Chapter 4
As sabby and spartan tried to stop me I needed to do my mission.
Cal please stop this said sabby, I need to do my mission I said as I grabbed her hands as I put handcuffs on her. MAMMAL! Yelled out manglo as she jumped up and kicked me in my chest as I fell down on the ground as I looked up at her, manglo please don't do this I said as I got back up on my feet. Cal said sabby as she looked at me, I need to do this! I said as I grabbed sabby hands and walked her into where my father is at to. Well done my son said my father, where is the money? I said what? Said sabby as she looked at me, here said my father as he handed my the money, CAL!? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!? Said sabby, I didn't want to do this sabby but you hurt my feelings awhile back I said, what do you mean? Said sabby, you hurt my feelings that one day I saved you, you didn't say thank you and you hurt my feelings because of.........ENOUGH!!! Yelled out my father as he had his blaster out and grabbed sabby and pointed his blaster at Sabby's head. Father wait?! I said as stormtroopers grabbed me and put me down to my knees, you really should tell her said my father, I can't...I said as I looked down. Then sadly she has to die said my father, NO! I yelled as I punched one stormtrooper off of my as I grabbed my blaster and shot my father as he yelled out in pain as I grabbed sabby again. LET ME GO! Said Sabby, you want to live! I said as sabby noticed what I was doing, she nodded as I shot at more of the stormtroopers as I let sabby go as she ran outside of the bar as my father yelled out GET HER NOW!!! As other stormtroopers and other bounty hunters ran out of the bar, I grabbed my second blaster as I shot at them one by one as spartan helped me as I look at him, why are you helping me? I said, because we are a crew! Said spartan, I smiled under my helmet as manglo kick a stormtrooper as she grabbed her sword out as she killed a couple, then nova grabbed his blaster and shot a bounty hunter that was going to shot at me but I saw what happened as I nodded saying thanks. Then sabby grabbed the darksaber as she turned it on as I grabbed a old Jedi's lightsaber as I turned it on as I shot and cut off hands and heads off of stormtroopers as so did sabby. The fight was over as I put away my blaster and the lightsaber away as I looked around at my friends as sabby pointed a blaster at me, wow sabby I said as I back up as she stunned me as I fell down on the ground as I closed my eyes under my helmet. SABBY! Said nova, why did you do that? Said spartan, he saved your life again said manglo, He betrayed us! And me! Said sabby, I looked up as I got back up a little bit as I wan on one knee, agh I...didn't guys...I save you all I said. I don't believe you cal said sabby, but I do said nova as he helped me back up as spartan did too, let's go back to our base now said manglo as we all walked into our ship as we took off to mandolorier the planet. As sabby was going to judge me to be still part of the crew or not.
This book is for mangle234 NOVADAN99 SpartanLeader Sabinexoxo
Too be continued.................
I hope you guys like this new chapter, tell me if you did.
And remember the force will always be with you.
Mammal out!!!
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