Chapter 19
Everyone has been so distant lately because we all lost a best friend. More importantly, Kendall lost the girl that he loved. Jo and Camille lost their best friend. Logan and James lost their best friend. I lost my best friend. It was so quiet the day Natalie left, and we don't know what to do anymore.
"Guys, we can't just sit here and dwell on what happened. We aren't ourselves right now. Natalie was a big part of our friendship, and we can't let her moving back home tear us apart." James stood up, stopping in front of us as everyone was cramped together on our couch.
Logan stood up as well. "James' right. Yeah, I know that we aren't going to get Natalie back as of right now, but we need to get ourselves together. Kendall and Jo, you need to figure out what you guys are going to do about your separate fights with Natalie. Camille, you need to try and get Natalie to come back. Please, do what's right."
Logan had a point. Jo and Kendall ended up on bad terms with Natalie a day before she moved home. This might take some time, but I know that we will bring Natalie back, no matter how long it takes. Katie, on the other hand, hasn't had anyone to help her with her schoolwork or projects, and Logan can't even help her. Even though Logan's extremely smart, his brain wasn't functioning correctly and failed to help Katie pass the class.
"Mom! We have this test coming up next week and—" Katie was carrying a stack of books in her arms. "Kendall, can you help me study please? I can't fail this test."
Kendall stood up and followed Katie to the table. She opened up her books and followed Kendall as he helped her figure out a bunch of problems for at least an hour.
"I texted Natalie and told her she needs to come back. She hasn't answered, which is a sign that she won't. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm out of ideas." Camille showed us her phone and the hundreds of messages that she sent Natalie.
We took a long walk down to the pool and gathered together, but we all stayed quiet for a long time. I know I'm stupid and come up with the most outrageous and stupidest ideas, but I can't let everyone stay or be upset over this. As much as I'm upset, I can't let it get to me to the point where I shut down. Kendall's been doing that. He refused every girl that has tried talking to him, he won't even look at any other girls because he doesn't want to hurt himself even more than he already did.
Kendall woke me up in the middle of my nap. "Let's go. Gustavo needs us, I guess." There was no happy tone or emotion what so ever. Gustavo showed up at Palm Woods and basically started yelling and screaming at us because we haven't been putting rarely any effort into our music. How could we? Most of the songs we have are either about love or heartbreaks and Kendall definitely doesn't want to sing when he's been through both of them.
"Give Kendall a break, Gustavo. He's been through a lot and he can't help it. We'll sing, just let Kendall stay back." I said, taking my helmet off my head and holding it down at my side. Kelly was standing next to me, while James and Logan were talking and trying to calm Kendall down.
"I don't care what Kendall's going through. He needs to step up his game and start singing before I get fired. If Griffin doesn't have any new songs by the end of the week, you're all going to be done. Do you understand me?"
No one said a word because nobody wanted too. Gustavo was getting frustrated by every one of us and it's not something that we can control. If one of our friends are upset, we do everything that we possibly can to make sure they're okay and able to get back to their feet. And that's what we need to do for Kendall. Get him back up on his feet and get the happy Kendall back again.
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