Peter Parker- Head Start (h)
It was no secret that no one liked being sick, who would?
Some people could go ages without getting even a little sniffle whereas others would be hit by an utter truck with a full blown cold.
Unfortunately, you were one of the hit by a truck people.
It was rare that you could get through winter without getting at least two different colds, and even if you only got one cold that one cold would stick around for weeks and you just couldn't shake it.
Peter had been with you throughout many of your different colds given the fact that the two of you had been going out for almost three years.
Luckily for him he rarely got sick so he could sit with you throughout the majority of your illnesses and even be affected – lucky sod.
Since you lived with Peter and May it was hard for them to get away from you when you were ill, you had a habit of essentially clinging to Peter whenever you were sick well you were relatively clingy anyway but that only intensified whenever you were sick.
You'd agreed to go with Peter to the Avengers Compound for the weekend, but when Peter had come back from sparring with Steve, he had found you fast asleep on the sofa curled up under a blanket.
You didn't usually nap during the day, so Peter knew it only meant one thing – you were getting sick.
However he was somewhat confused as usually you could tell when you were getting sick but this time you hadn't mentioned anything and based on the fact that you were curled up on the sofa when he left you, you had been asleep for almost four hours.
He came over to you and tried to pick you up as gently as possible so that he didn't wake you, he then took you to the room that the two of you shared and tucked you into bed.
Once he was sure you were still asleep, he went out in the kitchen and called for F.R.I.D.A.Y.
"Yes Mr Parker?" F.R.I.D.A.Y questioned at his call.
Peter sighed. "Y/N is sick, can you tell what's wrong with her to see if it's just a cold?"
He knew that F.R.I.D.A.Y could do full body scans, so he figured it was best to ask her.
"Mr Parker, it seems as if Miss Y/L/N is pregnant – I advise that you go and talk to her and then take her to Mr Banner."
To say that Peter was shocked was an understatement, he had absolutely no clue what to do.
He ran straight back to your room and panicked when he didn't see you in bed, but he then heard the retching from the bathroom.
"Oh baby," he muttered to himself as he went to the bathroom.
Pushing the door open he saw you hunched over the toilet.
"Baby?" he questioned, crouching down next to you.
You turned your heard to face him. "I don't feel great Pete," you told him just before you started to throw up again.
He sighed, rubbing small circles gently on your back. "I think I know what's wrong with you baby, I asked F.R.I.D.A.Y."
When you looked to him, he saw the confusion on his face.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y told me that you're pregnant," he told you as calmly as he could even though he was freaking out inside.
"What?!" you questioned in shock. "Oh god, Pete you've only just turned 18! what the hell are we supposed to do? What are people going to think?"
When he realised how panicky you were getting, he reached out to pull you into his lap. "It'll be okay baby; people have done this a lot younger than we are."
You sighed, burrowing your head into his chest as you wrapped your arms around his back. "What do we do Pete?"
He felt your hands clinging desperately to his shirt. "That's for us to figure out baby, and I promise you I will support whatever you decide."
"I don't know Pete."
He could tell by the tone of your voice that you wanted to cry but he wasn't going to let that happen. "Come on baby, we can do this if we want to do this," he tried his absolute best to reassure you. "And if we do, our baby is going to have the greatest aunts and uncles out there – I am an avenger you know."
His words made you laugh, and he was so grateful for that – anything was better than you crying.
"We always talked about how we'd make cute kids," he reminded you gently once you'd looked up at him. "There's no shame in getting a head start."
Written by Hannah.
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