Koga x Reader
Warning ⚠️
- mentions of nsfw stuff
-also murder
The reader is Shippo's older sibling. They were out hunting when the thunder and lightning demon brothers showed and killed their dad. When they got back... they were livid. They told Shippo to hide, and went off. The display of power was intense. They attacked Hiten and demanded to know why. "You killed him! You killed my father! For what?! For WHAT?!" Needless to say his answer, didn't satisfy them. The reader killed him, practically bathed in his blood. And in the process, gained his powers. So now they're a lightning, fox demon. Inuyasha and the gang eventually show up and help the reader take down the other brother. Now wielding both thunder and lightning. Then they all travel together. The reader is a Half demon themselves. So when Shippo says "Oh he's only a half demon." The reader responds with a sharp knock to his head with their fist. "And?! So am I ya' little shit!" Shippo looks up at them about to protest. "Oh yeah...barley though!" Inuyasha perks up at that, the reader still looking at Shippo, peeved. "What does he mean by that?" They sigh. "It's one of my powers, if I absorb blood from another demon, I take on their powers." His eyes widen. "Like with Hiten and Monten?" Reader smirks at him proudly. "Exactly! The more blood I take in the more powerful I get. So even if I was born a half demon, it hardly matters!" The reader says, their tail wagging. "As if it did in the first place." The reader smiles empathetically at him. Inuyasha bumps shoulders with them affectionately. "Yeah." He says, walking ahead to hide his smile.
Later on, Kagome meets Koga and he grabs her and makes off with her. The reader is more than fast enough to keep up with him so they stop Koga before he can get too far, and take back Kagome. "Give me back my woman!" The reader looks to Kagome, shaking her head, behind them. "First of all, you didn't even ask her, you can't just claim her as yours and run off! I know you're a wolf but that's just not how this stuff works! Second of all, if you like her, just say so! And ask her if she even wants to! Besides, if you like someone, you ask them on a date, not fucking kidnap them!" At the end of their rant, Koga is confused and offended but more than anything he's kind of aroused. Considering they not only stood up to him and held their ground but also are clearly strong. The reader exhaled angrily. "Learn some damn manners would ya'? Let's go Kagome." Kagome climbs on their back, holds tight, and then both are gone with the wind. Leaving Koga stunned.
The next time they meet, he's there for the reader. He shows up in a whirlwind. "Hello, Koga." The reader smiles, looking at him expectantly, seeing as they could both hear him and smell him coming. Koga is bowing. "M'theydy~" The reader chuckles at this. "Manners!" Reader barks with laughter. "Who'd you learn that from? Seems like something Miroku would use. Anyway you're here for Kagome right? She's not here you know." He stands up straight. "Actually, no. She is way into that dog." The reader exclaims. "Ha! Manners and smarts. True though, everyone see's it but them. But uh, if you're not here for Kagome, then who?" The reader tilts their head to the side. Koga smiles softly at them. "You, reader." The reader smiles at him confused. "M-me?" Pointing to themself. "What for?" He rubs the nape of his neck. "Well, when you told me off the last time, you mentioned something about asking someone you like on a 'date' so I was wondering if you would go on one. With me." The reader was actually quite shocked. That, one, he actually genuinely listened, and, two, that he had such a change of heart after their last exchange, in more ways than one. "I mean, I suppose I would like to get to know you so I don't see why not." He perked up at that, grinning at the reader, his tail wagging like crazy behind him. "Really?! Awesome! Can we go now?" Reader smiles, blushing slightly at his eagerness. "I'll need to let Shippo know I'll be gone for a bit but then sure."
~Time Skip~
"So where do you even want to go?" The reader asks walking through the forest side by side with Koga. "Honestly I thought we could just walk for a while, explore, then we could head back to my den for food." They're surprised, wolves hardly ever let in outsiders to their dens, much less invite them. "That sounds great, but is that really okay?" He nods. "Whatever I say goes, besides it's not like anyone would oppose."
The reader nods, he must be the pack leader then, no wonder he's so confident. "So, I have a question." The reader nods once more. "Shoot."
"Are you a guy or a girl?" The reader chuckles at this, honestly kind of surprised he didn't ask sooner. "You wanna know what I got in my pants?" Koga flushes at their response. "I didn't necessarily mean that but I guess." The reader smirks. "You could always just kiss me and see out how you feel afterwards~" His face practically bursts into flames. "I kid~ (not really) Well, I was born a girl but that hardly confines me to either or. I am both and neither. It depends on my mood. Because I am a fox, I can change up my physical form with however I'm feeling. I could fuck or be fucked in any and every form I take." Koga swallows hard, walking slower next to them, coming to a stop. The reader stops in front of him, their tail flitting back and forth behind them. They lean in close, an amused smirk on their face. "Does that answer your question?~" Koga's face is as red as Inuyasha's hakama, answering quickly. "Yes. Completely." The reader boop's him on the nose. "Good, darling~" The reader starts walking ahead, Koga stunned in his place. "Now which way, I'm starving~" The reader says, Koga still stuck in his spot. He was not prepared for how forwardly honest they were. "You coming?~ Or am I going to have to sniff it out
myself?~" He trips over himself and catches up to them quickly. "I-I'm coming!"
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