The next day was a day off for NCT dream. Mark and Haechan decided that were gonna hang out with their 127 hyungs.
Jeno and Jaemin decide to go ride their bikes, which left Renjun and Chenle alone in the dorm. With Jisung who was sound asleep.
At around 9 Jisung woke up. Ans went out to the living room and noticed that there were only 2 of his hyungs.
"Where is everybody?" Jisung asked in his deep morning voice.
"Mark and Haechan are at the 127 dorm, and Jaemin and Jeno are out riding their bikes." Renjum reaponded.
"Oh ok" The younger sounded a bit disapointed. But Renjun just let it slide.
"Are you hungry? Me and chenle were about to make pancakes" Renjun added.
"Yeah sure" Jisung said. Walking into the kitchen and taking a seat.
The older too could tell the younger seemed a little upset.
And he was, Jisung was a little sad because Mark hyung left. And he loves his hyungs but he doesnt feel comfortabke enough to slip without Mark yet.
And he only slipped yesterday because of pure pressure. But Mark was there. So it was alright.
But Jisung could hold out till the older was here. Right?
"Jisung pancakes are done" Chenle said. Pulling Jising out of his daze.
"Ok I'm coming" He got up and grabbed a plate. And sloppily put pancakes and syrup on his plate.
And this sloppy behavior only got worse. Because around lunch time Jisung was hoping his dada would walk through the door so he could slip.
"Hyung, when does Mark get back?" He asked Chenle who asked Renjun.
"They aaid they were gonna spend the night and get here later tomarrow." Renjun responded. And didnt miss the pout that formed on the boys mouth.
"Why are you asking?" Renjun asked softly while walking to sit on the other side of Jisung.
Jisung sighed and dicided to just tell his hyungs.
"N-no offense hyungs, I love you guys, b-but I d-dont feel comfortable slipping w-without Mark h-hyung." Jisung said, obviously trying to to slip.
"Would you like us to call him?" Chenle asked.
"No I d-dont want to b-bother him" Jisung said. Not noticing Chenle giving Renjun the 'text Mark hyung anyways' look.
Renjun seemingly understood and went up to go to the 'bathroom'.
**Text between Renjun and Mark**
Junnie: Sent 10:01
"Hyung, Jisung wont slip unless your here.. I think he might have a bit of separation anxiety."
mOrk: Sent 10:02
"Really? He was never like that before?"
Junnie: Sent 10:03
"I think that since you are his first caregiver he sorta grew attached. Have y'all be seperated since you found out?"
mOrk: Sent 10:03
" Well, no not really"
mOrk: Sent 10:04
"I guess you right, I'll tell the others that I dont feel good. And then I'll head over there"
Junnie: Sent 10:05
"Ok thanks hyung"
**End of text**
Renjun came back out to see Chenle gently trying to get Jisung to slio, which was only bringing the boy closer to tears as he fought back the urge.
In about 30 min the front door opend revealing the only person Jisung wanted.
And the second Jisung saw his dada, he jumped of the couch and latched himself onto his caregiver.
"Woah" Mark said as he almost fell over when the taller male practically jumped in him.
"What wrong little chick?" Mark asked, wrapping his arms around the little.
"Mwiss dada" Jisung said in a soft voice and he tried to snuggle closer to him.
"I was only a few floors up Jisungie" He added, rubbing small circles on his back as we walked to sit down in the couch.
The younger just whinned in response.
"Sungie baby, what's wrong? Why did you miss me so much? I was still in the building." Mark aaked, pealing the younger off of him.
"No wan be wittle wi'out dada" Jisung said..
"But little chick mommy and mama are here" Mark said. Morning the boy to look at his newer caregivers.
"But dey not dada" Jisung said. Before a thought poped in his head, that scared the little.
"Does dada no wan' sungie no mowe" The littles bottom lip started to quiver.
"What? Oh noo baby I do want you. Don't think that I dont. Cause I do. It just I'm not always gonna be right here, so your gonna have to get use to slipping without me. Ok little one? For dada?" Mark asked, kissing the youngers head.
"Otay dada" The little nodded.
"Ok, so let's start by getting you used to mommy and mama." Mark said before sliding closer to the said to on the couch and putting Jisung in the middle.
Jisung whinned.
"I'm right here. Dont worry." Mark said, sitting next to Renjun.
"Hi baby" Chenle spoke softly.
"Hewo" Jisung responded quietly, his voice getting higher. Indicating that he was slipping further into his head space.
"Sungie how old do you feel?" Mark asked. Noticing the change in his voice.
Jisung help up 2 fingers, and knowing he was going to slip further Mark decided they should change him.
"Would y'all like to change him?" Mark asked.
"YES!" Renjun and Chenle yelled scaring both Mark and Jisung, but mainly Jisung.
"Oh were sorry sungie" Renjun.
Mark then picked Jisung up and carried him on his hip. Followed by both Renjun and Chenle.
Then got in Jisung's room and set hom on his bed. Mark then walked over to the closet grabbing a diaper and a onsie, along with a paci.
Mark set in down on the bed and looked at the other two.
"Ok, you have the stuff, now you need to change."
"But... We dont know how? We've never put a diaper on a baby, let alone Jisung." Chenle said.
"Well I guess you gonna figure it out." Mark chuckled
"Dont worry I'll help y'all if you need it." Mark said.
And after. Long 3o minute of Renjun and Chenle struggling to change a squirming Jisung and Mark laughing at them. They finally got Jisung changed.
And they couldnt stop cooing and taking pictures of their maknae with a paci in this mouth.
Words: 1043
This tooks me a while.. Lol hope y'all enjoy. I might post one later.
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