Yato's system hissed in warning, sensing his adrenaline rush and advising against it. He ignored it, grunting as he tried to haul himself to his feet, leaning heavily on his kid. Yukine kept himself in front of Yato, his body barely blocking the torso. Yato squeezed Yukine's shoulder, trying to look around Hiyori at the threat. The other Wall-Hs had scurried behind piles, trying and failing to look as though they've been working the whole time. Only the long haired man with glasses stayed by them, asking the Lieutenant General what the meaning of her visit was.
"Please Lieutenant General Bishamon," Hiyori begged, "I have the plant! It's my duty to bring this to the captain!"
"Yato didn't do anything wrong!" Yukine shouted at her. Bishamon regarded the two through narrowed eyes. The amethyst irises then rested on the Wall-E. She coldly took in his battered form, eyes meeting his with equal hostility. Behind her Kazuma stepped up, his glasses pulling up all the information it could.
"Bishamon, this is the one we we're looking for. He's gravely injured both organically and technically. If we wanted to take him in, now would be the best time." Kazuma's message to her systems read.
"Are we sure that's the plant?" Bishamon sent back. Kazuma's eyes darted across his bifocals, then he nodded.
"So this is what the General meant when he said he 'took care of it'" Kazuma grimaced, clearly able to see all the damage under the tattered wearalls. Bishamon hummed in response. She knew the head of her and her men was strong. Strong enough to stand above them all and beside the captain. But this seemed too much, it passed self defense against a cleaner who traveled with an Eve and a Mo. It seemed this Wall-E was a formidable foe, to be able to cause such damage to the Auto. But, still, nothing the Secur-T and their numbers couldn't handle. There really was no reason for the Co-pilot's involvement. Not only that, but why try to get rid of the plant?
"Why did you attack our co-pilot?" Bishamon addressed Hiyori.
"We didn't! He attacked us!" Hiyori stepped forward, "Please Lieutenant General, the Co-pilot doesn't want us to return to Earth, he's trying to silence us! Yato is not a danger, he's just trying to help me complete my mission!" The Eve held out the plant for everyone to see. The dirty brown glass caught the light and the leaves were shown to be a bit brown at the tips.
"Why would the General try to silence you?" Kazuma asked. Hiyori faltered, looking over her shoulder at the two boys. Yato let out a shuttering breath, then nodded to her in encouragement, eyes hard. His blood still dripped into a small puddle on the floor. Hiyori brought the plant closer to her, just above her heart.
"Because the order was given by a man, centuries ago, to make sure the humans never returned to Earth. We think, w-we think," Hiyori's shoulders curled inward, "We think he was also the one who activated the virus that caused the Wall-Es to slaughter each other." Hiyori said. All eyes went to Yato, his eyes covered by his bangs as his head hung low. From under his arm, Yukine's legs began to shake from the effort of holding up Yato's weight, but he remained strong.
"But Yato doesn't have the virus! If he did he wouldn't have survived this long!" Yukine proclaimed. Bishamon didn't look convinced, scowling in contempt at Yato.
"Or it simply means he was the one to come out on top," She hissed. Hiyori and Yukine flinched, not knowing enough about their companion to refute. Yato's heart went out to them feeling as guilty as it has been for a long time. He finally had the opportunity to do something right, something worthwhile and not futile.
Yato knew about the virus. He knew it was his father that wrote the code and oversaw the production of the first line of cyborgs. Knew how much his father hated the destruction mankind had caused such a beautiful planet. He also knew his father was brilliant and meticulous, there was no way the Wall-Es would have such a drastic malfunction without it being deliberate.
Yato knew about the virus, but not before it was too late. He didn't figure this all out until one of his co-workers snapped and went on a war path. It started to happen every so often, then it seemed to happen more and more frequently. First one, then three, then five, then twelve. Wall-Es living in fear and suspicion of each other, knowing that one can start swinging while the other was turned. It became survival at all cost while fearing for your own sanity. And once Yato put the pieces together, after weeks of denial while scrubbing blood off his hands, he resigned himself to this fate. After all, his father created all the Wall-Es based off of Yato's blueprints, homicidal coding and all. His son, his prototype.
And as a prototype, he was no exception. Yato had snapped, pushed over the edge by the adrenaline of killing a hoard of his fellow Wall-Es in a frantic effort to protect the woman named Sakura. When bodies laid at his feet and crimson stained his clothes, he heaved in a breath and passed out. At least he thought he passed out, but instead of his vision fading to black, it fated to red. His warning system flared up without any text letting him know why. It was like watching a movie thorough a scarlet tint, his body moving on it's own without any feeling. He swung wildly at the bricks and dirt that formed the alley they were in, howling in pain and pleasure at the top of his lungs in a voice that wasn't his. Behind him a he heard a scream.
He remembers having whipped around in slow motion, blue irises surrounded with dark grey scleroses focusing on a woman on the ground. She cried in fear and heartbreak, reaching a hand towards him. Her body temperature glitched into colors of greens and yellows, obscuring the world's beautiful red color he wanted to see. He tries not remember what he did after that, having wandered around with red vision for a long time, longer than any other infected cyborg had. But that might have been because of his prior training in fighting that those who opposed him didn't have. That or his odd sense of survival that seemed to run in the family. He had a reputation to uphold after all.
But then, one day, something kicked in. A flash of white text cut across his movie screen and said 'LifeLine Activated', then he could suddenly control his bloodstained fingers. His vision had cleared and his body was once again his to control, finally allowing him to fall to his knees and sob. It left him to hang on to the last words his one and only friend had spoken, forgiveness directed at him. The others that remained feared him after that, keeping their distance as he desperately tried to contact the man who created him only to come up empty. Desperately tried to isolate whatever was in his system that worked as an anti-virus, so he could save what little life was left on the massive planet. But the Wall-Es attacked each other, falling one by one, till he was the only one left, a fixed but broken machine.
"My name is Yaboku Kotonoha, son of the famous Dr. Kotonoha, who is known as 'The Father of Cyborgs' or simply as 'The Crafter'. I am a Waste Allocation Load Lifter: Earth class; ID 001-Prototype. The virus was over-rided by a code done by my father. I can assure you I'm no longer a threat. He is the man that gave the order A1-13 to the Auto, assuring humanity never returns to Earth. The Auto is the threat, to both Earth and the people, including the captain." Yato informed the room. By the end of his speech, Yato had became out of breath. He tried to stand strong, but the lack of oxygen in his battered lungs was making him light headed. Good thing Yukine was still right by his side, supporting him.
Bishamon's eyes narrowed as she repeated the last of the Wall-E's words, but her glare was shifted to Hiyori who repeated her plea to finish her task. Bishamon regarded the room in thoughtfulness. The situation was starting to make sense but she still didn't know what to make of it. She looked to her Major General for advice.
"If he was made by The Crafter than that means he was trained by the same man as our co-pilot. That could explain how he was able to stand up to him and the other Wall-Es. If it got out that the second in command of Heaven's Sun was created and raised the same as a Wall-E then," Kazuma's sentence trickled off. It was just speculation, but at the very least the Wall-E's name and ID aligned with Kazuma's records, this made his story plausible. (Even if it did say he was deceased). Bishamon knew as much.
"Well regardless, that doesn't explain the A1-13 protocol." Bishamon said. But, she looked to the plant in the Eve's hand. The human Eve of a wealthy, noble family of doctors. She had no reason for deception and was simply following her purpose. And Bishmon's purpose was to protect the lives and happiness of the humans of this ship. The Lieutenant General spun around to face her line of most loyal troops, arms behind her back, feet in line with her shoulders.
"Listen up," her voice boomed, "we need to do everything in our power to get this plant to the ship's mainframe without the knowledge of our General." The Secur-T gasped, questioning their leader's betrayal.
"It has always been our mission to keep the population safe until our return to Earth. I don't obey this 'Crafter' I obey the captain of Heaven's Sun who's under threat by his co-captain. We must save the ship!" Bishamon declared. The line of Secur-Ts let our a cheer, saluting her and promising to follow her to the end. She nodded at them with a determined smile, then looked to the two Secur-Ts that had accompanied the Go-4 when Yato first arrived.
"Kuruha, Kinuha, Kazuma and I will find the captain, you two will then guard him. Get his side of the story as well." Bishamon commanded them. The two nodded and broke from the line.
"Wait!" Hiyori stepped closer to Bishamon, "Watch out for the Go-4 too. He's on Kouto's side!" Hiyori told them, to the groups surprise. Bishamon's eyes widened, her mouth falling open.
"Kuguha is-" she shook the betrayal off her face, turning back to the two, "You heard the Eve, be on the look out, but don't cause a scene."
Kuruha and Kinuha nodded, making their way to the elevator. The rest were ordered to be on stand by around the pool, and to be ready for crowd control when the time comes. Tsuguha and Akiha in the lead. They were to act like they didn't know a thing.
"Ill call a doctor for the Wall-E" Kazuma said.
"Yato's fine." Yato wheezed out a smile, which Kazuma returned with a nod.
"Is there anyway you can call Dr. Masomi Iki? I know he's not good with tech but." Hiyori asked the Major General. Kazuma gave her a smile too.
"I'm pretty good with tech myself. Consider it done," he reassured.
"That's all well and good but we don't have time for that," Yato hissed and forced himself to stand, "None of you know Kouto like I do. You need me with you."
"Don't be stubborn!" Yukine scolded.
"Either way, we need to get going," Bishamon turned towards the elevator, "Have the doctor meet us off of the pool deck, somewhere there are no cameras."
"None of the cleaner's closets have cameras," Yukine piped up, "He'll be safe there." The Mo shifted the extra weight. Yato looked at him, but spoke to Bishamon.
"The kid stays with me." Yato said, he then looked to Hiyori, who moved towards the Secur-T. Nodding at her determined expression with acceptance. His eyes not any less pleading.
Kazuma made his way next to the Wall-E, ducking under his handle and supporting the other side. Yato grunted and adjusted to the new position. Once they were ready, Kazuma nodded to his lady.
"I've stalled the security camera in the elevator, hopefully he won't suspect a thing."
The group made their way to the elevator, doors shutting behind them. The head Wall-H waved to them in a lazy fashion, the glare over his glasses making his expression unreadable. Bishamon clicked the button to the main deck and they were off. Hiyori and Yukine filled the two Secur-T in on the underlying darkness of the ship. During their explanation, Hiyori kept looking back at Yato out of worry and guilt. His eyes stared at the floor, glassy and tired.
"Kazuma?" Bishamon looked at her Major General. Kazuma looked past his glasses, his expression not promising.
"I can't find any record of the Auto's blueprints. Only the captain would know it," Kazuma looked at Yato, "And the last thing I want to do is try downloading anything from him in this state." The Secut-T flinched at Yato's glare, cold and threatening.
"Wise choice," Yato agreed.
"Well at any rate, we need the captain to open the hallow detector for us so Eve can put the plant in," Bishamon clenched her fists, "That's going to be tricky with the General of the Army blocking the way."
"Hang on! He doesn't know your not on his side, right?" Yukine piped up. He shrunk a bit when the Secur-T whipped around to look at him in surprise. The Mo blushed under the quiet stares.
"You make a good point," Kazuma said with a smile.
"Agreed." Bishamon looked at Yukine again then turned back to face the door. Subtly, Yato patted his kid's back as best he could.
"Bishamon, I think I should go with you." Hiyori turned towards the woman with a hard look that left no room for argument. The Secur-T didn't look too pleased.
"But Lieutenant General-"
"He doesn't know we are against him. If you go with us, he'll know somethings up," She turned to the boys behind them, "You three stay on the deck till we return. While Kazuma comes with me, I'll call for reinforcement if I need too. We will open the Holo-Detector." Bishamon said, glaring through his reluctant expression.
"Understood," Kazuma affirmed. The elevator slowed to a smooth and easy stop, doors opening up. Noise. Shouting and scuffling filled the workers' hallway. Chaos. Just before Bishamon could step out, a wolfish-looking Secur-T stepped into view.
"Lieutenant General Bishamon, I need you all to come with me. General's orders."
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