Chapter 27
Maya's POV
We are going to Spain!
I actually started packing two days ago because I just couldn't wait anymore. Alex was laughing at me but she also admitted that is was adorable. She was just really happy that I was excited about something. But a little excited was an understatement.
I don't know why I am this excited because I've been there before.
Maybe because the last time I went I was angry and emotionally unstable. It was my first time crossing borders and I didn't take time to enjoy it. I only had one thing on my mind.... Screaming at Alex for leaving me.
But now, now I am going with Alex. This time we are together and in love and we are taking our first trip together. Well everyone is going and I really didn't think otherwise but I don't want it any other way. I love them all so much and I love spending time with them.
If I'm totally honest, I packed my bags two days ago because I was afraid Alex would offer to pack it for me. Normally I would let her but I have some clothes that she couldn't see...yet.
This last week has been a roller-coaster for me. Every time we had sex I kept thinking about the lingerie. I really wanted to show her but my nerves got the best of me and I chickened out.
Then we I heard we are going to Spain, I decided to show her there. She had her own section of the castle and that means nobody can hear us. I have so say, I was holding back a few times this week. There were times I wanted to scream her name at the top of my lungs but I couldn't. We weren't alone in the house. I know for a fact everyone heard us but Alex probably threatened their lives if they ever mention it.
But in Spain nobody will hear us and I can't wait.
"Babe the cars are here"
With a big smile on my face I look up at Alex standing in the doorway of our room. I still get butterflies when I think about that, it's our room.
"Ok I am ready" I say in a much chirpy voice than I intended and I blush a bit in embarrassment. I grab my bag but it was taken from my hand before I even took one step.
"I didn't think otherwise" she chuckles, taking both our bags, rolling it out the door.
We get all our things in the car and we take our places. Alex's parents and Lily's parents take the one car while me, Alex, Lily and Marcelo take the other one.
My hand went to Alex's lap before the car even switched to second gear. I can't go a minute without touching her and I know she's can't either.
I am really excited to see what Alex has planned for me or rather us. She said she wants to take me all over Spain, show me everything but I have no idea what 'everything' implies . She just keeps saying it's a surprise every time I asked her about it. I hit her a few times in frustration because she knows I can't control my curiosity. I even tried getting a hint from Marcelo or her dad but they wouldn't let up.
The drive was long and I actually started to drift off with my head on Alex's shoulder. Apparently flying at night makes the time difference and jetlag a bit better which would help because I passed out from exhaustion the last time.
I definitely don't want that again.
We finally get on the plane just as the sun begins to set.
"Give me a kiss" Alex whispers in my ear just as we take our seats.
I smile and lean closer to kiss her soft lips. "How long is this flight going to be?" I whisper with her face close to mine.
"It's a long flight baby" she sighs but a smile creeps on her face. "Buuuttt...."
I feel her hand moving up my thigh and she moves her lips down to my neck. "I can keep you busy" she whispers in my ear.
I close my eyes and smile at the idea but we are on a plane with six other people.
"Baby we can't" I chuckle and move away from her.
"Come on" she whines. "You just have to be quiet." she smirks and attacks my neck with her lips again.
"Alex" I laugh and try getting away from her but she climbs into my lap, preventing me from moving.
"Baby no!" I yell in laughter as she starts nibbling on my ear.
"Can you two please keep it in your pants till we get there?"
Alex lifts her head and looks forward to Lily who is glaring at us over het seat.
"I'll try Lil but I can't promise anything." Alex smirks and looks back at me. "She is irresistible"
"Baby not now" I smack her arm and try to push her off me.
"Ok, ok, one more kiss?" she pleads.
How can I say no to that?
I smile and cup her face to give her pouting lips a lingering kiss. I feel her tongue graze my bottom lip and try pulling away but she grips the back of my head and pushes her tongue past my lips.
"Ba-by!" I struggle to talk with her tongue in my mouth but I also kiss her back. On one side we really can't kiss like this because it always leads to sex but on the other hand, I really love making out with her.
After a few seconds of fighting, I give in and let her take control. I can feel her victory smile against my lips and I hit her shoulder again.
She just cups my face and deepen the kiss a little. The kiss is passionate and intense but also loving and gentle. I can feel she doesn't intend to take this any further than kissing and slight touching, she just wanted a little affection.
And I am always here for it.
We are about two hours into our flight and they just served me and Lily some dinner. I didn't eat much but Alex really wanted me to eat something. After she was satisfied with my food intake, I made myself comfortable to sleep.
One thing I love about them having a private plane is that the seats are so comfortable. Alex and I basically sit on a couch. It feels like we are in our living room back home, it's so comfortable.
"Can I pick the movie?" she asks me after we both got comfortable in a cuddling position.
I don't even know why she asks me, we both know I'll fall asleep within the first half an hour. I always do.
"Baby I'm not going to wake you up when you fall asleep ok?" she whispers in my ear from behind.
"Why not?" I look back at her with a frown on my face.
"Don't frown like that" She laughs and kisses my forehead until the wrinkles disappear. "It's going to be night time on that side as well so I want you to sleep till tomorrow morning."
I frown deeper in confusion by her words. My mind is trying to calculate the time difference but I am to tired to use my math brain now.
"Ok baby" I simply answer and she laughs. She obviously saw me struggle over here and just eventually give up.
She gives me a few sweet kisses before I turn around and look at the tv.
This comfortable couch and her arms wrapped around me makes it really hard to stay awake. I mean come on this is the best feeling in the world.
Before I knew it my eyes slowly closed and I drifted off into a deep sleep.
I wake up on a very comfortable bed and in my limited consciousness I stretch out and groan in satisfaction. I had the best nights sleep. Not that I sleep bad any other night but this was different. I feel calm and relaxed.
I feel the wind softly grazing my back and it soothes my sleeping body. I turn onto my back and reach out for my love but I come up short.
I should've know she wasn't here. She knows when I am awake even before I open my eyes. She always leaves soft kisses on my skin which puts a smile on my face every morning.
I slowly open my eyes and the brightness of the room makes me shut them again. I open one eye and see a white curtain flapping in wind. Alex doesn't have white curtains, right?
I frown and fix my eyes on the bed which is also very white. This is definitely not Alex's bed. Maybe I am in another room in the castle which doesn't make sense though. Why am I alone in another room?
I lift my head a bit and see a very small room, with a small tv against the wall. Just to the left is a door where I can see part of the bathroom. To the right is another door but it's closed.
Where am I?
I quickly sit up in panic, suddenly wide awake. I look around the floor but I don't see my or Alex's bags. I don't hear anything so that means I am alone in the what I assume is a house.
Did someone kidnap me? But why is it so nice though? There is a sliding door which seems open but I can't really see outside yet.
Just as I turn to stand up from the bed my eyes fall onto a letter with my name on it, standing on my nightstand.
I quickly grab it and read.
Good morning beautiful.
Please don't freak out. You are not kidnapped, you are safe and I am here. We all are here.
I didn't want to wake you this morning. You looked absolutely gorgeous and you seemed so peaceful. I know you are tired and well this is our vacation. You don't have to get up early.
I wanted to stay in bed with you but I had to arrange a few things.
But whenever you are ready. Just step through the curtain.
I will be there.
Love, Alex.
I am definitely confused about this situation but my heart has calmed down. Knowing Alex is here makes every ounce of fear and doubt, dissappear.
I slowly get up from the bed. I tie my hair back, check on my clothes which is just a shirt and some comfortable shorts. I assume she dressed me before bed and this was the easiest. That explains why I am still wearing my bra.
I walk up to the curtain and pull it back. My heart stops beating for a few seconds and I cover my mouth in shock.
Behind the paper white curtain is the deep blue ocean, sending small but visible waves to the shore every other second.
The sand is white with a slight golden glow and now I know why the room is so bright. It's an absolute beautiful sunny day out.
With my hand on my heart I take another step further but my knees are weak. This is too overwhelming for me.
I have never seen the ocean, never mind be this close to it. Once again my heart is pounding in my chest but not from fear. I am absolutely over the moon. I have always wanted to see the ocean, feel the sand between my toes and smell that distinctive fresh salty breeze.
Right out the door is what looks like a couch but also a lounge seat but for two people. The outside deck isn't too big but it's covered to protect you from the sun.
I walk a little forward feeling the tears start to form in my eyes. This place is absolutely breathtaking. It feels like a dream.
I feel two arms wrap around my waist and I don't even tense up at the sudden contact because my body knows her touch. And honestly I have gotten so used to her sneaking up behind me.
"Good morning" she whispers in my ear and leaves a few soft kisses on my cheek.
My eyes close immediately and the tears just start falling. I lean back against her and take a breath. This is all too much more me.
She tightens her grip around me but I turn around and climb up her body, wrapping my legs and arms around her as I cry into her shoulder.
"Maya" she calls out for my attention in a concerned tone but she holds me. "Baby why are you crying?"
"I don't deserve this" I cry out and wipe my tears away as I pull back to look at her.
She holds me up with one arm and runs a gentle hand over my cheeks with a loving smile on her face. "Baby you deserve everything your heart desires."
Once again the tears start to fall and I hug her tight. She runs her hands over my back and kiss my shoulder a few times. "I love you so much Maya" she whispers in my ear. "I promised to show you the world and I thought we should start at the top of your list."
I sniff back my tears and look at her again. My eyes are probably stuffy and red but I don't care how I look right now.
"You know about my list?"
"I had a little help from your best friend." she lightly chuckles. "I know you've never seen the ocean so I thought. Maybe kill two birds with one stone and bring you too Hawaii."
Once again my heart stops and my jaw drops. I turn my head around and look out to the ocean. "Baby are you serious?"
"Yeah." she smiles.
"I thought we were in Spain?" I look back at her.
"Not yet. Just a slight detour. But we'll get there eventually."
I cover my mouth with the biggest smile on my face. A little embarrassing squeal escapes my mouth along with a couple of 'thank you's'
She just laughs as I try to cut the air around her throat , hugging her at tight as I can. I pull back and cup her face for a hard thank you kiss. I haven't brushed my teeth yet but I don't care right now. I need to kiss her.
"Can we go into the water?" I pull back.
"Of course baby. This is our private beach we can do anything we want." she smiles and let's me back down on my feet.
I turn around and feel her arms wrap around my waist as we both stare at the magnificent view in front of us.
"It still feels like a dream" I say in a barely audible voice.
"It was your dream" she whispers "but now we are living it"
I huge smile spreads across my face and once again I let out an embarrassing squeal. She just laughs and kisses the side of my head.
"Do you want to go to the water or do you want me to show you around?"
"I actually really need too pee, and I am not really dressed for the water right now." I laugh and turn around. "Please show me around. Where are the rest, by the way? And you really did kidnap me this time" I gasp at the end and playfully hit her shoulder.
She just smirks in a slight chuckle and grab my hand in hers. "I told you I would so it doesn't count as kidnapping." she shrugs.
"Fair point." I tilt my head in thought as she pulls me back into the bedroom.
"Oh and everyone else is on the other side of the island but we have like a general area where we'll have dinner and hang out."
I start making the bed as she opens up the curtains, showing the big ocean view from our room. I could definitely spend the whole day in bed with a view like that.
"Ok that's nice but how far is it?" I ask in confusion. Wouldn't it be much more convenient if we lived close to each other and not walk to the other side of the island.
"It's far enough." she smiles with her lip between her teeth.
"Far enough for what?"
She slowly walks closer to me, puts her hands on my waist and whisper "To fuck you all night long where nobody can hear you scream my name."
My mouth goes dry and I feel a bit dizzy. I honestly did not expect that answer. The housing arrangement didn't make any sense, but now.... Now it makes perfect sense and I am definitely thankful for that.
I wrap my arms around her neck, take a deep breath and pull her closer to me. "I can't wait."
She smiles and closes the few inches with a slow and deep kiss.
After she showed me the little cozy bungalow we live in, she waited for me to quickly get dressed and ready before we meet up with the rest. She said they are about to serve some brunch and I only then realized how hungry I am.
"Is there anything on the agenda for today?" I ask as our linked hands swing back and forth, walking along a small path into a small, tree covered area.
Everything is green and healthy here. The air is an absolute refreshment for my lungs and I find myself taking a deep breath every minute.
"We can do whatever we want babe." she smiles and kisses the back of my hand.
Just before we started walking I noticed Alex's outfit. I usually see her a tight black pants and a shirt or leather jacket, which I have no problem with. She looks so hot in her black attire, it makes me weak at the knees but today she is wearing blue jean-shorts, sandals and a black tank top. I can see her bathing suit underneath her clothes and I have a feeling that's how we will dress this whole vacation.
And I am definitely not complaining. I love it when Alex shows some extra skin. It gives me more places to let my lips linger for a kiss.
We walk a little further and I see a clearing with a large pool, lounge chairs and dining table on a wooden deck.
"There she is!" Lily yells in excitement, walking away from a bar with a cocktail in her hand. "Happy birthday cupcake!"
I part from Alex and walk to Lily on the other side of the pool. "Lily it's not my birthday and are you drunk?" I laugh. "It's only...." I stop and realize I have no idea what the time is. I turn around and look back at Alex. "Baby what's the time?"
"Eleven thirty"
I look back at Lily just as she wraps her arms around my neck. "Lily, did you even eat something?"
"Mayaaa" she whines. "We're on summer vacation. We are in fucking Hawaii. You are supposed to be drunk before noon. It's the law" she laughs and swings our bodies, side to side.
"What are you even drinking?" I laugh and look at the glass in her hand.
"It's called island's pleasure and it definitely lives up to it's name." she giggles and leans closer to whisper in my ear. "It makes you really horny too"
"I can help with that!"
Not two seconds later Marcelo is by our side and grabs Lily by her waist, pulling her off me.
"No, not now!" Lily yells in laughter as Marcelo playfully kisses down her neck. They stumble around but Marcelo keeps them steady.
I just smile at the sight of them. Even though they aren't mates, they are perfect for each other. Lily can be really difficult but Marcelo knows how to handle her. And by the looks of it, kissing works. Maybe I should've tried that in the past.
Speaking of kissing someone, I turn around and see Alex sitting halfway on table in the shade. She has her back towards me and is talking to her parents who also has drinks halfway done. I know they can't get drunk but am I the only person who hasn't had alcohol yet.
I walk closer to the dining area and take a seat next to Lily's dad, across from Alex and her father. I didn't want to interrupt their conversation so I quietly sit and whisper a 'good morning' to Lily's dad.
He turns towards me and talks in a low voice "How did you sleep?"
"Well apparently like a rock because I didn't wake up when the plane landed or even felt my body being moved." I slightly chuckle.
"We weren't allowed to make a sound on the way here" he whispers in my ear and I laugh. That sounds like Alex, I can only imagine how clear she was about that.
"I am glad you got the message so clearly Andrew." she laughs and turns around to look at us. She obviously listened to our conversation while busy talking to her parents.
"Good morning mr and mrs Woods" I smile and shake my head at Alex who has clearly been a real bitch to everyone last night. She just smirks and shrugs off my intentional stare.
"Maya come sit here next to me" Mr Woods calls for me with a gentle tone. I immediately stand up without thinking twice "Alex go get your girl some breakfast she is starving."
"I am on it" she smiles and gives me a sweet kiss as we pass by each other.
I take a seat next to her dad and her mother gives me a loving look as well. "How are you feeling sweetheart?"
"I am feeling good. I still have some questions but right now I am just really happy."
"Maya" her father reaches out for my hand. "Forget about the questions. Just relax."
He sits back in his chair and takes a deep breath. "We all need this vacation so stop thinking and just enjoy it."
"That is the plan" I smile.
"Alex needs this too." he says in a lower voice. He turns to look at me and I can see the seriousness in his eyes. "She's had a tough few months Maya. After what happened too her, she hasn't rested. She kept worrying about them coming after you."
"But it's over right?"
"Yes it is but it's not reality for her yet. She hasn't taken the time to realize that it's over."
"She needs to take her mind off everything " her mother adds.
"She needs to know you are ok. She needs you." he smiles softly at me.
"What can I do?" I breathe out in concern. I honestly didn't know how this really affected her. She seemed fine from my point of view.
"You don't have to do anything Maya. She just needs you close." he quickly answers to reassure me.
"Ok" I sigh in relief. I was starting to worry for a second.
She just needs me close. I can absolutely do that, no problem. I just need to keep her mind occupied and not talk about what happened.
"Here you go my love"
She puts a plate down in front of me and takes her place right next to me.
"Thanks baby" I smile. "I like the 'my love' I could get use to it" I lean closer and whisper to her.
"Right?" she smiles. "I just went for it and I like it too." she nods in agreement. "But what I don't like is this over here." she leans over me and points to my hand holding her father's.
"Dad, I mean no disrespect but don't touch what's mine"
Her dad starts laughing and brings my hand over in his lap. "What are you going to do about it?" he smirks.
I see he jaw clench and her eyes narrow in a deadly stare. My heart starts racing a bit because I am right in the middle. If she jumps up and attacks her dad, then I am definitely getting a couple of bruises.
"Dad you are making her nervous, stop it" she slightly laughs. "Baby I am not going to fight him I promise." she says in a loving voice and her hand rubs up and down my thigh.
"I was just making sure you're treating her right." he winks at her and gives my hand to Alex. "I am still watching you"
"I know" she rolls her eyes and almost pulls me further away from him.
I absolutely love this man so much. He has always been the man who has looked out for me. And he is still looking out for me, even when it's his own daughter who loves me more than anyone else in the world.
I don't think Alex knows what we really talked about though. Somehow she didn't hear our conversation. That's weird but also a relief.
"Baby you are definitely treating me right but can I just have one of my hands back to eat?" I laugh.
"Sorry, yes" she laughs and gives them both back after a few kisses.
Thank you for all the votes and comments. I love hearing what you think about the book.
Next chapter will be up in a few hours.
Much Love 💜
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