Mikaela Hyakuya
(Y/n) = your name
Today finally, after a long week, I would have seen my boyfriend and I could have enjoyed the presence of the sweetest and prettiest vampire I knew, my Mika. He had been forced to spend the week out due to a commitment he had with Krul, the vampire queen. Of course, the kind of relationship he had with the vampire annoyed me a little, but in the end I couldn't forget that she had become almost like a mother for Mika.
I looked around trying to see him, he should have come soon and I couldn't wait to embrace him. Two cold hands laid on my eyes. "Guess who it is?" Whispered a voice in my ear. "Mika?" The vampire laughed freeing my eyes, moving his arms around my waist, tightening me to him. "I missed you." I whispered. "I haven't been away much." "For me it was a lot of time, I'm used to having you next to me every day..." Mika left some kisses on my neck. "I'll make you forgive me, my love, I promise you." He turned my body so that our faces were facing each other. "I've missed you too, my love." And he kissed me, it wasn't a desperate kiss, but sweet and delicate, as only he knew how to give. "And as I told you I organized something to make me forgive from my girlfriend." I smiled. "What?" "A romantic dinner. You and me. All alone." "It seems a great idea! When?" "Like when?" He laughed. "Tonight!" "All right, Mika." He gave me another kiss and then let me go. "Listen, I know I just got back, but I have things to fix before tonight. I've just come to make you a quick greeting, I'm sorry." I sighed. "It's okay. I'll see you tonight. We will have all the time we want to talk." The vampire stroked my cheek and smiled. "To tonight, my love. It will be a wonderful evening."
Of course I'd rather spend the whole day with Mika, but I couldn't do anything about it. I was still happy. I decided to take a walk around the city, just to relax a little before preparing me for the dinner. Coming back I heard the voice of Mikaela, I was approaching him when another voice joined that of the vampire. "I've had enough of it, Mika! You and (Y/n)! This story has been going on for too long! Decide a good time and make it over! I can no longer!" It was Krul's voice. For a moment my heart stopped beating. What did it mean? "Krul... I know... But..." "Mika is all week that we talk about this, you decided you'll do it tonight and so will be. Point. I can't go on like this anymore." The vampire sighed. "You're right Krul, I decided I'd do it tonight... I'll talk to her." And they walked away. I stood still for a long time... What did he mean? But it couldn't be, Mika wasn't cheating on me with the vampire. Or maybe yes? That conversation had insinuated the doubt within me. I thought back to what Mika had told me before, he seemed happy to see me again and to spend the evening with me. What if he pretended? What if he wanted to leave me? So why invite me to dinner? It wouldn't make sense, and yet... It was clear that the two hid something. And whatever it was I was going to find out that night. But I had the bad feeling that it wouldn't have been something pleasant. At least not for me.
I thought and thought back to if it was the case to prepare me well, in the end if the vampire was willing to leave me it wouldn't make sense, as it wouldn't have had to go to dinner after all. I tried to figure out what was the best thing to do, maybe if I had gone, he would be at least worthy to explain the reasons, to explain to me what had suddenly changed. He had to do it. I decided to prepare myself normally, as if I didn't know anything, in fact a part of me hoped that everything could settle.
Yet during the dinner the vampire behaved in a rather odd way. He seemed agitated and particularly nervous and this increased my doubts. For this, in the prey of anxiety, I decided to intervene. "Mika, look... Before I heard you talk to Krul..." The vampire's eyes widened. He sighed. "Sorry, (Y/n)..." I brought a hand on my mouth, upset. "You're sorry?" I whispered. "How long has this story been going? Mika, how long?" I asked with tears in my eyes and a tremor in the voice. Mika looked at me confused. "(Y/n), would you mind explain to me what's the problem? If not..." "Explain to you what is the problem Mika? Do you hear yourself? You betray me and you wonder what problem I have?" I started crying. Mika looked at me with a sad look. "How can you believe me capable of doing something like that?" "What?" "(Y/n) I'm not cheating on you..." "But today I heard you talking to Krul... She said she could no longer and that..." "And that tonight I would finally talk about it because it was all week that I tormented her, but you misunderstood, (Y/n)." "But..." Mika smiled. "It's another issue I have to talk to you about." He took a short break. "It's almost two years that we are together and have been the most beautiful years of my life. You brought me joy and warmth and you let me rediscover what it meant to live, to live truly. Thanks to you my life is better. In these years I have learned to love you and not to be able to live without your presence, what it means to have someone on whom you can always count. You are the most important person in my life and I know this will never change. For this in the last month I decided that I don't want to continue like this." I fixed Mika as he knelt in front of me taking a box from his jacket. "Will you marry me?" He said opening the box revealing a beautiful ring. For a moment I lost the faculty to speak. "(Y/n)?" Whispered Mika. I recovered me. "Yes, Mika. Yes." The vampire smiled and put the ring on my finger. Then he got up and helped me to get up. He smiled, taking my face in my hands. "I'm so glad you agreed. I was afraid you didn't want to." "How could I not want? I love you." I whispered. "I love you too." And we exchanged a long and passionate kiss.
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