Are You Possessed?
I know it's a short chapter, but the next one isc oming up really soon! Anyway, I don't own any of the characters
Nico POV
Nico sat up curious the next morning, wondering why he wasn’t at all hungry. It was a good feeling, but it was still foreign to him.
The humans still slept in their bubbles, looking slightly better than they had the night before. This boosted Nico’s good-ish mood, seeing as his spell seemed to work.
And although Nico wasn’t craving anything at all, he could tell the teens were already hungry by the way they held themselves. The way they clutched their stomachs in their sleep, or the way their cheeks sunk in ever so slightly.
Especially the petite girl, for she hadn’t eaten in nearly two days. Nico did feel a bit guilty, but part of him knew something about these humans were doing something to his appetite. He’s never felt this way before, and to be honest he liked it.
Nico’s mind began racing at the single fact of what was happening. Could he get rid of his other curses too? Did he have a chance at being...normal?
Nico shook away his thoughts. Even if he did somehow manage to get rid of his curses, he was still a hybrid. A monster among other monsters.
“What are you planning to do with us?” Said a groggy, yet determined voice from one of the bubbles. Nico’s head whipped around to see that Will had awoken.
It took Nico a moment to remember he was supposed to speak back. “I have plans. That is all you need to know.”
“But will you ever let us go?”
Will’s face brightened. “So maybe I’ll get to see my family again?”
Nico’s expression softened in an instant, guilt climbing up his throat, seeming to choke at his words. “Yes.”
Will smiled a blinding smile. A smile Nico wondered why it would be directed at him. He was a monster after all.
“I don’t think you're evil,” Will said suddenly, catching Nico off guard.
Of course he’s evil! That's what everyone says. People call him the “sea monster” for god’s sake.
“And why not?” Nico retorted, half accusingly, half curious.
“Because I see it,” Will said simply, as if it were obvious.
“See what?” Nico raised an eyebrow.
“I see that you’re good. You’re not just some monster. I can tell.”
“And what gave you that idea.”
“Last night, you fixed my wounds. I don’t know how, but it was you.”
Nico was taken aback, he’ had been awake? “ were awake?”
“Yes. I just wanted to say...thank you. I guess.”
“You shouldn’t show gratitude. I gave you the injuries. I was just fixing them.”
“Why did you fix them anyway?” Will asked quizzically.
“I-I didn’t want you to be hurt,” Nico said, his voice barely above a whisper as he fiddled with his hands.
Apparently, Will had heard him. “Then why did you hurt us in the first place?”
“I didn’t want to...I swear it,” Nico held back the sob building up in his throat as he refused to meet the human’s eyes. “I…”
“You aren’t a bad guy. I can tell. When you attacked us, your eyes...they weren’t like they are now. That wasn’t really you there was it?”
Nico shifted on his rock-bed. “N-no. It wasn’t. It’s complicated.”
Will huffed. “You aren’t a monster. Are you possessed? Is someone making you do this?”
Nico turned to look at the boy. He was now standing, looking at Nico with a determined gleam in his eye. “Something like that. All I can say is I don’t want what's happening anymore than you do. And that’s why you have to stay.”
And with that, Nico swam out of the cave, not looking to do anything in particular besides contemplate what in the world was happening to him.
Again, I know it's short. But I hope you liked it!
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