Ezrabine/Sabezra vol1
this is a fanfiction short-story and i hope to publish more as the ideas pop into my head…
this is a fanfiction short-story and i hope to publish more as the ideas pop into my head…
This is the second in my series of volumes, we must read and earn of the shocking revelations of enemies once warned, as always there is hope for the future, and help in the rough battles.…
Time to mix you Bad Larrys up, we're hitching a ride onto this volume, and I will leave you hungry for more :)…
In an AU where Sabine never left the academy, causing a reaction which led Ezra's fall to the dark side, the story which follows is dark and filled with many surprises, so brace yourselves for 25 years old Ezra, turned to the dark side.…
This is a little story I'm doing about myself and some of the other writers here in Wattpad, here's a list of them:NovadanSabinexoxoRoboknight Primemastermammalspartan leader…
more ships for people who like ships, these stories are made on my own accord, the only thing that is copied are the names of characters and the cover artwork for this volume, i have read no other stories, and all things wrote in my book are purely my ideas, i hope you enjoy my ship as this is my second ship volume.…
More ships!! i did this one as a suggestion from a friend of mine, too late now. Here we go…
A little holiday snippet I'm doing for all of my followers.…