"So, what do you want to eat my baby?" Haikuan picks Bao up and leaves kindergarten, kid hugs his neck and enjoys warmth of dad's cheek
"Can I eat noodles, spicy one"
"I know it isn't healthy. You always say so" he pouts and Haikuan's heart goes soft
"Sometimes we can make exception right, a little spicy? Now tell me what happened, you look sad"
"Today...friend said I don't have mom and he pities me. Daddy, am I bad boy?"
"What are you saying my silly baby? You're the most adorable one and dad is so proud of you"
"I answered that I have best dad ever but still...where is she?"
"Bao, just the fact, your mom isn't here doesn't mean you lack something. It doesn't make others better than you, remember this" Haikuan sadly smiles and kisses his cheeks. He knows Bao is way too little to understand but still wants to say, wants to heal his tiny heart "let's go and visit grandma ok? She just came back yesterday. What do you say?"
"Would love to, what about..." Bao stops as recognizes someone standing in front of their car, he happily exclaims and runs forward after Haikuan puts him down "pretty gege" he hops on Cheng's waist and giggles cutely
"How have you been little one? I missed you" Cheng moves his stare to Haikuan and smiles sweetly
"What about me?" Racer frowns and wraps arms around them, sudden illusion of having complete family almost makes him cry from happiness "did you miss me too?"
"Look at you, being possessive" Cheng gets in the car and takes place next to Bao "may I...visit your house?"
"You don't need permission for this Cheng" Haikuan starts driving and eyes them through mirror "let's leave Bao at my mother's place first, she is leaving soon and wants to spend time with him"
"I didn't know about your family"
"My parents live abroad, I want them to move here but impossible for now. She offered before to raise him but...I couldn't leave Bao without dad too"
"You're too good" Cheng leans forward and quickly whispers at his ear "I love you"
Haikuan stops car and hesitantly looks at Cheng, at the end he dares and asks "do you wanna meet my mom? I'm honest person and won't introduce you as just friend, but life partner. so..."
"Later, let's do it later" Cheng caresses his face and Haikuan nods without saying more. He leaves with Bao after kid hugs Cheng as goodbye and comes back soon "think I'm slowly losing my only friend Haikuan"
"You mean Zhan?"
"Yes, he became even more annoying after confessing to Yibo. Honestly could never imagine that brat was going to be overly caring lover. aish, I hate that silly smile on his face" Cheng rolls his eyes and racer laughs
"Tell me about it, Yibo goes around with wide smile too. It's first time I see that kid this happy"
"They're simply adorable" Cheng lowers eyes and stays silent, thinking about their own relationship. They're both in love, this is for sure but something still doesn't feel right. He needs to remove this weird awkwardness, maybe think about Zhan's advise?
"Come in, do you have something to talk about?" Haikuan opens door and invites Cheng inside, he places bought products on the table and leaves to wash hands "wait, I'll give you new towel"
"do I need to have reason for visiting my boyfriend?" Cheng stands next to him and holds same towel, he leans forward and pecks on racer's lips "I want to share many things with you, what about...something hot and deeply?" Ashamed by his own words Cheng runs back and starts unpacking products, while Haikuan smirks and hugs him from behind. His long fingers teases journalist's chest and causes low moan escape from his lips "I...bought wine, think it gonna go well with this dish, let me" he frees himself and opens bag with trembling hands, suddenly it flips over and they're both left speechless, when red see-through pants and condoms falls out.
"I see..." Haikuan can't stop himself from laughing noticing Cheng's face becoming same color as pants "you came all prepared"
"I'm going to kill that pervert brat one day, not me...I'm sure Zhan did that" Cheng hardly talks out from embarrassment and Haikuan traps his waist. With one hand he places wine bottle on the table and takes step forward, slowly leading Cheng to bedroom
"You don't need to be naughty or seducer like Zhan, you don't need to act different or fake something. I love the way you're Cheng, I love absolutely everything in you"
"Then why" Cheng cups his face and frowns "we aren't moving forward at all? I thought...you don't want to do it with me"
"I thought the same" Haikuan awkwardly smiles and scratches his nape "blame our shyness? I did my best to stop myself from taking you, how could you think I don't want, starve and desire you?"
"My love..." Cheng softly calls out and racer throws him on the bed, he breathes out heavily and his huge palms slowly rubs Cheng's chest up
"You can't imagine how my heart and body acts when you're close, how hard it's to hold lust. Maybe..." Haikuan grins and moves condom in front of Cheng's eyes, making him blush "Zhan did good deed for us"
"did he guess your size well? or little big?"
"Being cheeky?" Racer places Cheng's hand on his crotch and whispers at his ear "I wear max"
"Then prove..." he isn't done talking, Haikuan covers his lips and all buttons fall down as his shirt is torn away. Cheng wraps legs around his waist and moves hips up, feeling his patience running out. Haikuan entwines their fingers and sucks on his neck, when something takes his attention. Cheng's inner arm is covered with track marks and he is about to ask but journalist's painful expression forces to stop
"as you wish, however you wish, all for you" Haikuan covers his arms with soft kisses and slides hand into his pants, rubbing soft flesh. Cheng lowly whimpers getting quite unpleasant feelings but stays quiet and hides his face into Haikuan's neck. The more racer teases and touches, the more pleasure builds up and he finds himself enjoying "am I...your first?" Haikuan wipes his tears away and positions himself between Cheng's legs "honestly...you're first man for me"
"I was...dominant in past relationship, but I love this, I want to be yours, I want you to take me, it feels different with you" Cheng nods with tearful eyes and bites on his lips when Haikuan enters, later one waits until he gets used and starts moving slowly, meanwhile nibbling on his lips.
"How pretty and soft, my grumpy lover" he pants heavily and it's first time Cheng sees this much emotions on his face, like finally that invisible wall is crashed down and not only bodies, their souls are left naked too. after all those years of loneliness, he could find right one, finally he wants and dares to be happy, despite of strong guilt
"Don't hold it, don't stop yourself" Cheng hugs his neck and whispers huskily "I know...you can deeper and faster" noticing Haikuan's reddening ears he chuckles but after few seconds, it turns into loud moans as he is almost crushed into racer's strong arms. thrusts becomes too fierce and he pouts almost regretting said words "aaah I didn't mean this fast, I won't dare to tease you again"
"Let's see if you can...take it all naughty journalist" Haikuan grins and quickly changes position "we're just starting"
Zhan tosses on the hospital chair and can't stop staring at the room, Yibo entered few minutes ago. Almost all nurses and visitors around whisper about him but he just slightly blushes and wonders, is Yibo going to get jealous as always? this sudden changes of his personality pleases and scares him at the same time. maybe it wast just hidden deeply and only Yibo could awake his soft side? maybe life was kinda easier before meeting him, without responsibilities and boundaries but the feeling of being loved...won over everything. it just happened naturally, he doesn't find his life boring because of having only partner, Yibo is enough to give all joy and happiness, he is even more. Zhan awakes from his thoughts when latter one comes out and immediately runs to him, asking with worrying voice
"Is everything ok? It lasted too long, what they're doing to you?"
"Zhan calm down please, it's just normal check up. I do this every month, nothing special"
"It's just...hospitals are still very scaring" Zhan looks around with pout and holds his hands
"It was you who asked to accompany no?"
"Sure, I have some responsibilities as your boyfriend. And see? those girls drooling over you, if I stay still someone will take you away"
"Aren't you even ashamed Xiao Zhan? Trying to blame it on me? I know very well how flirty you're, one wink is enough to make them crazy"
"Here, satisfied?" Zhan hugs his neck and pecks on Yibo's lips "now everyone knows I'm yours but expect seeing yourself in the news"
"Who cares?" Yibo proudly smiles and traps his waist
"So how is results? You didn't tell me"
"doctor said there is something wrong with my heart"
"why? is that serious?"
"think so, it's overfilled by love...for you" Yibo giggles cutely and Zhan sticks his tongue out
"where is a bathroom, I'm about to throw up"
"ok, ok. let's just leave, I hate being here too" Yibo side hugs him and they walk towards the car, without asking Zhan slides hand into his pocket and takes the key. he forces Yibo to take passenger seat and turns engine on "I can drive Zhan"
"no need, you look kinda pale"
"actually...I'm scared of needle"
"but why? you can't feel pain"
"still...just watching at it makes me terrified" noticing his pouty face, Zhan can't stop himself but pinch Yibo's cheek "stop being naughty and take attention on the road"
"you're still cute baby Yibo, you couldn't see many things in your life and it helped to remain this pure personality. you make me will to squeeze your cheeks, very very painfully"
"you drive well" Yibo changes talking object, feeling his heart going soft "and look beautiful while doing it"
"I ride better"
"bicycle or motorcycle?" Yibo asks so childishly, but noticing Zhan's smirking face blushes and gently slaps his thigh "shameless"
"as you dislike it"
"anyway, I'm going to buy car for you. after becoming champion of China" Yibo leans head on Zhan's shoulder and closes eyes "I'm willing to spoil you, as much as possible"
"I love red color"
"wow Xiao Zhan, you agreed to quickly. what about your gift?"
"having sex on your motorcycle? sounds exciting"
"and here I thought, you're becoming a little romantic" Yibo lowly laughs and stays quiet, until Zhan realizes he is sleeping. older one stops at the traffic lights and uses chance, softly kissing Yibo's forehead. he checks the time and shivers as fear freezes his blood, what if...they're serous, what if this is last day of his and Yibo's happiness?
"I just need to take few documents for registration and we can leave soon" Yibo enters his changing room with Zhan and opens the drawer "what about having date? maybe watching movie? do you prefer going to cinema or somewhere quiet, only us"
"Yibo" Zhan hugs him from behind and cuddles as tightly as possible, Yibo gets surprised how cold his hands are "what about we hide somewhere far from everyone? only two of us, without phones and internet, only..."
"gege" Yibo turns back and suspiciously eyes him "are you still hiding something from me? what I need to know?"
"Yibo actually..." Zhan starts to explain but sudden sound of Yibo's phone forces him to stop. racer pets his hair with smile and answers the call, his expression slowly changes and stare moves to TV, hanged on the wall
"can't you just tell me, what is wrong dad? why I shouldn't watch TV or check internet? don't you realize that it makes me more curious? please calm down and let's talk when I'm back to home" Yibo hangs up and quickly takes remote control, turning TV on. first thing what appears is his face and Zhan tightly holds Yibo's shirt. he gets feelings, end is coming
"please don't...don't watch it"
"we start news with shocking information about the most promising racer Wang Yibo. based on the evidences, which was handled by our journalist Xiao Zhan it becomes evident that his career was illegal from the beginning. Wang Yibo entered sport federation after falsification medical history, despite knowing it was forbidden for diseased like him. here is a picture of his test results and also cut from the video, which shows he walking with expressionless face, although having broken leg. it's on the federation and police to take needed actions now but...we can surely say his career is over"
Yibo's heavy body drags Zhan down as he falls on the floor and stays frozen until low voice reaches Zhan's ears "why...do you hate me this much? what did I do, to deserve this Zhan? why did you have to take the most precious things away from me? my profession and yourself. you left me without my heart and soul"
"Yibo..." Zhan's trembling hands pulls his shirt and hardly talks out "it wasn't...it wasn't me"
"you had proof, you had that damn proof. you lied as always and I still believed, not only believed I confessed to you, I gave myself to you. not only you, I hate myself more"
"please, I beg you Yibo. I didn't..."
"shut up" Yibo suddenly yells and drags Zhan's slim body up, by grabbing his collar. racer's chest visibly moves up and down, while his teeth and fists tightening. he is on the edge of explosion and Zhan takes step back swallowing his tears down "go away, until I'm still sane Zhan, only thing I desire to do now is killing you with my own hands, trust me I'm capable"
"you said...you would believe in me"
"aren't you ashamed at all? stop playing victim damn it" Yibo grabs his shoulders and roughly shakes Zhan "wasn't it you who collected those evidences, wasn't it you who made that reportage? answer me, am I wrong?"
"then, how do you expect me to trust you? I asked if there was something more, but you remained silent. am I wrong?"
"Yibo I said..."
"you said you loved me" Yibo's voice breaks and eyes tears up "and I believed"
"I meant it, I'm not the one who just says this word, you know very well"
"no, I don't know you Zhan" Yibo body weakens again and his head falls on Zhan's chest, he shakes like leaf and older one feels his heart breaking into pieces "there is only empty shell left from me now, I don't have reason to keep living or fighting anymore. to become racer, to become your lover...gaining everything was too hard for me, you can't even imagine...how happy I was next to you"
"I hate you, I hate you as much as I love you. if you're unable to value my honest feelings, go and fuck everyone around, anyway...you're good for nothing else" Yibo slowly let goes of him, it hurts too much he wishes the most now, to feel physical pain but not this. although he despises this man, still Yibo wants to keep holding him, still he wants to feel warmth of his body
"Yibo, don't do it. I was going to explain, I was going to tell everything, I was wrong but please...don't throw me away, I love you, I really do" Zhan keeps begging but is roughly pushed back and Yibo walks towards the door, he opens it and everyone's stare outside moves to them. it's Daniel, who takes first step forward and holds Zhan's arm as Yibo signs to take him out. journalist lowly sobs and tries to reach him but Yibo looks cold as ice, only after door closes behind him racer bites on his fist to stop himself from screaming. all wishes, plans, goals for future just disappears and he is left...hopeless
So, who knows this evil author well, could guess their happiness wasn't going to last long 😓 still I had really hard time writing this chapter. Zhan kinda deserved it, but my heart breaks for Yibo 🥺
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