November 4th, 1983 (Friday)
Robert arrived at the office and discovered that Jackson's return was scheduled for that day. The anxiety took over his body and he took three deep breaths. He had to face the situation in a rational manner. They were only suspicions. He was a patient and deserved his attention and care.
At home, Regina was also anxious. She would finally have an appointment with her gynecologist. She had bought her pills the day after they had sex and decided to take them without any doctor's prescription. She hadn't said anything to her husband. She didn't want to worry him with nothing. In truth, he would slap her if he knew about her adventures.
The appointment with Dr. Barnes was scheduled for 10am. Her office was in the same building in the hospital and Regina was hoping that the doctor hadn't told anything to Robert.
In the meantime, Robert continued with his routine. Jackson's appointment was scheduled for 10:30am.
Regina arrived at the doctor's office right on time and soon was let in.
She told the doctor everything that had happened, and the doctor asked her to stop taking the pills and avoid sexual relations for a few days, not to take any chances, in case she wasn't already pregnant.
Dr. Barnes reprimanded her for taking pills on her own, without a prescription. The doctor asked for a blood test after fifteen days and a new appointment to look at the results.
Regina left her office feeling her soul heavy. Yes, she had been reckless. Robert would freak out when he knew about the story.
It was 10:30am and since she was already in the hospital, she decided to go by her father's office to give him a kiss. After, she would go to Robert's office to see if they could have lunch together. It would be a good moment to tell him about her appointment with the doctor.
She got into her husband's office, hugged and kissed Louise and sat down to talk to her. Her friend told her that he was with the last morning patient and, in the afternoon, the first appointment was at 1pm.
So, they could have lunch together, Regina thought.
In his office, Robert was making a couple of tests on Jackson that he himself had developed in all his years as a doctor. Even though he was focused on his job, he thought he had heard Regina's voice. He tossed this idea out of his mind and focused his attention on what he was doing.
Half an hour later, very satisfied with the results, Robert said goodbye to Jackson. He opened the door for him and saw Regina sitting on the waiting room. Jackson didn't notice her at first, because he was trying to pass his wheelchair through the door. But, once he looked up, his vision got blurry.
Regina had already seen him, and she was pale, staring at him with her eyes wide open. Time seemed to have stopped for them.
Louise didn't understand what was going on and kept looking at both.
Since Robert already had his suspicions, he was the first one to break the ice.
─ Well, Mr. Flambert, see you on our next appointment, Robert said, forcing him to move his wheelchair.
Jackson moved and came very close to Regina, who was still static.
─ I've been waiting for this opportunity for a very long time... to see you ... ask for your forgiveness. Maybe I don't deserve it. I will never forgive myself.
Regina couldn't move, couldn't even blink. Robert decided to save her from that awkward situation.
─ Mr. Flambert, I need to talk to my wife. Please, excuse us.
Regina got up of the chair and went to Robert's office. He locked the door and hugged her tightly. God, what a situation!
She didn't say anything, didn't move. The gypsy's voice came to his mind: "kiss her passionately, give yourself body and soul to her".
Robert kissed her until he left her breathless. Started caressing her slowly, kissing her face, her ear, her neck, putting his hands on her breasts. He continued. Until she asked him to stop. Regina started crying, putting her face on his chest. He kept holding her until she calmed down. On the twenty minutes that she was sobbing, he kept quiet, respecting her pain. When he realized she was calmer, lift her face and made her look at him.
─ Re, nothing changed, and nothing will change. Is life playing tricks with us? Yes, it is. Not even a Mexican soap opera would have a storyline like this. But we are together, honey. He is past. You're over this trauma. All the evil he did to you, life took care of giving him back.
She looked at him with tears still coming down her face and shook her head affirmatively.
─ He doesn't know about Andrea. She is my daughter now and no one can change that. You don't have to be afraid. I love you so much. I'll always be there for you.
─ I know, she could finally mumble some words. I love you a lot too. I feel guilty that you have to go through this. How are you going to deal with this? He is your patient!
─ Re, all that matters to me is you. You need me.
─ What if he finds out about Andrea? How would she react if she knew?
─ Let's put all those "ifs" aside and focus on us. Would you like to have lunch with me? Take your mind off it? I can ask Louise to reschedule my appointments for today so we can be together.
─ That would be nice.
─ Great. Stay here while I talk to her.
Robert opened the door a little scared to find Jackson in the waiting room. Louise stood up once she saw him and asked about Regina. Robert said she was calmer and that he would take the day off to be with her.
He asked her to reschedule his patients for the afternoon.
─ Louise, if Regina feels comfortable, she'll tell you what happened in the past and what's her connection to that guy. For now, I ask for you discretion not to comment anything with anyone, not even with Eddy, about what happened in here today. Can I count on you?
─ Absolutely, Dr. Toledo.
Robert walked in his office again to grab his stuff and leave with Regina. She had washed her face and looked calmer.
─ Let's go, Re?
─ Yes, let's go.
They said goodbye to Louise and Regina told her they would talk the next day.
─ How about we ditch the restaurants and eat a sandwich in the park, Re?
─ It sounds like a good idea, honey.
They left towards the parking lot and didn't notice a vehicle with dark windows, parked to a certain distance. Jackson was in it. He waited for over half an hour to see if she would get out and if she was ok. He felt his heart small once he saw the couple walking, hugging and smiling at each other. He could be in Dr. Toledo's place if he hadn't been such an asshole. She was still beautiful, with the face of an angel, but had a more adult look on her face, like a grown woman.
Robert and Regina went to Buritis Park. It was a sunny day, with a nice temperature. They dropped by a diner, bought sandwiches, some juice and chocolate so they could have their little picnic. There was a blanket in Robert's car, and he took it to lay on the grass. They had lunch and then laid on the blanket, Regina's head on Robert's legs. They talked about many things, except what had happened that morning.
Nothing could change what had occurred and they would have to face the situation, in case something else happened. They returned home in the late afternoon.
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