Part 2
Fawn just got done feeding Tabby and was going to get her ready to go home
"There we go sweet girl," she says as she got done feeding her daughter, and Tabby let out some good burps for mommy that day
George was going to pick the two of them up and take them home cause Fawn felt safe at home right now with Tabby being little and everything as well
"Let's change you before grandpa-pa comes to take us home," she says as she was going to change her into her cute outfit
Tabby went back into her little ball right bow
"Sweetie, can you please?" Fawn asks her daughter
Fawn rubbed Tabby belly and that had helped a little bit
"I will wrap you up here soon," Fawn says as she was going to change Tabby
Fawn had Tabby ready in no time
"There we go that was not so bad now was it?" Fawn asks as she was finishing dressing Tabby to come home from the hospital
Fawn got dressed as Tabby slept a little bit
"Okay sweetheart let's get you buckled in cause grandpa-pa is coming between tapping to get us," Fawn says as she was going to put Tabby in her car seat
Fawn gets Tabby buckled in no time to go to set right now and then she was finally going to go home where she was going to stay
"There are my girls," George says as he comes in cause the other three were on set right now having fun and running around like monkeys
George takes the baby as Fawn gets in the wheelchair to go out to the car so they could go to set and join the others as well right now
"Tabby is sleeping," George says as he looks at the baby that was sleeping right now in her car seat like a little angel
"Yeah she fell asleep a little bit ago," Fawn says as they were leaving to go to the set right now
George felt very proud as he was carrying his grandaughter to the minivan cause with the girls he needed it and Fawn was going to ride in front since Tabby was sleeping right now in the backseat of the van right now after she was locked in by her grandpa-pa who wanted to secure her in first, and then he was going to help Fawn in the van so they could get going
"She looks so perfect," Fawn says as she was looking at the baby once she was in the minivan
"Yeah, your sisters are excited to see her especially C.C," he says as he was driving to set cause Raven's seat was behind Fawn's seat and Tabby's seat was behind him
C.C has been on cloud nine to see Tabby every day and even want to be with her as soon as she could, and she wants to be hands-on with Tabby
"C.C I know she is excited she can't wait to see Tabby again," Fawn says with a chuckle
George's coworkers gave him a shower the day after Tabby was born, so he was ready for when Tabby was released
"Viv cares less and Raven has been okay and she is excited for a playmate her own age to play with," he says as he was driving to set right now
"Vivienne might warm up after a while I hope," Fawn says as she was texting Kevin to let him know she was released and where was he at right now cause he was going to pick the two of them up that day, but it was George and he was more than happy to get his granddaughter and bring her home, but he had to go back to set and Tabby was coming along for the ride right now which she was loving
"She will warm up to the baby in time just give her a few more days to warm up to the baby," he says as he was still driving
George helps Fawn out of the van cause she was still sore from the birth, so it was going to be hard for her to walk or sit for at least two days cause she was stitched
"I'll get Tabby you go ahead," he tells her as he was going to get the baby for her that way she did not have to do too much right now since Kevin was god knows where right now
"Okay put her in the stroller that way she sleeps cause she loves movement," Fawn says to him as she was getting the diaper bag that was by Tabby right now that way she had everything she needed to care for her as she waited on Kevin to come and get the two of them
George got the stroller since Fawn had the diaper bag right now
"Perfect here we go angel," he says as he secures Tabby since she was still asleep in her car seat like a little angel and he covered her to protect her from the sunlight right now cause it was very bright out right now
Fawn was inside and going to the spare room to be with Tabby and get her adjusted a little bit and try to feed her if she was hungry or maybe cuddle with her
"Here we go Tabby just woke up," he says as he brought the baby in that was looking around at where she was right now
"Hey precious girl," Fawn says as the stroller was brought by her
George got her out and handed her to Fawn so she could be fed. Tabby didn't want mommy she wanted her grandpa-pa more
"I guess she is not ready to eat just yet," Fawn says
"Nope I guess she wants me I'm okay with that completely I'll take her out to the stage so the others can meet her," he says as he left with her cause he grabbed a burp cloth just in case she had some spit-up cause she ate at the hospital and she might spit-up out of the blue and he needed to be ready for her
"That's fine I can pump a little bit so if you want to feed her you can, cause I can read some of the books the hospital gave me and I wanna start on her baby book too cause I could not do much of it when I was in the hospital, and maybe I can catch a little nap cause the nurses did not leave me alone" Fawn says as she was going to chill and check on Raven as well since she was probably sleeping like a lamb right now anyways
Raven was, in fact, sleeping so Fawn was going to do the things that she told George what she was going to do while she waited for Tabby to come back
"Hey sweet girl you waking up huh?" he asks the baby that was opening her eyes cause she was in a different place the hospital or her mom's arms and she wanted to check out where she was at and who was holding her
Tabby moved a little bit
"Don't worry your grandpappy has you baby girl, and he will not let anything happen to you at all you can count on that" he says as he was going on stage with her
"Daddy is that her?" C.C asked cause her and Vivienne were playing tag and chasing each other and having a ton of fun right now which they liked a lot, and once she saw the baby she stopped what she was doing and she was going to see the baby that daddy had
"Yes it is and we have to be quiet cause she just woke up," he says cause the whole cast was ready to meet her finally and spoil her rotten to the core
Tabby was passed around and there were photo ops before the next batch came in
"Tabby I have to put your baby headphones on you," George says as he puts the headphones on her so she doesn't go deaf
(Tabby will be on Price is right in a future chapter like the baby shower chapter cause I am planning some price is right chapters as well so stay tuned for that in the future)
"Okay Tabby girl I think daddy is taking us home," Fawn says as she got Tabby ready to go
Kevin came to get Tabby and take her home
"There's my girl time to get you settled in at your new home," he tells her
Fawn followed cause she was going to be staying there with Tabby for a while cause she had to learn to take care of the baby on her own without her dad there, and she might go over when Kevin and she get in a fight and stay the night cause George had a room ready for Tabby
Kevin brought the baby in and put her in her swing for the time being so she could nap
"I am going to go get a shower," Fawn says cause she wanted to really freshen up before Tabby has her first photo session
"Okay do you have milk ready?" he asks her
"Yeah it's in the bag ready to go if she wakes, but I think she will be fine until I am done," I say as I went to get a shower
Kevin was going to unpack and make sure he has the car seat installed right
(Much later)
Fawn was feeding Tabby in her nursery and Kevin was not home yet so George brought the girls over for the photoshoot cause it was going to be special
"Okay the photographer is on her way here," George says as he was going to set up the spaces a little bit
"Perfect let me get Tabby ready for her close-up," Fawn says as she was going to bathe Tabby and see if she will go to sleep a little bit as they waited
Tabitha was fully awake and she did not want to go to sleep at all for her mommy
"You going to be up for a little bit huh pretty girl I might as well do your hair," Fawn says cause her outfits she had picked out were ready when the photographer comes
Tabitha looks beautiful in her dress and George had all of the spaces ready for the photos that were going to be happening
"Okay all we do is wait," Fawn says as she was going to chill right now
"Yup," George says as they waited for the photographer to come to take the pictures
The photographer called and said she wasn't coming so George got who does the pictures for the cast take Tabitha's newborn pictures
"She is so photo genetic George," the photographer says to him
"Yeah she is and she loves the camera and the little noise as well so that is something" he says as he kept her awake as her pictures were taken cause Fawn wanted just Tabby to have her pictures taken and some were going to be with her aunts and her grandpappy as well which was a good thing cause she wide awake and looking around where she was the whole time
"She gets that from me" George says as he was going to get her ready for the next set of photos
The girls loved having their pictures taken with Tabby and Tabby loved it she was wide awake through the whole thing
"Fawn why don't the three of us get our picture taken with her" George says to her cause he though Fawn should have one picture of her and Tabby
Fawn gave in and went to have her picture taken even though she wanted Kevin there with her for these pictures and Tabby loved being with mommy the most
(Much later)
"I think I have to go home and get her settled for her first night cause this was a lot for her" Fawn says as she gets the baby ready to go home
Going to stick this story on Tuesday's line-up cause my schedule going to be nuts so it's staying there, and new chapter is coming in the future work is going to get nuts again
Wishing everyone merry christmas and happy holidays
Plus a happy new year
More is coming in the near future
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