Chapter 5
Draco's POV
It's been five years since Harry died. I haven't been able to move on since sixth year. Snape has been distant since his son died. I stayed at Malfoy Manor after seventh year. I decided to go for a walk today since I had been inside most of the time. I walked to the park and decided to sit on the bench. All of a sudden I saw someone that looked like Harry walk towards the store. I must be going crazy, Harry died five years ago. I suddenly remembered that I told my mother I would go shopping. When I walked into the store I saw the same person that I saw at the park. I decided to introduce myself.
"Hi, my name is Draco Malfoy. What is your name" I asked. The man turned around and looked at me and I seemed startled to see emerald green eyes looking into mine. I must be seeing things.
"It's been a long time Draco. Five years, am I right" the man asked me. He seemed to know me so I took a leap of faith.
"Harry? Is it really you? Or am I seeing things? Because you are right, it's been five years" I said. He smiled at me and kissed me. I was surprised, because I thought I had lost him for good. My Harry is back, wait until his parents find out.
"I can tell your surprised by me being alive, love. How about we head back to your house and I explain. Once we get our groceries of course" Harry said to me. I didn't trust my voice so I just nodded my head. When we got our groceries we headed back to Malfoy Manor.
"I seriously wish I knew how you are alive. I mean five years ago you died. And now your back, I seriously want to know. Oh and by the way, your parents are in the house. I actually am going to owl Ron and Hermione to come to the Manor" I said. I quickly wrote a letter to the Granger-Weasley's to tell them to come to the manor.
Dear Ron and Hermione,
I need you to come to Malfoy Manor about a serious situation. I know that we haven't talked since Harry's death, but I believe that being with friends will help us through this hard time.
Draco Malfoy
I sent it off and Snape came out and Harry went into the bushes to hide from his mum. I kept myself in the same mood I was in when I went on my walk. However, Snape saw that something was different, but brushed it off.
"Mind telling me why the Granger-Weasley's are in the living room right now Draco" Snape asked me. I saw Harry put a glamour on so that his mum wouldn't recognize him as his son.
"Sorry about that Mr. Snape. Draco here invited me over to hang out. I guess I distracted him and he forgot to let you and your husband know that company was coming over. I didn't realize that the Granger-Weasley's were going to be here today. He didn't tell me, but he told me has been in a hard time since Harry died" Harry said through his glamour. Snape nodded his head and let us both in. We sat on the couch and I could see Harry was nervous.
Harry's POV
I was nervous, but I didn't let it show. Okay fine, maybe Draco noticed, but he didn't say anything. I could tell that my parents were curious of who I was. The same had to be said for Ron and Hermione. I went through my options in my mind of what would happen if I took off my glamours. I decided to take off my glamours and reveal that I was alive. I know that my parents and my friends will probably freak out, but it is better to reveal the truth than keep it as a lie.
"I need to tell you all something. I don't know how you will react, but I know that keeping a lie is never good, so I am going to tell you the truth" I said. They looked at me curiously, but I ignored it. I took my glamours off and they all were surprised. Well, everyone except for Draco.
"Harry, is it really you? I mean I can't believe it. I didn't think that I would see you again" my mum said. I looked at him and smiled the same smile that I inherited from him.
"It's me mum, I'm alive. And to be honest, Draco asked me the same thing when I saw him at the store. I know it's a surprise that I'm alive, but I have an explanation for how I am alive. Please just listen to my explanation, please" I said. They nodded their heads allowing me to explain how when I was dead that I got to see my adoptive parents and that they knew about my parents and what Dumbledore did. Lily and James knew that my father was innocent.
"So, your back because of magic? Because Lily and James were able to bring you back to us, to your family, to your friends" Dad said to me. I nodded my head and headed upstairs to be alone with my thoughts. I could feel Draco following me, so I ran up the stairs before he could catch up with me. When I got to my room I shut the door as quick as I could. I locked it and I let myself sit on the floor and pulled my knees to my chest and cried.
"Harry, love, please open the door. I'm worried about you" I heard Draco say. I just stayed in the same position that I was in. I know Draco is worried about me, I love that about him. I love him so much that I heard what he said five years ago. He wants to be with me for the rest of our lives. Maybe that's why I'm crying, because I left him when we were sixteen. I didn't want to die, but I did, and there isn't anything I can do to change that. I want to be with him, so much that my heart knows it.
"Harry, listen, you can't stay in there all day. It's not healthy, I am worried about you. I worry because I love you. I love you so much that I remember everyday what I said to you that day that you died" I heard Draco say. I stood up, pulled myself together and opened the door. I saw Draco there with a worried look.
"Draco, I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I ran up here and locked the door. I love you so much" I said to him. He looked into my eyes and I looked into his. I leaned into him and kissed him. We pulled apart and I saw him get on one knee.
"Harry James Potter, the day that we met I fell in love with you, even when you rejected my handshake, I still fell in love with you. Over the years I tried to ignore those feelings, but I couldn't. Then in sixth year, I admitted that I was in love with you and you admitted the same thing to me. When you were in the Hospital Wing and you died, I couldn't move on. I felt like a piece of me had left and the only thing that would fill that piece was you. Now five years later, you are standing here in front of me. I know that it hasn't been that long since you came back, but I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Harry James Potter, will you do me the honor of becoming my husband" Draco asked me. I nodded yes and he put the engagement ring on my finger. I kissed him passionately.
We headed back downstairs hand in hand. I looked into his eyes and he gave me a look that everything is going to be okay. I gave him a smile and we sat down on the couch. My parents looked at us like they knew that Draco proposed and I accepted. However, Ron and Hermione were confused.
"Harry, is everything alright? You seem kind of distracted about something. And you ran upstairs without any warning" Hermione asked me. I looked to Draco and he looked at me to tell them that we are engaged.
"Everything is alright Hermione. Actually, everything is better than okay. I know I ran upstairs, but I was going through some things in my head. Me and Draco are um, well, we are engaged. We're getting married" I said. Hermione looked happy for us, but Ron, well, he looked supportive, but also sad. My parents on the other hand, they were proud of us.
Okay, that's where I'm going to leave this chapter at. Please vote, comment, and I know, I did a major time jump. Next chapter will be up soon, maybe today or tomorrow. I don't know yet.
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