9 - It's nice to have a friend
Marie approached the meeting place gripped by both anxiety and excitement.
She particularly feared Yosano's reaction.
She spotted the small bar where they used to meet and looked around trying to find her friend.
She reached into her bag in search of the phone when hands rested on her eyes.
Marie smiled.
'I hope you have a more than valid reason for ignoring me all this time, my dear.' Whispered a familiar voice in her ear.
Marie sighed.
'Trust me, we'd have a lot to talk about...'
Yosano released her from her grip.
'You found a husband and you were afraid I wouldn't approve of the union?'
Marie laughed somewhat amused.
'I highly doubt I would find a husband...'
Yosano put an arm around her shoulders.
'You can always find a wife... with all the clients you make clothes for, it shouldn't be that difficult... have you ever thought of that?'
'Then I accidentally use my skill and you see how quickly anyone will abandon me...'
'Silly girl, stop saying such things. You're crazy hot, your ability is absolutely no obstacle if...'
'If you're Dazai Osamu!' Marie exclaimed.
Yosano rolled her eyes.
'Please change the subject, this week he's been even less bearable than usual.'
Verlaine's words about Dazai echoed in Marie's mind.
'Has he made any new friends?'
Yosano huffed.
'He tried to get a client this week. I just don't understand what's going on in his head. In fact, I do. That girl was really nice, she really deserved...'
She paused briefly, sighing.
'But anyone would have the decency to realize that sleeping with a client is not a good idea... Only that troglodyte apparently doesn't get it...'
Marie was trying to hold back her laughter.
'It's not funny.'
'I recently heard someone else complaining about Dazai...' Marie let slip.
'I always thought Mori wanted him back in the Mafia ranks.'
Yosano commented apathetically.
Marie blushed. 'I wasn't referring to him... Maybe we should sit down. As I anticipated, I have a lot to tell you.'
They took a seat at the aloof table.
Yosano made herself comfortable. 'Spit it out.'
Marie fiddled with her cup of hot chocolate.
'What exactly do you know? What did Mme Schneider tell you?'
Yosano sipped her tea.
'That a charismatic middle-aged man and father of the person concerned; showed up at the shop saying that you would be busy with something else for a while and would have to give up your services. I would love to hear that he found you a better arrangement, but from the tone of your messages, I don't think so.'
Marie took a long pause before producing a reply.
'I, too, wish that were the truth.'
Yosano restrained herself from cursing.
Perhaps it was time she listened to the whole story first before setting off to judge.
'Do you know that several times he proposed me to join the ranks of the Mafia?'
Yosano's blood froze in her veins.
'But you always refused.'
'He didn't exactly force me to join, though... One day he came up to me and told me it was time for me to learn how to use my skill. I tried to protest.
In the end I always went along with it. I always thought that if he wanted to force me to join the Mafia he could have done it much earlier.'
'Are officially a member of the Mafia?'
Yosano interrupted her.
'No... Not exactly, but... he decided to have one of the Mafia members train me.'
She paused briefly.
'One of the executives.'
Yosano's eyes widened.
'One of the executives?'
'That's right. My father promised me that once I finally learn how to use my skill, I can go back to what I was doing before.'
'Of course if I were the leader of a criminal organization and had the opportunity to use an ability like yours I would definitely do so.'
'You know he always keeps his word.'
Yosano granted her.
'Of course... being trained by a Mafia executive... what's it like, no feelings like your father?'
The look Marie gave her was enough of an answer.
'Consider that on our first training session he left a wound on my neck...'
'No mercy from day one.' She sighed. 'After all, one expects nothing less from one who is in the executive ranks of the city's quintessential criminal organization.'
'No... after noting my poor fighting skills he only allowed me to train in the mornings for the entire first week.'
'Wow... what a great concession... and how did the second week go? You're definitely not used to exercising... I guess you must be exhausted.'
'I am... He's really... on another level.'
Yosano laughed.
'And what did you expect from an executive?'
'No indeed... Mafia members are all merciless.
I thought he would make me pay dearly when I used my skill on him.'
'Used? You actually used your skill against him?'
Marie smiled. 'Involuntarily. As always. It activated without my wanting it.'
'I don't envy him. How much did he have to put up with?'
'Less than he could have suffered.'
Yosano looked at her questioningly.
'He tried to calm me down so that the effect of my ability would cease. And he succeeded.' She said, staring at his cup.
'At first he collapsed on the ground screaming, like everyone else... but then... Then he got up, took my face in his hands and tried to calm me down until he actually succeeded.'
Yosano was impressed.
It had now been too many years since Marie had accidentally used her skill on her. She couldn't remember with any clarity, but she was sure that it had been one of the most painful experiences of her life.
And she knew that Mori himself had fallen to the ground screaming when he had been subjected to his daughter's ability.
She knew of all the cases where her friend had accidentally resorted to her skill and never had anyone managed to thwart her.
Not even for a moment.
'He managed to calm you down.' Yosano repeated.
Marie nodded, blushing slightly.
A smirk appeared on Yosano's lips.
'Don't tell me you got a big crush?'
Marie blushed.
'Wh-what are you thinking!!!?'
'You've turned as red as a tomato.'
'Please, Yosano. That man is making my life hell.'
'Is he handsome?'
Replied Marie realizing too late what she had just said.
She blushed even more.
Yosano laughed.
'It's objectively beautiful, trust me, even you would say that!'
'Really... The first time I saw him I thought he was an angel.' She added shortly afterwards.
'And so you are in the hands of this beautiful man. That's a positive point, isn't it?'
Marie sighed and told her in full detail about their first training and all the ones that followed, pointing out several times how Verlaine seemed not to show the slightest sentiment.
'I wonder why Mori decided to have him train you right now. He may have promised you that you can go back to doing your own thing, but at the same time... he's making one of his executives train you, not the last asshole who passes by... And it's taking up a lot of his time if you consider that he trains you every day.'
Marie's eyes glazed over with tears.
'It really seems like his ultimate goal is to have me in the Mafia, doesn't it?'
'That wouldn't be news. He has asked you several times to follow him.'
'And I always refused. And at this point I really thought such a proposal would never come.... I didn't think he would ever force me.'
'Surely if this teacher of yours could actually teach you how to master your skill it would be good for you too, but, let's face it. If you knew how to use it, it would be a valuable weapon difficult to give up.'
'It's also true that if I knew how to use it no one could force me to do anything anymore. I would be untouchable.'
Yosano chuckled.
'Well, if Mori wants you to learn how to use Umi to Dokuyaku there's also the Fukuzawa option...'
'I reminded him of that too, and trust me, he doesn't like that option at all.'
'The idea that you might be working for the enemy must not entice him all that much, I guess.'
Marie had her doubts about her father and Fukuzawa being enemies but made no further comment.
'If you worked with us he might use you to get Dazai back into his fold...'
Marie didn't reply. She sensed a change of temperature in her face and knew that would be enough of an answer for Yosano.
'I've never understood how that boy could have such a hold over you.'
'I never understood it either, trust me. But I'm afraid the idea of working with you and thus in close contact with Dazai is far worse than having to train every day in the Mafia.'
'I'm not lying. I wouldn't want to risk having to deal with him every day...'
At this point it was Yosano who burst out laughing.
'Dealing with him every day? Do you really think Dazai shows up every day? You are so naive.'
'Fukuzawa doesn't say anything?'
'Oh, trust me. Kunikida's complaints are more than enough. And the times when he dignifies us with his presence is perhaps even worse. He and Kunikida spend the day bickering.'
She fiddled with the teaspoon of his cup.
'But the atmosphere is very calm and relaxed. We often have a lot of fun. I guess we don't get paid as much as members of the Mafia, but... at least we are freer and don't resort to brutal methods to obtain information. We work in the sunlight.'
'Please don't talk to me as if I am already operating within the Mafia, and, most importantly, not as if it all depends on my will.'
'Sorry, sometimes I get a little carried away.'
Marie nodded, lowering her gaze to the table.
'You should have told me about this as early as last week, pumpkin! I've always said you should stop this nasty habit of yours of keeping it all inside without ever venting to anyone.'
'I was... I was genuinely afraid of how you might react.'
'You think too much, Marie. Actually, if I'm honest, more than anything I feel sorry for you... I think it's really unfair that your father can still claim this decision-making power over you... you're not a child, you're old enough.'
'I really thought you would be angry.'
'Give me a break. The only person I should be angry with is Mori.'
'Thank you, Yosano. Your words really comfort me.'
'And you know what would be even more comforting?'
Marie looked at her curiously.
'A good day spent shopping!'
'I knew you'd say that sooner or later!'
'You're the only person I can really rely on... my colleagues are very uncooperative.'
'I wonder why...' Marie commented, perfectly aware of how her friend was shopping.
A volcano that would drag you along for hours on end until you were exhausted.
'I'm saying this for your sake too, Marie. If you've spent the last two weeks in the Mafia dungeon, I'd say a little recreation can only do you good.'
'Well, yes... if I'm being honest I really needed it, in fact... maybe it helps me not to keep using my skills on Verlaine inappropriately...'
'Wasn't he the man who was ruining you?'
'Yes... so what?'
'Doesn't he deserve to suffer for what he's doing to you?'
Marie shook her head.
'I'm not that sadistic.'
Yosano would have liked to tease her friend further, but she felt she had done enough for the day.
'All right, all right. Then we can put aside all this nonsense and get down to the really important things.'
Marie smiled at her and let herself be guided as usual to various shops.
Yosano always had a varied list of places to visit and in each place she loved to try on the most extravagant clothes and in this activity she actually had a good companion in Marie.
She too enjoyed trying on clothes.
Sometimes she also enjoyed buying a few garments, but реrmostly, she used those dress fittings as moments of inspiration for her own creations; she liked to mix all the elements she fell in love with into one piece of clothing.
The two often enjoyed trying on matching outfits and taking a few photos together.
Often Marie would then create these matching outfits by adding her own personal touch.
Marie poked her head out from the curtain of the dressing room where she was standing.
'Yosano, are you ready?' she whispered.
'Yes, I am!' And she walked out of the dressing room.
Marie followed her.
They squinted at each other for a few seconds.
'Wow... this model fits us divinely!'
'I agree! They are just beautiful... I'll take a picture... I might do something similar one day...'
'And then you show up like this at the next training session with your beau.'
Marie rolled her eyes.
'If I'm honest, I don't think it's the right attire for what we have to do, you know? Consider also that I don't have much motor coordination yet, if I even showed up in a dress that doesn't facilitate movement I'd look really fresh. Besides, I don't want to impress anyone and I highly doubt I can impress Verlaine with a dress.'
'I was impressed, though.'
Marie laughed.
'Come on, stop talking rubbish and don't mention my workout again, you said we were supposed to be distracted!'
'Alright, I'll see what I can do...' but she had to admit to herself that it was funny to poke Marie like that. It was hard to see her like that.
Shortly afterwards Yosano was trying to figure out which dress to go with.
'What do you say, Marie: better the magenta one or the lilac one?'
'Mm... I prefer the lilac dress model if I have to be honest; so, I would suggest that one...'
She saw Yosano's eyes fix on something behind her.
'Have you been eyeing another dress?'
'Oh, something much better...'
Marie turned around in curiosity.
Her gaze landed on a woman with diaphanous skin and long copper hair.
She too was intent on looking at some clothes.
It took Marie a moment to put two and two together and understand what her friend meant by that phrase.
'Marie. I think we found something very interesting to do.'
Here I am with a new chapter <3
I hope you've figured out who the mystery woman who appeared on the scene is!
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