Happy Troll 2
*Earthquakes and Tornadoes appear*
GD: What's happening?!
Smidge: Change! And we've got to ride along!
*In Pop Village*
Poppy: 5,4,5,4,3,2!
*(Uptown Funk you up, Uptown funk you up)*
Branch: There are plenty of reasons to sing and dance.
Twig: What's mine da?
Branch: The only way to find out is to try it.
*Twig stands on Branch's feet*
Branch: Come on son! Let's sing!
*Twig gets to into it, fails his dance, ends up peeing his pants, and hides in a tree hole*
Branch: Aw, Twig, it wasn't that bad.
Branch: *looks at Poppy* Do you think they could've run away?
Rocky: *singing* Wop a gangum style!
Breeze: *singing* Woop woop woop.
*Twig follows behind*
Branch: *sees Bergen* Whoa...
KG Sr.: Take your puny son and brush off.
Rocky: You'd best be saying sorry unless you want a bruise. *stomps on his foot hard*
*Bergen falls into a crevase. Pop tree sinks beneath ground*
Branch: Our home is sinking rapidly and no one can get out.
*Branch finds a way to free the Bergen*
Prince Gristle: What can he do? He's just a tiny troll?
*In Vibe City*
*Twig sees Lownote Jones teleport*
Twig: *astonished* A troll with magic! *looks at Lownote* Teach them! Teach them to teleport!
Branch: Twig, we're Pop trolls, we can't teleport!
*A glitter troll runs at a tree, but knocks himself out*
Prince Gristle: Uh-oh.
Princess Bridget: That's not healthy.
*Branch sees all the tribes came to help, even Kismet*
Branch: Wow, everyone came.
Boom: Except one troll who stayed behind because he was sick.
Random Troll: ACHOO!!!
Boom: Oh, he's here.
*Boom makes kissy noises*
Val: You and Me? As if.
Boom: I have a chance! By an IF!
Smidge: I'm gonna try to stop this tornado, Guy. *falls into tornado* OH MY GAH! *Guy gets swept away too*
Happy Troll 2
Cloud Guy: Yes indeed!
Boom: What's a best friend for if he can't bring a father and son together?
Val: Boom, you're crazy man.
Boom: Only on the weekends.
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