TrollsLover , I know what you're going through. But you have to understand, everyone here is trying to help you. We all love you, right guys? RIGHT GUYS?! *looks crazy* jk jk, but what I'm trying to say is...
I've seen a LOT of depressing people, including me. But here's the question...
Why do you think I joined the Trolls Fandom? Not only because it was a great movie or the ships, but because it brought me happiness, before I watched it, I was so sad and depressed, full of drama and stuff, but after watching it, MY ENTIRE LIFE CHANGED! Sure, there are a few minor problems, but just thinking of trolls always made me smile.
Maybe you should try too!
Right before I watched it, I thought it would be a terrible movie like some rip-offs because they way they look (no offense poppy because you were the first person I saw in the trailer :3)
But after my brother forced me to watch it, I WAS OBSESSED WITH IT!!!
Please, can you guys at least try to be happy for me?
Remember my biggest dream?
It's to make the world a better place, and everybody to be smiling and happy, not in the creepy way of course.
Even if I have to work or study for school, I don't care. As long as I get to WATTPAD and talk to my friends because you guys motivate me the best! Especially my friends I know.
Seeing you guys smile, seeing you guys laugh or squeal or fangirl about things or comment things in my books, THEY ARE TREASURED IN MY HEART AND MEMORY.
Trolls... has truly changed my life, so that's why I want to join Dreamworks and boost up the happiness! I better not forget Lake!
I love you guys SO SO SO SO SO MUCH!
And whenever I see you guys sad or depressed, I would literally try ANYTHING to make you guys smile. Will you guys help me out and do the same?
Life is hard, I know. But with us, helping each other, I believe that we can make everything better.
And try listening to this song if ya like, it's kinda catchy, I'm pretty sure broppytrash_ might like this :3
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
This song pretty much represents my friends, including you guys💕💞💓💖💘💗💝
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