Chapter 58: A Daddy's Girl & A Momma's Boy
**I'd like to thank all the comments on the previous update called "Help Me Please" It's nice to know that I have support. I can however say that the people who have reached out to me did help me. I may have read them with tears hitting my screen but I did read them and I did appreciate the flow of responses I got.
I'd also like to send my condolences to the family and friends of Daniel Kyre. if you don't know or haven't heard, he has committed suicide. I hope Ryan is okay. I know they were very close and basically brothers. I know this is affecting Mark. He will not be forgotten...**
~June 1st (12 pm)~
Sean sat on his desk chair, editing a video. He heard the faint and tired voice of Emily. He turned around and heard her whining. He got up from his chair. He walked to the bed and shook her gently.
"...Daddy~..." She whined. Sean picked her up and sat down on the bed. He rubbed her stomach. She nuzzled her face against his shirt. He smiled.
[Y/N] came into the room with some hot cocoa for Emily and Sebastian. She placed the cups on Sean's desk and picked up Sebastian who rubbed his sleepy eyes.
"Can I have some cocoa Mommy?" Sebastian asked. [Y/N] nodded, kissing his cheek. Emily yawned.
" Daddy? " Sean looked over at her.
"Can we make a video?" She sniffled. Sean smiled and nodded.
"Sure honey." Sean got up holding Emily in his arms and sat in his office chair [Y/N] pulled her chair next to him and sat down with Sebastian on his lap. She handed Emily her cocoa. Emily smiled. Sean handed Sebastian his cocoa and turned on his camera.
*High-Five* "Top of the morning to ya laddies, my name is Jacksepticeye and welcome to a Reading Your Comments video. Emmi is sick today and I want the family to have some fun so we are doing this. I tweeted out for funny questions. So here is some of them. Oh! My lovely wife is reading the questions." Sean stole a kiss from her. She blushed.
*giggling* "Sean..I'm not reading that..." She showed him his phone. Sean's jaw dropped.
"How long is Sean's D?" His cheeks were bright red. [Y/N] died laughing. Emily looked up at him.
"Daddy? What does 'D' stand for?" Emily asked.
*trying not to laugh* "My dinosaur dinosaur..."
*clears throat* "Next question..." Sean laughed.
"Cookies or Your Wife?" [Y/N] arched her eyebrow at him, waiting for his answer.
Sean's cheeks were red hot. "Ummmmm.......See it's a lose lose situation. If I pick my wife then I am cheating on my long term cookie relationship, BUT if I choose cookies then I am cheating on my wife .......NEXT QUESTION." [Y/N] playfully glared at Sean.
"This one is for me: *clears her throat* Oh my god, I can't. You have some messed up fans."
She handed him his phone. Sean smiled.
"What's your favorite position?" Sean looked down smiling.
[Y/N] smirked. "My favorite position is laying on the couch, eating food and playing games."
Sean smiled. "Moving off this subject." He giggled.
"This question's for you Emmi." Emily nodded excitedly.
"Are you a Daddy's girl?" Emily giggled and nodded. Sean kissed her cheek.
"And Sabbie is a Momma's boy.." Emily smiled and nudged Sebastian.
"Am' not!" Sebastian smiled.
"You're my little boy." [Y/N] kissed his cheek.
"And our last question is: Are you .... whipped...?" She smiled.
"Um....I guess no. *whispers* Don't want to upset the boss.." He giggled. She nudged him.
"Thanks to my lovely family for being here and THANK you so much for watching, If you liked it, punch that like button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! Aaand, high fives all around *high fives the sides* . But thank you guys and I will see all you dudes... IN THE NEXT VIDEOOO" Sean waved as he turned off the camera. Emily sat on Sean's lap, drinking her cocoa with a smile on her face. Sean kissed [Y/N] and smiled. Sebastian smiled cutely as he drank his cocoa. Emily giggled and nudged Sebastian. Sebastian looked to her.
"You're a coconut.."
"Oh yeah? Well you're a PEANUT!" He stuck his tongue out at her. She did the same to him.
[Y/N] intervened. "Okay, okay." Sean smiled.
"Who wants to play a game?" Sean asked. Both of the twins raised their hands. Sean grabbed two controllers and gave them to the twins. [Y/N] let Sebastian sit in her chair and she laid on the bed. Sean smiled at how cute she looked.Sean let Emily sit in his chair and let them play. Sean walked to the bed and looked at her.She smiled, pulling him into bed with her. He chuckled. He kissed her deeply. She smiled against his lips. [Y/N] cuddled up next to him, placing his hand on her stomach. She felt a jab that caused her to lean forward. Sean smiled. It was the baby kicking . She wrapped her arms around his neck and yawned. After a short period of time, she fell asleep. Sean's eyes fought to to stay open. The warmth from [Y/N]'s body made him tired. His eyes lost the battle and closed. Emily and Sebastian giggled as they saw their parents cuddling. They both went over to them and kissed their cheeks and snuck out of the room. [Y/N] shifted back and forth out of discomfort. Sean smiled as he pulled her close and ran his hand down her smooth, silky hair. He smiled as he heard her purr and remained still as he ran his hand down her hair. Sean woke up, not knowing why, but he was now awake. He carefully got out of bed and looked into the twins room. He smiled as he heard them talking.
"I wanna name the baby!" Sebastian said.
"NO! I get to name the baby." Emily snapped back.
"YES-HUH!" Sebastian pouted.
Sean chuckled and walked into the room. The twins got silent. Sean sat down in front of them.
"I'M NAMING THE BABY!" Sean smiled. Emily and Sebastian tackled him, pinning his arms down. [Y/N] got up from bed with her hair a mess, going to see what the noise was. She walked into the kids room.
"I leave you three for 10 minutes while I sleep and THIS is what happens!?!"
"Momma? Who's gonna name the baby?" Both Emily and Sebastian asked.
"Well we all are gonna name the baby. But I get the final say." [Y/N] smiled.
"WHAT? HEY HEY HEY HEY! What gives YOU the final say?" Sean shouted.
[Y/N] pointed to her stomach and smiled.
"Fine......." They all said in unison. [Y/N] giggled. She sat down on Sean's lap and smiled, kissing his cheek. He placed his hands on the sides of her bump. Emily and Sebastian both touched her stomach. Sean smiled.
"So lets come up with a name for this baby." Sean smiled. "[Y/N], you start."
"Umm, If the baby is a boy, I would like his name to be Andy." Sean smiled.
"If the baby is to be a boy, I would like the baby's name to be Matthew." Sean added.
"Can the baby boy's name be Julien from Madagascar?" Emily asked.
"Um...can he be Jesse?" Sebastian smiled.
"Both Sean and I want our girl to be named Spirit." She told them. Sean pulled her closer.
"Can she be named A-ava?" Emily asked.
"Can the baby be named Keegan....I like that name."
~We'll let the audience decide.~
Yes, I realize how much sickness is in this book.
The sickness is my way of creatively segwaying into the next part of the book
I'll try to stop doing it so much though
And so many more of you.
Thank you. Thank you, thank you thank you.
All others who commented and messaged me on Twitter and Wattpad, thank you. I really felt like I was alone in the giant rock we call Earth, but knowing I have all of you lovely people, it just makes me feel so happy. So again thank you.
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