i'm literally updating back to back so that I could go ahead and get finished with this book, lol.
"Yall are being so lame right now"Daijah says laying back on the bed.
"Well what do you want to do at 12 o'clock at night Daijah?" Chloe asks her putting another chip in her mouth.
"Prank call people, truth or dare, never have I ever. I don't know" Daijah says.
Currently I was sitting at the edge of Chloe's bed while watching episodes of Pretty little liars. Jazmin was sitting on the floor watching it as well with a bag of candy all to herself.
Mya was sitting on the bed polishing her toe nails and Monica was in the mirror taking pictures.
We all hung out and went places together earlier in the day. It was midnight now and Daijah was talking about playing games.
"Truth or dare sounds fun" Mya says.
"Okay, someone start" Daijah says sitting up.
"Monica come join us, you can take pictures and be pretty later" Chloe says.
Monica comes over and gets on the bed as well as Mya.
"I'll start," Chloe says "Jazmin truth or dare?"
"Dare" Jazmin says.
"I dare you to take the ugliest selfie you can, and accidentally send it to a really cute boy on your snapchat" She dares her.
"That's so embarrassing, but okay"
Jazmin grabs her phone and goes straight to her snapchat. She snaps a quick pic and scrolls down her list, selecting a random boy then presses send.
"Mya, truth or dare?" Jazmin asks Mya.
"You know im down for dares" Mya smirks.
"I dare you to lick Daijah's toe" She says.
"Ewwwww!" Mya squeals.
Daijah takes off her socks and lifts her foot.
"Lick these delicious toes girl. Your man sucks on them all the time" Daijah jokes wiggling her toes.
"Yall are gonna make me puke" She says grabbing Daijah's foot.
She brought her big toe up to her mouth slowly with her tongue sticking out and quickly licked it.
I scrunched up my face as Mya slapped her foot away and made a nasty face. The rest of them just laughed.
"Asia, truth or dare?" Mya asks me.
"I dare you to lick your elbow, and if you can't you gotta eat a spoon full of mayonnaise" She says.
"Thats not fair no one can lick there elbow" I whine.
"Fine. I dare you to text Indya and say that you just sucked some dick and then say wrong number" Mya says.
"Oh my god" I laugh.
I grab my phone and do as told, before turning to Daijah.
"Truth or dare?"
"Dare" She smirks.
"I dare you to run outside, in nothing but your bra and underwear." I say thinking she wouldn't do it.
She immediately pulls off all her clothes and heads downstairs.
We all follow her out the door and watches her as she heads out to the middle of the road. She bends over and does a little twerk, before running back over to us.
We go back inside and back up to Chloe's room. After Daijah got dressed and we all got calmed down from laughing, Daijah turns to Chloe.
"Chloe, Truth or dare boo?" She asks.
"Truth" Chloe answers.
"Hmm.. okay. Is it true, that you so happened to have fucked Stokeley one time before?" Daijah asks slyly.
Everyone turns to Chloe waiting on her to quickly decline, but she only stares at Daijah.
Daijah raises her eyebrows waiting for an answer.
The room was dead quiet and I could feel my stomach sink.
"Soooo lets play never have I ever" Jazmin says changing the topic.
"Yeah, Truth or dare is boring as fuck" Mya adds.
Daijah looks at me and smirks. I turn and look at Chloe, hoping that Daijah was joking, but she only held a pity look on her face.
I wasn't even up for playing any games with them anymore.
I felt sick, like I was gonna throw up. Why didn't she tell me before? When did it even happen? I wanted to ask her so many questions but I was afraid that I was only gonna get hurt.
I was afraid that it had happened just before I had given him my virginity. How could he fuck my own friend?
So many things were running through my head I couldn't even concentrate on the next game so I didn't participate.
I don't think I could even look at Chloe the same anymore.
"Okay so how does this sound?" I ask Mike as I began to read over the poem to him. When I was done I look up at him for an opinion.
He was laid back on my bed, with one arm behind his head and his phone in his free hand which was directly in front of his face.
I kiss my teeth and hold the paper down.
"Oh it was good" He says not looking away from his phone.
I sigh and walk over to my bed sitting down at the edge. I hung my head down and just stared at the poem. It wasn't good enough something was missing but I didn't know what it was.
"Whats wrong?" Mike asks me.
"You. We were supposed to be working on our project and you aren't even paying attention." I tell him.
The bed shifts and then he sits right next to me.
"My bad"
He puts his hand on the lower part of my back, and I quickly get up. I go over and stand by my dresser glaring at him.
"You haven't even started on the pictures yet our poster is blank and we only have three days left before we have to turn it in" I tell him.
"Ight damn, i'll start on it." He says getting up and grabbing the poster off my other dresser.
"What am I supposed to be drawing anyways?"
"Pictures of stuff from our poem."
"What is our poem even about?"
"If you were paying attention to me you'd know" I say aggravated.
"Whats wrong with you? You need some dick. You been being moody all week" He says plopping back down on my bed.
"Im sorry. Im just stressed out from the project" I tell him.
"Nah that aint the only thing bothering you. Talk to me Asia" He says.
"It's nothing Mike, really"
Its been a week since I've last talked to Stokeley and even said a word to Chloe. They both kept trying to talk to me but I wasn't up for talking.
I was still trying to figure out how to handle the situation.
Stokeley didn't know why I was ignoring him but Chloe did. She kept trying to apologize and explain it to me but I wasn't trying to hear it.
I no longer associate with Daijah either. Her and Monica stopped hanging out with us and went back to Carly.
Which I was perfectly fine with. I didn't really like them anyways. They always came off shady to me.
"Ight well lets stop fucking around and lets get started" Mike says.
An hour later after working on our project, I was beginning to get bored. I put my notebook down and watched Mike continue to sketch out a picture of a rose.
I listened as I heard voices coming from downstairs. Not long after, Jahseh's head popped inside my room.
"Asian, ching chong wong—" He stopped when he seen Mike.
"Oh.... Um" Jahseh said looking back and forth from me and Mike.
"Hey Jahseh" I say.
"Who is this nigga?" Jahseh asks.
"My partner for my project, get out" I say to him.
He glares at Mike for a second before leaving out. I look over at Mike and frown.
It was 10 o'clock at night and I had just stepped out of the shower. I wrapped my towel around my body and pulled my damp hair into a messy bun.
I turned off the bathroom light and unlocked the door opening it.
Stokeley stood there with a cold look in his eyes. I gasped and clutched onto my towel tightly.
"What the fuck are you doing here? Are you crazy?? My mom is home" I whispered pushing him to my room as quickly as possible.
I close my door behind me and lock it as he goes over to my bed and sits down.
"How did you even get in here?" I ask him.
"The back door was unlocked."
"So you just came in knowing my mom is home?"
He shrugs.
"So this what we doing now?" He asks me.
"What are you talking about?" I ask him going over to my dresser opening it to retrieve some clothes.
"Who's the nigga you had over here? The same one that was walking you to class huh?" He asks.
"Why are you worried about it?" I mumble.
He gets up and comes over to me grabbing my arm and turning me around.
"Asia don't fuck with me right now."
"Move" I say trying to snatch my arm away.
"Who the fuck is he?" He asks gripping my arm tighter.
"Someone who didn't fuck my friend thats who!" I say a little too loud.
"What the fuck are you talking about?! I don't give a fuck about him not fucking your friends why you having other niggas come to your house?" He asks getting louder.
"Why didn't you tell me you fucked Chloe?" I ask him looking him into his eyes.
"Thats what you been ignoring me for?" He asks staring at me before letting go of my arm.
"Look, what happened between me and Chloe happened a long time ago. We had sex around the time I was fucking with Carly" He says.
"Besides, me and her aren't even like that anymore. Why do you think I don't like being around her or having you hang out with her? She's a hoe–
"No you're the hoe. You're the one who fucked her while you were dating her friend" I tell him.
He backs up and runs his hand down his face.
"If you would've just kept it real with me the day I mentioned her, I wouldn't be so upset about the situation. But you didn't, you tried to keep it away from me like I wouldn't find out" I tell him.
"You're right and im sorry. I don't want you to be mad at me so can we just look past this?" He asks.
"No we cannot. I need sometime to myself" I tell him.
"So you call needing some time to yourself fucking with other niggas?"
"Im not even fucking with him. He's my partner for a project!"
"He your partner for a project but he laying in your bed. Bull fucking shit" He says.
"You can believe me or not. At this point I don't even care anymore" I tell him as I turn around and continue to search for some clothes.
"Oh now you dont care no more? Asia you're mad over the stupidest shit. I didnt even fuck the bitch while I was fucking with you" He says getting madder.
I ignore him and slide on my panties first, without removing my towel.
"Alright. If you wanna be like that, then fuck you and yo' new nigga" He says leaving out of my room.
He slammed the door behind him not even caring that my mom was home.
"Stop slamming doors in my house!" I hear my mom yell.
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