It was the next day, as we start walking down the hall to our class. We run into Midoriya and Todoroki. Midoriya was on his shoulder, while I had Bakugou on mine.
"Morning Kirishima, morning Kacchan", he greeted with a smile.
"Bakugou..", I said.
"Fine. Morning Half n half bastard and morning Deku", he answered.
"Good Morning Bakugou and Kirishima", responded Todoroki.
"HMPH!", pouted Bakugou. Wow, he's grouchy as usual.
"Midoriya, what did you tell Mr. Aizawa?", I asked him.
"Well, I lied to him, saying the villain shrunk me when I was on my way to the mall and Todoroki happened to found me like this", he explained.
"I never lie and always tell the truth, but I decided to lie with Midoriya, so he wouldn't get in trouble", answered Todoroki.
"Oh ok", I said.
"He also told me that I have responsibility over Midoriya until he becomes his normal self again, just like Bakugou and Denki", he added.
"Tch..I want it to be over so I can cuddle with Kiri", said Bakugou. I blush.
"What was that? Did I hear the word cuddle?", asked Todoroki.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP, I LOVE HIM ALRIGHT!?", he yelled. Todoroki puts his hands up in surrender.
"Kacchan, are you mad at me?", asked Midoriya.
"Why would I get mad at you Deku?"
"Well, I worked with Kirishima on the mission last night, and you're probably yelling at me, because of that", explained Midoriya.
"No. Okay yeah! But, also..GETTING UP FOR FUCKING SCHOOL, EVERY FUCKING WEEK!", he shouted.
"It will be okay Bakugou", I assured him.
"No..no it won't..", he said with a low tone.
"What do you mean?", I asked him. The bell rings.
"I'll tell you after class", he told me.
"Okay", I answered. All four of us head to our class. Sero, with Denki on his shoulder waves at us. I wave back, Bakugou, not so much. I wonder why he's so upset today.
Class starts and Kirishima sits me on the desk. I look to the back and see Half n half in his seat with Midoriya on his desk, then beside us, Sero with Denki on his desk. Denki waves at me with a grin and I flip him off. I was so angry. Not because of having class every week, it was that fucking deal I made with Raccoon Eyes and the girls. I made a deal, I regret so fucking much. Having a tea party after class today. Luckily, I'm tagging Kirishima along, so he can suffer with me. He hasn't gone through the fucking torture, just he wait and see.
I look down at Bakugou. He was very quiet and he usually isn't that quiet. What is going on in his mind? I shrug it off and paid attention to Mr. Aizawa teaching.
"Before I teach, there is some bad news", said Mr. Aizawa.
Oh boy..
"Shrink's members are arrested, however, Shrink himself, is not. Police are searching for him right now, but he isn't found yet", he added.
This wasn't good. I really thought we had them all arrested. Shrink is very sneaky and he will never be that easy to arrest like last time. I look back down at Bakugou on the desk. He didn't look very happy about hearing the bad news neither. Well, if Shrink is still out there, I won't let him hurt Bakugou. It is my responsibility to protect him and that's what I'm going to do. I care about him, that I don't want him to get injured or killed. I love him. Moreover, who knows what he's planning. We may have destroyed his shrink machine, but you never know what he has planned next.
"Also, two familiar people were seen in suits, while the police arrived.. Midoriya? Kirishima? Care to explain?", he asked.
"Sorry Mr. Aizawa, we disobeyed your orders", apologized Midoriya. I get out of my seat and face him.
"We really are sorry, but we have proof Shrink was planning something and it was dangerous. Midoriya and I disguised in suits to blend in with the members of the S.T.I.T.S company. There were a lot of people who work for him there", I answered.
"S.T.I.T.S?", he questioned.
"Yeah, Shrink The Innocent To Suffer", added Midoriya.
"What a weird name for a company", said Tsu.
"Yeah, I recorded his plan from my phone", I added. I took out my phone and gave it to Mr. Aizawa.
"I understand, but you two would have gotten hurt. Leave it to the pros-"
"Like they could stop him. It would be a matter of time before all hell breaks loose", interrupted Bakugou. He was right. If they shown up at the last minute, it would be too late to catch him. He could've ended up already using the machine or gone to a different destination.
"Mr. Aizawa, if it hadn't been us being there, he could've used the machine without knowing". I told him.
"What machine?", he asked.
"A shrink machine. We overheard his plan about shrinking everyone in the city and killing Bakugou", I explained.
"What?", asked Bakugou. I faced him and nodded.
"He was planning to kill us both Bakugou. For ruining his plan earlier, before you were shrunk.."
Feeling shocked, he puts his head down. He didn't say a word after that. He must be scared.
"It wasn't easy destroying the machine. We had to use sticky bombs", explained Midoriya.
"Very well. At least you two are still alive and well. That's all that really matters. Just please don't let it happen again. Also, thank you for telling me. Hopefully, we will catch Shrink before he does anymore harm. You two, don't get involved again", ordered Mr. Aizawa. We nodded.
"It won't happen again sir", I said.
"What were you two thinking? That was very dangerous, doing such a stunt like that", said Iida.
"Not to mention, going to a secret hideout, where so many dangerous criminals were inside", answered Sero.
"That was probably badass", said Denki and smirks.
"Midoriya", said Mr. Aizawa.
"Yes, Mr. Aizawa?", asked Midoriya.
"I don't think I want to tell your mother that you end up shrunk. It would worry her", he said.
"Yeah, she worries about me a lot. If I told her that, she'll have a heart attack", said Midoriya and laughed nervously. Mr. Aizawa gave him a serious look and Midoriya stops.
"For now, we will handle on looking for Shrink. You two, don't get involved"
"Yes sir", we both answered.
"Class is dismissed. I have no assignments to give out, so enjoy the rest of your day", said Mr. Aizawa. The students leave the classroom, while I sit Bakugou on my shoulder and leave as well. As we walk out, Bakugou didn't say a word.
"Bakugou, everything is going to be okay. They'll catch him, I promise.
"Okay..", he answered.
"Also, what were you gonna tell me?"
"You said you would tell me something after class"
"Oh that. Don't worry about it. I'm too worried about that bastard not getting caught yet", he answered.
"Could you at least tell me, what you were gonna tell me?", I asked him.
"Well, a te..party..", he muttered.
"A te...party", he muttered again.
"A TEA PARTY! A FUCKING TEA PARTY!", he yelled. Students were looking at us.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU LOOKING AT!? GOT A PROBLEM!?", he shouted. They walk off, minding their own business after that outburst. Bakugou pinches my ear.
"Outside. Now", he said.
"Alright", I said and walk outside the school. I take him off my shoulder and sit him in the palms of my hands. Then, I sit at the fountain and look at him.
"So, you want to have a tea party, with me? That's unlike you", I answered and giggles.
"No, you idiot. Raccoon Eyes and the girls want me to join them for a tea party. Like a dumbass, I agreed"
"Well, they claim they promised to not tell anyone about me playing tea party with them. I don't fucking believe them. They're probably lying tch"
"Why are you telling me this?", I ask him.
"Because..I want you..to tag along with me", he explained to me and looks away blushing.
"Aww, you're shy-"
I smile at him.
"Okay Katsuki, I'll join you for the tea party", I answered.
"Good, now you will suffer like me", he said with a smirk. I giggle. I like him when he's happy.
I'm so glad that Kirishima agreed to do this. I was going to get very pissed off, if he was going to say no. But, the idiot would agree to do anything for me. He's such an idiot, but I still love this idiot.
"Did I hear tea party?", said Half n half in front of us.
"I LOVE TEA PARTIES!", cheered Deku. That shitty nerd would love anything.
"Yeah, a tea party. Would you guys like to join us?", asked Kirishima.
"SURE! KACCHAN, CAN WE COME TOO PLEASE!?", begged Deku who was on Half n half's head.
"I wouldn't mind having tea once in a while", said Half n half. They want to join me for a fucking tea party? At first, I was angry, but then I smiled. Two more idiots suffering torture with me. What a great idea.
"Whatever. Go ahead", I answered.
"YAY!!", cheered Deku. Raccoon Eyes run to us.
"Hey guys", she answered.
"Hey Mina", said Kirishima.
"We overheard you and the girls are having a tea party", answered Todoroki.
"We were, but Uraraka is sick and Toru has homework to catch up on", she explained.
"YES! I MEAN..bummer..", I said.
"We can have it next time, sorry guys", she said and walks off. I sigh in relief. Looks like I don't have to do that deal after all. Kirishima puts me back on his shoulder and stood up.
"WAIT! We can all go to the café and enjoy ourselves", said Deku. Damn you Deku.
"Hm, that's not such a bad idea. Okay, but I'll invite Sero and Denki too!", answered Mina. I fucking hate Deku.
"What do you say Bakugou?", asked Kirishima. It won't be too bad to just hang out. It's better than a stupid tea party. So, what the hell.
"Alright", I answered.
"Alright!", cheered Kirishima raising his fist in the air. It usually be Dunce Face, Raccoon Eyes, Kirishima, Tape Boi and me. Sometimes Earjack is with us. But, Deku and Half n half will be something to get used to.
"Then it's settled, see you guys later", answered Mina and skips away.
"See you later Kacchan and Kirishima", answered Deku and Half n half walks off with him.
"Yeah, cool", I answered. We head back to the dorms. When we walk inside, Kirishima gets zapped.
"KIRISHIMA!", I yelled. I hold onto the collar of his shirt as he fell down. He sits up.
"I feel..dizzy..", he said. He shrinks to my size and he was holding his head still feeling dizzy. Kirishima was about to fall again, but I help him up. I look up and couldn't believe my eyes. THAT BASTARD WAS HERE. BUT HOW!? The cameras were everywhere around, securing the building.
"Oh, I'm sorry. That's where you're wrong", he answered.
"My helpers discharged all of them last night. You see, I have more members than you think"
"How..that's not.."
I grit my teeth in anger and try to blast towards him, but got shocked instead. The pain got to me and I fell to my knees. What the hell was going on?
"While you two were asleep, I put a tiny shock chip in your neck. Whenever, you try to attack, it will shock you painfully. Also, if you keep trying to attack me, it will shock you until you die"
I was speechless.
"Who's the bastard now?"
Was this bastard serious? No, this is bad. I touch the back of my neck and try to take it out, but I get shocked again.
"Face it. You failed and I win"
I felt weak. I couldn't move as much. I could even blast him. That fucking bastard.
"You two are useless now. Now excuse me, I have unfinished business to attend to", he said and walks away from us, then walks out. I look over to Kirishima, trying to wake him up. He slowly wakes up.
I wake up and see Bakugou. He had a worried look on his face. I never seen him so worried before.
"Bakugou?", I asked. He doesn't say anything and hugs me crying. I hug him back, wondering what was going on. At first, I thought he was back to normal, but I look at the huge couches. I shrunk..
I look at Bakugou, but he was still crying.
"What's wrong?", I asked and wipe his tears from his face.
"That bastard shrunk you and now he has another plan to take over. He even put a chip in my neck, while we were sleeping last night. The bastard told me if I try to take it out, it will shock me til I die", he answered and cries some more.
"Bakugou..", I said as I hold him close.
"Kirishima, I don't want to die", he cried. I have never seen Bakugou this emotional before.
"Bakugou, you are not gonna die. I won't let that happen", I answered. He nods.
"Okay..", he said. I kiss him and he kisses me back. That Shrink bastard must've planned this. He probably overheard us talking about taking him down and having him arrested. Now that he knows, his plan is probably more dangerous. Who knows what it could be. Now that I'm shrunk, I can't figure out what he's planning next.
"What do we do?", asked Bakugou.
"I don't know", I said and walk towards the front door. It was closed and I look at the glass window.
"But we have to tell Mr. Aizawa before this gets out of hand", I said. He nods.
"Alright", answered Bakugou. I grab his hand and he blasts out the window with me.
"Bakugou, how far can you propel back to the school?", I asked him.
"I don't know, but we'll have to try", answered Bakugou, still blasting away from the dorms.
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