Pro-Hero Billboard and New Nomu Arc part 3-6
Hawks got back to the nest and Dabi helps him bring the stuff in and he did tell Dabi about the advice from Endeavor and he asked if that was all true which got a loud laughter out of Dabi as he can't believe Endeavor told Hawks that story.
"Damn right it was. He was like a chicken without it's head during that time. Trust me on it fully, Hawks. We need to take that advice very seriously. Miruko and Tomura are doing the same thing really for their own. No clue on how many though." Hawks chuckles on that really.
"Toga sweetheart thinks it's twin boys really. Tomura is worrying about being like his biological father making Miruko to sign them up for parent therapy. It's to help one of the parents if they've been abused by a parent. Tomura isn't fighting her on it.
Seems he's going to give it a shoot really. His imoto fully agreed with Miruko on this one really." Mr. Compass said as Toga giggles as she wonders if one of them will have Rabbit Quirk and the other Decaying Quirk freaking Tomura out and chasing her around the base really.
"Nice. I'm still wondering how his sister managed to handle her life like she did."
"No clue. And Shoto explained it all to me. Tomura was royally pissed off cause of it really. He wanted to do that 'I wish' thing three times to bring them back, so he can kill them himself." Hawks shivers at that really.
'Never ever piss the decaying serpent dragon man off really.' Endeavor was walking around the area and then he noticed some kids making him to walk up to them which scares them, but he asked them if they had noticed anything weird happening.
"Yeah, we did." One explanation later and Endeavor thanks him.
"Also no more Quirk usages in the public. Unless it's for self-defense really, kid." Endeavor said as they're shocked that he knew they had used their Quirks. Endeavor checks the place the kid said. It was four alleyways down the street, then go down straight.
Then take a left, walk four feet and he'll see the hole since they ran after something hit the hall. Endeavor saw the hole and called the cops with the same directions he has gotten. Blood was on the ground and they found them both.
A group of street kids were with one trying to treat/heal him with their Quirks making the cops to call ambulances for him and the kids making them to head off to the hospital. Four cops were fully sent to ask what had happened really.
Endeavor gave the description of the kid who gave the directions to him and the cops nod as they'll talk to him about this. The other man was dead and it looks like it's from blood lose really making Endeavor to speak out loud that the man was defending something or someone.
Ten days later and Hawks had asked Endavour over to Yoritomi in Central Fukuoka for a quick lunch break which he's paying for. Endeavor shows up and he saw Hawks waving him over as they walked in and went to the top floor of the restaurant really.
"Not a bad view, huh?"
"I can see why you like to use your wings a lot actually. Why did you call me here for?" Hawks looks to him.
"A rumor of a Nomu is here, but the problem is I couldn't find it and did ask Miss. Shigaraki if she can sense it just to help me out. Seem this one has a Sensor Cancelling Quirk to fully keep it even more hiding really." Endeavor frowns a bit at that really.
"You think it's looking for stronger opponents and if I'm here, it might show up." Endeavor thinks which Hawks nods to fully really.
"I also called you here not just for as bait, but as partners. A team if you will." Endeavor can see that working, but then Hawks stiffs as he looks out the window and he told their waitress to get down as a head blasted into the window.
'Now I know why Dabi said it's called Hood. It has a hood over it's head to protect the very exposed brain. Smart.' Hawks thinks as Hood's head crashes through the glass windows and demands to fight the strongest hero that is there.
Endeavor orders Hawks to fully evacuate the area and says the Nomu has perfect timing. The new No. 1 Hero uses Jet Burn to punch the monster back outside. He uses flame jets to float in the air and challenges the beast to face the world's new top hero.
"Endeavor! You can fly?!"
"I can only suspend myself in the air!" Endeavor shouts back at Hawks as he looks to the Nomu.
"Fire of that caliber can't kill me." The Nomu said and regenerates his wounds. Endeavor recalls the Nomus that he previously faced and realizes that, unlike the white ones, the black Nomu had a super-regenerative ability.
'This new Nomu is special even within that group because it can talk, so I want to capture him alive to interrogate him.' Endeavor thinks as this would help find who has been making these things really as he hopes to stop the very person in their tracks.
Endeavor heats up the fingers of his left hand to attack the Nomu with Hell Spider, launching five streams of fire from his fingertips. Although two fire streams strike Hood, the High-End Nomu doesn't stop his advance and he attacks Endeavor with his Transforming Arms.
Hood grabbed him with an elastic grasp and crashing him into the building. Hood had fully immediately pushes Endeavor all the way fully through the entire building and sent him to the other side of it before Endeavor releases a great flare of fire that incinerates Hood's arm.
It was causing the creature to fully release Endeavor from his grip, but however, Hood quickly had fully overwhelms him by regenerating his lost limb and transforming it into tentacles to wrap Endeavor up from the sides and Endeavor tries to break though it really.
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