Home's where the human is
Carmelita, sly, sonic, shadow, rouge and tails were all called into a meeting arranged by the G.U.N commander. He had received the news of Y/N's nighttime robbery of the impound lot he immediately requested camera footage of last night to which he received hours earlier. What he saw had left him concerned Y/N was starting to use more of the phantom rubies power unlocking more abilities as time passes. He's tried not to worry himself with the thought of Y/N growing stronger he even thinks that the boy could become a greater threat than clockwerk himself.
The commander looked at those who had gathered at the table eager to hear as to why they have been summoned.
Commander: Let me start off by thanking you for your valiant effort with the whole museum sabbatical. The chaos emerald would be in the hands of a madman if you hadn't intervened.
Sonic: Don't sweat it I deal with that egghead all the time!
Tails: It was more difficult with eggman's new allies but we still won.
Commander: And I cannot ignore your bravery miss fox. You bring pride and dignity to your police force. I'll see to it that you are commended for your efforts.
Carmelita: (Salutes) Thank you sir!
Sly: But what about us? We did pretty good too!
Commander: Sonic and shadow maybe but you? You should feel lucky that your not rotting in jail.
Sly looks away awkwardly.
Sly: Can't impress em all can I?
Commander: Speaking of you shadow I thought we agreed to lower your bloodshed?
Shadow looks away sucking his teeth.
Commander: I was expecting that sort of reaction....now to a much more important matter regarding our HUMAN friend. (To tails) Is it true? Are we really dealing with another human?
Tails: (Nods) It's what Y/N said and after checking the picture Sly's friend took I can safely say Y/N is indeed a member of the human race.
Sonic: And I here we all thought it was only eggman.
Rouge: It's a shock to be sure.
Commander: But what shocks me more is that Y/N's family had survived the great pandemic a hundred years ago.
Sly: What make that so important though?
Commander: Miss prower care to elaborate for this criminal?
Tails: Of course! As we all know a devastating virus swept across the earth covering all sides of the globe killing off the male population of humans while turning the females into what we are today.
Sonic: So how did Y/N old timers got off Scott free?
Tails: That's the thing.....they shouldn't have. The virus spread through the air all it took was one small breath to infect someone.
Carmelita: So they couldn't evade the virus because it was in the air they breathed! So how did they survive?
Commander: They shouldn't have it makes no logical sense. I've failed to find a valid reason why.
Tails: Maybe his long dead ancestors had something unique in their blood system?
Rouge: Maybe you should try asking him.
Sly: Good luck with that. He's almost as sneaky as me. Fat chance of finding a way to trace him.
Commander: (Smirks) Actually we're tracing right now as a matter of face.
Carmelita: (Jolts up) YOU ARE!?
The commander nods and presses a remote turning on a large screen which plays footage of Y/N's robbery of the lot.
Commander: This was sent to me earlier this morning. Last night Y/N successfully broke in and stole over a million dollars worth of vehicles from an impound lot.
Sly whistles when he sees Y/N and his clones making off with the cars. Carmelita however was less impressed and more angered.
Rouge: Gotta admit he knows how to pull of a job.
Sly: Yeah to give when credits due that's pretty impressive.
Carmelita: How could they just leave the site completely unguarded!? How incompetent can you be?! And since when could Y/N turn invisible and clone himself!?
Shadow: Since he took the phantom ruby. Infinite did the very same thing.
Sonic: The clones yeah but he never went invisible.....thank lord.
Tails: So if your tracking him doesn't that mean we know his-
Commander: Exact location and even his home? Yes...yes we are.
The t.v switches to an orbital few of the planet and then quickly zooms in on Y/N's house. A small red dot blinked on the screen revealing Y/N's location.
Commander: We've traced Y/N's whereabouts to a remote househ in the deep parts of a large forest. This house appears to be where he currently resides and uses to rest and lay low.
Carmelita: Allow me to apprehend him sir! I've been chasing him down for too long and now I can-
Commander: Patience miss fox patience we will arrest him but not yet. I want you and miss prower to go to this house find Y/N and follow him from a distance. If clockwerk is working for eggman and this other unknown villain then I want to wait and see if there are any more of these associates clockwerk has partnered. And as we know Y/N works for the owl so if we find Y/N-
Sly: We'll find clockwerk and all the other villains with him.
Commander: Exactly. This is a recon mission of high importance so you two must not make any fatal errors.
Tails: Don't worry sir we won't let you down.
Carmelita: Leave it to me.
Commander: Sonic, shadow, cooper I want you to gather your friends and bring them back to H.Q. The bigger number we have over the villains the better.
Sonic: Whatever you say boss man!
Shadow: Fine.
Commander: Agent rouge keep an eye out for any other villain activities and report any unusual behaviour from eggman and his army. I meanwhile have an important call to make.
The commander waits for everyone to leave before turning to his personal computer and goes to his contact clicking on a contact labeled "ratchet".
Commander: I need you and your help once more.......my old friend.
Day turns into night and the city turns into a patch of trees as Carmelita and tails tread through the thick forest keeping quiet in case Y/N was near. Carmelita had her phone which was tracing the tracker on Y/N her eyes darting from the phone to the path infront of her in rapid succession.
Tails: Are we getting close?
Carmelita:.....Just up ahead not much futher. We need to remain silent if Y/N even senses that something isn't right he will bolt and make a run for it. So whatever we do we have to stay hidden.
Tails: How do you feel? With Y/N being a human?
Carmelita stops in her tracks.
Carmelita: Honestly... I'm not sure how I feel. A part of me wants to lock him after all the crimes he's committed. But another side wants me to pity him. He may be the only human left on the earth and if I put him in prison... won't I be putting him into a cage like an animal? The last few members of his kind left to die?
Tails: Do you.....care about him?
Carmelita heats up remembering the countless times Y/N filtered with during their chases.
Carmelita: I......I don't....k-kn- L-lets just focus on what we came here to do alright? We can ask those type of questions later.
Tails: Oh.....okay sure.
Tails looked at an conflicted Carmelita until they both spotted Y/N's house in the distance. Remaining as silent as the wind they crept up to the front of the house where on the dirt path Y/N was busy putting a custom license plate labeled "Most wanted" on the back of his M3.
Tails: There he is!
Carmelita: And all of the stolen vehicles too!
Y/N: Aaaand done!
Y/N stands up and wipes the sweat of his face. His appearance was completely exposed with no mas hiding his face conforming to tails and Carmelita that Y/N was very much so human.
Y/N: (Whistle) As if you couldn't look more gorgeous.
Carmelita: On all that I hold dear...he really is a......
Tails was looking at Y/N's face with a sparked interest.
Tails: Wow another human so fascinating! I wonder what his hobbies are or what is his favourite food.
Y/N walks over to the sliver blue striped skyline.
Y/N: But baby your just as gorgeous I loooove the silver paint and those rims sheeeesh! Nah I gotta try out the stereo system.
Y/N opens the trunk where two large speakers were installed.
Y/N: And I've got the perfect song.
Y/N connects his bluetooth with the car and plays a song on full blast.
The ground shook as the skylines speakers blew out music Y/N laughed in joy but tails and Carmelita held thier ears. Some animals are more sensitive to sound ya know?
Y/N: Oh hell yeah what a classic! I'll make sure to you well darling!
Carmelita: Argh sweet mother of christ!
Tails: Owwww my ears!
Y/N looks at his phone and jumps when he sees clockwerk was calling him.
Y/N quickly turns the music and answers his phone.
Y/N: Boss hey hey what's with the sudden call?
This immediately perks Carmelita's interest and listens in.
Y/N: Oh nothing I'm just back home....... Uhuh.....yeah....yeah I can make it tomorrow....the docks got it on the fifth pier.....relax boss I'll be there......i won't fail ya boss hehe byeeeeeee.
Y/N ends the call and scowls.
Y/N: Fucking Kentucky fried asshole.
Carmelita: So there's something going on at the docks tomorrow?
Tails: That's good to know.
Y/N: Heh yeah enjoy bossing me around clockwerk It ain't gonna last forever.
Tails: He doesn't like his leader by the sounds of it.
Carmelita: I can't blame him.
Y/N sighs and walks to the back of the house.
Carmelita: Tails come on we can't lose sight of him.
Tails: Lead the way.
The girls stick to the bushes hiding from sight and follow Y/N to the back of the house where Y/N was standing over his family graveyard.
Tails: A graveyard?
Carmelita: That must be where his family was buried.
Tails: So he really is alone.
The two look at Y/N feeling sorry for the boy.
Y/N: Hey guys glad to see y'all still doing well. How's heaven and hell been treating ya? Uncle Cletus you better not be giving the devil any trouble. Same with you big brother William. Mom, dad, grandpa I hope god's treating you right how's life up in the clouds anyway?
Y/N looked at the tombs in silence for a few moments.
Y/N: Wow that's great to hear! I mean I'll never know because after all I've done there's really only one place I'm going when I die.
Y/N drops the smile and sits down next to his parents graves.
Y/N: Mom....dad...I really miss you guys it's been real lonely since y'all died. I've been barely getting by until I got the phantom ruby but now everyone knows I'm a human! And that bastard clockwerk still has me on a leash. Ever since he killed will my own brother!.....But that ain't gonna last because-
Y/N shows the graves the phantom ruby.
Y/N: Once I get strong enough with this I'm gonna rip clockwerk apart piece by piece and then I'm gonna take over the gang and make myself it's leader. Yeah I'm gonna pull a starscream and stab him in the back just gotta wait for the right time! You'll see just you wait when I get my hands on clockwerk after everything he's done to me I'll-
Y/N stops his rant and starts to cry slowly standing up.
Y/N: I'm not weak.....not anymore and he's gonna learn the hard way. Maybe I'll find other ways to make myself stronger....... I'm sorry I got so mad guys......I'll leave you all to rest.... I'll love you mom....I love you dad.
Y/N opens his backdoor and enters his house. Carmelita was taken back by Y/N's outburst. Tails had her hand over her mouth trying to hold back her tears....and was failing.
Carmelita: Oh my god.... clockwerk killed his brother?
Tails: That poor thing.....why does he work for that monster?
Carmelita: Fear.
Tails looks at Carmelita.
Carmelita: He's afraid of clockwerk and what he could do to him....the same thing he did to his brother William. I can only imagine what his last moments were looking into that owls eyes.
Tails: Do...do you think we should go into his home?
Carmelita: No that's too risky. We'll set up camp I take position at the front of the house and you take position at the back.
Tails nods and stays in place and Carmelita sneaks back to the front of the house. Tails peaks through a window watching Y/N look at a family picture letting tears fall from his eyes.
Tails: (He's in pain that's why he wore a mask....to hide his pain....the pain of being alone.)
Inside the house Y/N slumped down on his bed not being bothered to get changed. In an attempt to lighten up the mood he goes on his phone and watches some funny parody videos of a certain.... Austrian.. painter.
Y/N laughs as he watches the videos.
Y/N: (Laughs) I shouldn't be enjoying these but I am.
Y/N puts his phone down and rests his head on the pillow his vision becoming blurry as he fell asleep his vision becoming a dark abyss.
Y/N darted back up when these two words rang out. But instead of being in his bed like he was expecting he instead found himself in a distorted world where small islands glitched in the air and the sky was a hazy red.
Y/N: What the......where am I?
Once against those words rang out Y/N's eyes darted around left and right up and down for any sign or cause of the voice.
Y/N: Who said that!? Where are you!?
Y/N heard the mysterious voice coming from above and raised his head into the sky......where masked figure looked down upon him with his eye looking through his mask.
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