Issues - 4
Dan's POV
I got her to smile a little, but it vanished just as quickly as it appeared. She looked away again, down at the floor slightly to the right of her lap. She opened her mouth as if she was going to say something, but then clearly decided against it and shut it again.
"What is it?" I asked her, and got no reply. "C'mon, you can tell me whatever it is. I'll always be here for you, you know that right?"
"I- I guess," she whispered.
"Was there something you wanted to say?" I gently prompted her.
She slowly nodded, then softly spoke, "I want to know why you haven't been eating. Or sleeping."
"Well, I've been so worried about you every day, that I lost my appetite, and couldn't sleep. I needed to know that you'd be okay," I said, then whispered, "That you'd come back to me."
"But- But I'm not worth all that worrying, and the insomnia, and the lack of food you've been eating. You shouldn't do that to yourself because of me," she said.
Tears started to slip out of her eyes again, and I quickly wiped them away with my thumbs again.
"Hey now. You are worth it all. I'd go through all of that and more a million more times, just to know that you're okay. I- I read your note," I said, deep sorrow filling my voice again, and her eyes widened. "And I wanted you to know, that I read only the part you addressed to me. I haven't let anyone else read it, because what you wrote to me was personal, and that's not my secret to tell. Even if you had, died," I choked out that last word, and then continued. "I still wouldn't of, because it's not my place to tell other people your secrets. But I need to tell you something too," I said then took a couple of deep breaths as I said what I've been dying to tell her since I first saw her. "I love you too."
At that moment, she snapped her head to look me straight in the eyes. She had a shocked expression on her face, and opened her mouth to say something, but I knew what she was going to say, which was ask me how I could love someone like her, but I figured she could ask that in a moment. There was one more thing I've been dying to do. That I NEEDED to do.
I quickly cupped my hands over her cheeks, and she closed her mouth instantly again. I started leaning in, and I pulled her face gently towards mine. My eyes closed, and not a half second later, could I feel her lips against mine.
At first she didn't react, but a couple of seconds later, she started kissing me back. It was the most amazing thing I've ever experienced. The kiss was full of passion and love, and as cliché as it sounded, I could feel the electricity from the kiss, and the butterflies in my stomach as I kissed her.
I suddenly heard her heart monitor start wildly beeping, and I reluctantly pulled away from the sweet kiss and leant my forehead against hers and chuckled lightly.
"Heartbeat rise a bit?" I teased.
She blushed and stuttered, "Y- yeah. Just a little."
"It's fine," I laughed again. "The same thing happened to me, don't worry."
She smiled at me, then asked the question I knew was coming.
"But how could you love someone like me?" she asked.
"Well," I said, smiling. "I love you, because you're beautiful, and perfect, and amazing, and you could tell exactly what type of person I am just by closely observing me," I said and she blushed a redder tint. "But that's not even close to the end of the reasons why I love you."
She didn't say anything for a couple of moments, but then spoke up, "I would explain why I love you, but I kind of did that already didn't I?" she laughed, but it was hollow. "But it wouldn't hurt to say it again. Like I said, you were the first person to show any interest towards me what-so-ever, and I was confused. But you were always kind to me, and when you stuck up for me against Josh and Kayla, I was utterly shocked. No one's ever done that, and I didn't know how to react which is why I'd ran away after they left, and I'm sorry for that. That probably hurt you and I didn't mean for it to, I was just so confused. I'd go into my life story, but I think we can save that for when I'm not in such a stressful, horrid place," she said gesturing to the white walls around her.
"I'm fine with that, I don't really like hospitals either. But definitely swap backstories some time?" I asked her.
"Absolutely," she answered simply.
I smiled at her, and then she scooted over to one side of the hospital bed, and patted the now empty space next to her. I gladly took the invite and moved so I could sit next to her. I timidly put my arm around her shoulders, not sure how she'd react. She laid her head down on my shoulder, and I smiled even more, and laid my head on top of hers, causing her to smile.
I noticed that her breathing had slowed to a steady rise and fall, telling me she'd fallen asleep, and soon, sleep pulled me under as well.
A/N: so I managed to write this chapter in the same night lol, so expect the next one soon, because I'm actually finally gonna start updating a lot more, because I've been depressed lately and I write and draw a lot when I'm depressed. Like I'll draw on papers at school, and then write when I'm at home. Most of my drawings and stories are pretty sad though, and usually connect to me in some way, don't worry I haven't tried to commit suicide or anything, but the fact that it's in this story means I've contemplated it. I always connect my stories and drawings to my own feelings though, so just keep that in mind as you read this story, because it's my outlet right now, and helps me think about things, without actually having to think about them if you know what I mean. Anyways, sorry for the long note, I just wanted to let you guys know that I connect my outlets to my emotions, and hope that you'd appreciate the story a lot more. Thanks again for reading my story, it means a lot to me.
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