Your (pov)~
I kept myself close to Yara, semi-hiding myself in her thick, white fur.
The wind rushed past us like a tornado, and the moon shined down like a kind, watchful eye in the midst of all this bleak darkness.
Interesting. I thought. Interesting that Tagowa would give me such a mission. A ninja going on a guardian mission, I've never heard of such a thing. Yet this young man, Eliwood, must have some sort of special purpose if I need to protect him from assassins. Why can't we just let the assassins take him? He must be rather special if Tagowa decided to have someone protect him. But why me? Of all the things I could be doing, I have to protect a man.
Another harsh gust of wind blew against us, almost knocking my hood off my head if I hadn't caught it in time.
I looked up, seeing a forest approaching. Yara had kept a steady pace, so we neared the forest rather quickly. It doesn't surprise me though, Yara is the fastest steed I've ever known.
Yara had slowed down once we reached the coarse forest. The sharp thorns and poisonous fruit and flowers here are enough to make even a grown man cry out in pain if he eats one. Disgusting things.
My eyes were narrow, searching for any sign of a trail or campfire that laid in the midst of this thick, dark abomination of a forest.
Where in the world is that bumbling idiot?
And by bumbling idiot, I mean Kio. Kio was known for his entertaining tricks and clumsy stunts. He was a real jester every minute of the day. And no matter what, he just wouldn't stop grinning.
I eventually spotted a faint light in the woods. Yet I pulled out my dagger in case it was something other than a campfire. Or a campfire of something else.
I wasn't that worried, though. Yara didn't seem alarmed, so I shouldn't either. I trust her.
Once the light got bright enough, I hopped off Yara, walking towards a bush that separated me from whatever was on the other side.
I peeked through the leaves, relaxing my tense muscles when I saw that it was Kio's campsite.
I stood up straight, motioning for Yara to follow me as I stepped into the light of the campfire, putting away my dagger.
"Good thing you were out in the open, or I might've mistaken you for an enemy and killed you." I said.
Kio turned around, sending me his signature grin as he stood up.
"Greetings, (y/n)! And you wouldn't have killed me, I would've fought back. And by the time we engaged in combat, you would've figured out it was me." He replied in a cheerful tone.
"Yeah, yeah. So, all joking aside, what time do we expect to leave?" I said, changing the subject before Kio did.
"I'd say at daybreak, tomorrow. The royal guard already knows we're coming. Don't worry, they don't know who we are or what our intentions are. You'd better get changed and rest up. Your tent is over there." He said, pointing over to a tent near where two horses were tied up.
"Thank you," I replied with a nod, "but I have no need for rest. A professional ninja must be on their guard at all times, no matter what circumstance."
Kio shrugged, leaving me be as he walked over to tend to the horses.
I walked into the tent, quickly changing into my disguise and tying my hair back into a (ponytail/braid/leaving it be) before standing up, looking myself over. I nodded to myself in approval and walked back outside the tent to see Kio sitting by the campfire, cooking some sort of stew.
He heard my footsteps when I had stepped onto the soil and turned around, smiling like the idiot he was when he saw me.
"You look great, (y/n)! That's a perfect disguise. You look like a normal farm girl!" He said cheerfully.
"Humph. Well, I'll do anything I can to complete a mission." I said as I blew a strand of hair away from my face.
Kio chuckled, handing me a bowl of stew as I sat next to him.
"So, what did you tell the captain of the royal guard? About us, I mean." I asked before taking a bite of the stew.
"Well, I said that you and I are siblings. I told 'em that we lost our farm and parents to an attack, and that we were able to fight our way out of it. We had a short conversation and eventually he agreed to see how well we can handle weapons. As soon as he checks our skills, he said he might accept us as soldier trainees." Kio replied as he took a big bite of his supper.
I let out a short and quiet bark of laughter as I swallowed the food I had just stuck in my mouth.
"That's pretty good. I guess I shouldn't judge your story-telling skills anymore." I said with a grin.
Our conversation continued on. We talked for quite some time as we ate till we had our fill.
It had gotten close to midnight when we finished up. I helped to clean up the dishes.
"You sleep first, (y/n). I'll take the first watch." Kio said as he slipped the last bowl into a pouch on the back of one of the horse's saddles that was on the ground.
"Nope. I'm fine. You sleep first." I quickly replied, shooting Kio a serious look.
He opened his mouth to combat my words, but quickly shut his mouth when he saw my glare. He knew that whenever I give that look, he shouldn't argue with me.
He let out a sigh, standing up as he sauntered over to his tent.
"Alright then. Wake me if anything happens." He said with a grin before disappearing into his tent.
I let out a sigh as I shook my head. Same old Kio.
I grabbed my katanas, sitting on a large rock to keep watch. It was quite a peaceful night, and Yara was nearby, so I wasn't worried.
I shielded my eyes as I looked up to the sky, seeing the sun begin to rise.
I had been making breakfast for us before we would set off on the last few miles to Pheraen.
Kio hadn't woken up yet. Although, it makes sense that he wouldn't be up. He was a heavy sleeper after all.
A smirk tugged at my lips at an idea that came to my head.
I know just how to wake him up.
I tip-toed over to Kio's tent, hearing his snores easily through the cloth. It was hard to hold back my laughter, but I managed.
I grabbed two branches from a bush, smirking as I got a lit lantern, putting it behind me as I stood by one of the sides of the tent.
I held the branches by my shoulders, letting out a scream as I pretended as if I was being attacked.
I could hear Kio's sheets quickly rustle as he jumped out of his bed, hitting his head on the top of the tent, making me slightly wince, but smirk all the same.
"(Y/N)! Ow... What happened! Are we under attack!?" He screamed as he bolted out of the tent, shurikens in hand.
I couldn't take it anymore. I burst out laughing, holding my side as I dropped the branches.
Kio walked over to where I was and lowered his shurikens, glaring at me.
"Not funny, (y/n)." He said, clearly not amused.
"Ahahahaha! No, that was hilarious!" I replied, laughing so hard my sides hurt.
"Shut up, you knucklehead." Kio said, wrapping an arm around my neck as he ruffled my hair with his fist, "I'm going to go change, let me know when breakfast is ready."
I nodded, giving a thumbs-up as I caught my breath and retained my stability.
((After breakfast and on the road))
I took a sip from my canteen, screwing the cap back on when I was finished.
I gazed up at the beautiful sight before me, a magnificent, prosperous kingdom.
We've finally arrived... to Pheraen.
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