Gary quickly sits down.
"Huh? Gary!" I glare at him.
"What's the matter? There wasn't anymore available seats."
"Fine then." I sigh and place my backpack onto my lap.
I am really excited, because I have always wanted to turn 16, and now it's finally happening.
I imagine seeing Ash tommorow in his tuxedo. I start blushing as I picture of him in my mind. He will be so charming. I can't wait to see that. I also need to pick out the most cutest dress I have for him.
I look out the window and plug in some earbuds. Tommorow will be a great day.
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