Chapter 11
As the ghost crew had me they tried to make me talk but it didn't work for me.
Mammal's pov
I was in a call as the rebels where trying to make me talk as kanan used the force to hurt me. Tell me where hera is?! Said kanan, let me tell you I said, good tell me said kanan, let me tell you Jedi I said as kanan walked up to me as he said tell me, I just hit him with my forehead as he fell down on the ground as he was knocked out cold. Ha! It worked I said, okay now how do I get out off here? I said, the locks unlocked for me as I saw the cell door open as I saw a mandolorian looking at me it was boba fett, fett? What are you doing here? I said, I'm here to get you out of here mammal said boba fett, thanks but where is my armour I said, here said boba as he gave me a bag that had my armour in it. I put it on as I got up and grabbed my helmet on (I look like this)
Where's my blaster? I said, here said boba as he gave me my blaster back, thanks I said as I locked kanan in the cell. Okay let's go I said, good said boba as we ran out of the cell place as we saw rebel troopers, HEY! YOU THERE STOP! Said one of them but I shot the trooper as boba shot at the other ones as so did I. Good shooting mammal said boba, thanks I said, there's your shit said boba, thanks for saving me I said, we're mandolorians, we help each other said boba, I nodded as I ran in my ship the nightwing as I ran into the pilot seat as I took off for mandolorier.
Nova was outside where he was fighting his ship as he heard a ship flying by as he looked up as he saw the nightwing landing down, mammal? Said nova as he saw me walking out of my ship. MAMMAL! Your back! Said nova, of course I am I said, well I think we should go see sabby said nova, that's a good idea old friend I said as we walked in the clans home as sabby was with mangle. Hey guys look who I found said nova, who? Said sabby, me I said as I walked to sabby as I took off my helmet. Hello again I said as sabby got up and slapped me in my face as she yelled out "DONT DO THAT AGAIN!" Said sabby, I wont I tried to saw but sabby just hugged me as I didn't know what to do but I hugged her back. I promise I won't do that again I said as sabby stopped hugging me as she said "don't make a promise you can't keep" said sabby, I'll keep this one I said.
Too be continued.................
This book is for Sabinexoxo mangle234 NOVADAN99
And remember the force will always be with you.
Mammal out!!!
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