Sherlock x reader: A consulting detective in love chapter 4
YN) : your name (LN) : last name (HC) : hair colour (EC) : eye colour (RFN) : random female name (RLN) : random last name (FC) : favourite colour (SN) : school name (FF) : favourite flower
P.S. There is a few tiny curses and swears here and there,so yeah dont like swearing just miss that bit out okay?
Chapter 4: A bouquet wrapped in mystery
Your POV
You rolled your eyes at the sight. You were currently sitting in a taxi with John and Sherlock en route to the station. The two of them were bickering back and forth. You kept yourself out of it and stared out the window. You were tapped on the shoulder. "Were here," John said after he tapped your shoulder. Sherlock opened the taxi door and got out before you and John. John exited the taxi and Sherlock then held out his hand to grab yours to help you out of the taxi. You blushed at the sight of Sherlock acting like a gentleman. John chuckled at the sight. Sherlock's face turned a light pink colour at the slight touch of your hand. The taxi drove away from the station and Sherlock waltzed into the station with you and John tagging behind.
The three of you walked straight to Lestrade's office. Lestrade was sitting at his desk swirling spirals in his coffee and Anderson was leaning against one of the walls moaning about how boring it became. At the sight of Anderson, Sherlock almost pushed you behind you and blocked Anderson's view of you. Lestrade finally saw that John and Sherlock were in the room but didnt notice you of course. "Sherlock, what brings you here?" Lestrade questioned.
"Yeah Freak, why are YOU here?" Anderson pushed himself off the wall and confronted Sherlock and during his confronting stare at Sherlock he noticed you standing and almost hiding behind Sherlock. He walked past Sherlock and John and straight towards you. You stumbled backwards a tiny bit in fear. "Why hello there, Haven't seen you here before." He whipped his hair to the side rather idiotically might i say. Sherlock made a grumble under his breath in annoyance. Was that jealousy you were feeling emitting off of Sherlock. Jealousy? Sherlock?... It can't be.
Why would he feel jealousy towards this man. Yeah this guy is rather idiotic and moronic but why? You pushed that thought out of your head and decided to try and avoid and get away from this man. Sherlock saw your struggle and decided to help you get out of the grasp of Anderson. Anderson threw all the cheesy pick-up lines at you and you tried your hardest to try and escape when Sherlock grabbed you by the waist in a protective manner and said "I'm sorry Anderson but i don't think (YN) here is interested in a man with an IQ lower than a 5 year old and is currently cheating on his wife with a certain colleague of yours *Cough* Sgt Donovan, now will you leave us now Phillip?" Sherlock spoke plainly but sounded as if he had a hint of enjoyment and pleasure in confronting and annoying this man named 'Phillip' The annoying man named 'Philip buggered off in annoyance and made a loud huff sound and mumbled a few curses and swears towards Sherlock which only you heard.
Lestrade's attention was then appointed to you. "Sherlock, why exactly did you bring her here?" Lestrade asked. Sherlock grinned "You see, Miss (YN) here was friends and colleague of (RFN) (RLN) and we questioned her about before Miss (RFN)'s death and just today she was met with the figure of a man who she recognised as a suspicious person and came to us." Sherlock explained. Lestrade stood from his chair.
"May i please ask Miss (FN) some questions while she's here?" Lestrade asked. Sherlock turned his head towards you as if he was asking your permission.You nodded. Lestrade then led you to the questioning room and your (HL) (HC) hair was messily falling out of the bun you wrung in your hair earlier this morning and it began to bug you to no end but you held back the urge to fix it while Lestrade was questioning you. The questions were simple and you flew past them all quickly and you strolled your way to the questioning room and made your way to Sherlock and John.
Sherlock's POV
She looked stunning. Her (HL) (HC) was messily falling from the bun that was only tightly wrung up a couple of hours ago. Her clothing was casual but still looked smart. When Anderson flirted with (YN) I felt another unknown feeling rise up from within me. I kept my composure on the outer shell of me but on the inside a fiery pit was burning within me. Is this what jealousy is like? Well i went straight onto my next task, to get that arrogant fool of off (YN). It was easier than i thought it would be.
The feeling of holding (YN) around my arm made my heartbeat beat faster but it was unknown to anyone who was around me. (YN) walked back into the room and smiled at me and John. I took Lestrade aside and told him about the things you didn't add into your diary of events like the nightmare you had last night. I finished my 'chat' with Lestrade and decided to to take my leave. I walked back towards John and (YN) and told them that we were leaving. As we walked past Anderson's desk i heard Anderson mumble under his breath "Bastard...".
I smiled at my new nickname. Only a small smile though but it was still noticeable. We exited the station and hailed a taxi. I opened the door of the taxi for (YN) since i heard its supposedly polite to do so. We were all in the taxi and decided to drop (YN) off first at her flat. "So (YN) your'e a teacher at a school aren't you?" John asked. (YN) nodded. "Yes, i work at (SN) and i teach Year 1's." She smiled when she mentioned her pupils that she teaches. She seems so... passionate. As we dropped off (YN), she asked if we wanted anything like tea or coffee which we declined. I kissed her knuckles once again before we jumped back into the taxi. I smirked at the thought of (YN)'s slightly pink face and pulled up the collar of my coat once again and quietly exited reality for just one moment to think (AKA SHERLOCK'S MIND PALACE)
Your POV
Sherlock kissed my knuckles once again as he left. Your face tinged pink at the thought of him kissing your knuckles again. You were brought back into reality and opened the door to your flat and was met with the sight of (PN) greeting you as you entered the flat. You threw a meal in the microwave and waited for that to heat up. You thought about how you were going back to work tomorrow and seeing your pupils again and seeing your old friends at work but you could never forget about (RFN). She was really there for you at all times and now she was gone... forever. BEEP BEEP.
The sound of the microwave brought you back to reality. You sat in your armchair and quietly ate your microwavable meal. You grew tired after finishing your dinner. You sloppily made your way to your bedroom to get changed when you saw... a bouquet? Yes a bouquet, filled with (FF)s and wrapped in a dark red ribbon with a note etached to the ribbon. How did they get in here? You picked up the flowers and started to read the note that was etatched. Your eyes widened at what the note said.
Dear (YN),
I hope you like these flowers, i knew they were your favourite
I've been watching you for a long time my dear, your'e very beautiful you know
But all beautiful things must wither my dear (YN) even you...
Would you like me to leave the same bouquet on your grave, my love?
Dont worry you won't have to wait that long to see that friend of yours
love from
Your secret admirer
P.S. see you soon Darling xxx
You shivered in fear at what the note read. Maybe you just imagined it? You must have... right? You blamed your lack of sleep for what you read and decided to change into your (FC) pyjamas and you curled yourself up in your comfy duvet. You felt the injury that you made this morning. It felt as if it was healing. You hummed quietly as you lulled yourself to sleep. As you fell asleep, you imagined Sherlock's lips slightly turning into a small smile. You smiled to yourself at the thought and fell into a deep slumber.
You were currently making yourself a cup of tea as you made your way through your morning routine and getting ready to head back to work at (SN). You quickly fed (PN) and headed out the door to get a taxi to work. You were making your way through the playground and were immediately attacked by your pupils into a hug. They really had missed you and you had really missed them. You told them to skedaddle and to wait till the bell rang.
They all ran off to play. You walked towards your classroom with the key in hand. First day back without (RFN) had started. You wiggled the key around and heard a CLICK. The door opened. You walked in and went straight to your desk to put down your papers. You sat at your desk for a few minutes and then you heard something... something strange. A dripping noise coming from (RFN)'s old office area. It grew louder and louder. You rose from your chair and walked slowly towards the door of (RFN)'s old office. The door to her office was unlocked? You opened the door slowly and then you let out a loud terrified scream. You stumbled back and hit your back against the wall. Your hands covered your mouth. A young lady around your age was nailed to the wall with blood dripping down the wall. DEAD. A message was written in blood.
END OF CHAPTER 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hi my little tacos and cupcakes, hope you enjoyed chapter 4 of the story. It took me hours to write and my fingers are know red so better stop typing soon :) Also here is a shoutout to two of my best friends who are currently collaborating on a PHANFIC called 'What if' so if you can could you please check it out? Their names are hevdavies and IsobelAbbey so yeah PLEASE check them out! Thank you so much for reading this fanfic of mine. I put a lot of thought into this series so yeah see you when i write chapter 5 to this series. Goodbye my little tacos and cupcakes i'll see you guys soon!
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