Chapter 6
I walked in with sabby as we saw spartan armour on the ground as sabby kick a part of his armour away from her. I always hated his armour said sabby. I laughed under my helmet, you didn't like his armour too? Said sabby, it was to yellow I said as we sit down together as we looked at each other. Sab...I'm sorry I did that to you to my father I said as I looked away from her, sabby made me look back at her as she said, it's okay cal I forgive you said sabby, I nodded saying thanks. Then I got up as I walked to my new ship called the nightwing (looks like this)
Cal well you came back? Said sabby, like always sabby I said as I got in and took off to find Ezra and Sabine.
Ezra's pov
As I was walking around lothal new base a I saw a ship land as I walked to it as I saw a other mandolorian,
Cal's pov
Im looking for a bounty I said to Ezra, a bounty on who? Said Ezra, on him I said as I saw spartan walking to Ezra. You mean spartan? Said Ezra, SPARTAN! HANDS UP! I said as I had my blaster out and pointed it at spartan. Mammal! Said spartan, sabby wants you dead or alive I said. Spartan made a run for it as I shot him in the back of his legs as he fell down on the ground, mammal? Said spartan, what's wrong? I said, you betrayed me! Said spartan, I chose my side with Sabby and she wants you back to be judge I said as I took spartan into the nightwing and took him back to Sabby.
Later at mandolorier.
I took spartan in the clan house as sabby was waiting for me as I had spartan with me, cal you're back said sabby, I am like I promise I said, and you! Said sabby as she punch spartan in the face as he fell down on to his knees as he said please sabby I didn't mean too betray you, said spartan, It's to late to say sorry spartan said sabby as she grabbed the darksaber as she turned it on, you going to kill him Sabby? I said, no I'm not, I'm going to make him suffer said sabby as she cut a finger off of spartan's hand as he screamed out of pain. Take him away said sabby as I put him into a call as sabby put the darksaber away. Great work cal said sabby, thanks sabby I said.
Too be continued...............
This book is for
Sabinexoxo mangle234 NOVADAN99
What's going to happen next part? Tell me what you think about to happen next.
And remember the force will always be with you.
Mammal out!!!
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