Shel's body heat rose, waking him from his slumber. He rummaged for his phone under the pillow he shared with Niko. It was nearly 7:30, which didn't leave Shel with much time to get to class. He turned around slowly to look at Niko in the dim morning light. His features looked soft and expression peaceful as he slept soundly.
The unexpected kiss from last night ignited a familiar craving within Shel. He bit his lip, trying to remember the softness of Niko's mouth. He wanted to kiss him again, but he was already on track for tardiness.
Shel climbed over Niko with slow movements to avoid waking him. He grabbed an outfit from the cardboard box and went to the bathroom to get dressed and freshen up. Niko was still sleeping when Shel was done. He tore a paper from his notebook to scribble a farewell note for Niko.
Headed to class, see you later. He signed it with a smiley face and his name. He tucked the note on the bedside table in front of a wooden cat statuette. Shel tiptoed out the apartment, careful to lock the doorknob before closing the door behind him.
The morning air was damp and misty from yesterday's rain showers. Shel turned onto the sidewalk that led to the campus, but paused in front of the apartment alley. He passed by it almost everyday but never stopped for long. This time he noticed rows of bowls arranged along the jagged brick wall.
A small tabby with a tipped ear emerged from behind a garbage bin. It chirped at Shel and sauntered over. Shel crouched down with an extended arm.
"Hello, there," he cooed.
The cat rubbed its face desperately into his hand. Shel wondered if Niko had names for the cats. This one seemed friendly enough to leave an impact on a person. The cat circled around Shel, bumping itself into his body at every turn. Shel giggled and tried to keep up with its pace. The cat strolled away and plopped itself onto a flattened cardboard box, its big green eyes glued to Shel.
"All right," Shel said with a grunt as he stood up. "See you later, then." He waved to the cat as he continued towards the campus.
Shel managed to make it to class before the professor. He spotted Amethyst at their usual seats in the lecture hall and marched up the steps to sit with her.
"You're later than usual," she observed. "Busy night?" Her eyes twinkled with mischief.
"I'll tell you about it after class," Shel said dismissively while pulling a notebook and pens from his bag.
The hour long class seemed to drag on. Shel could barely pay attention, his mind flooded with thoughts of the kiss. The professor concluded his lecture and Shel snapped back to the present. He looked down at his scarcely used notebook and shamefully shoved it back into his bag.
"I have never seen you so distracted," Amethyst remarked, studying Shel's expression.
"I'm fine," the corner of his mouth twitched upward.
"Hopefully it's a good kind of distraction..." Her voice trailed off, well aware of the bad luck Shel has had with relationships.
"Let's find Sierra and I'll tell you guys about it," Shel smiled faintly.
The duo strided arm in arm to their usual meet-up spot, a picnic table nestled comfortably under the shade of an awning. Sierra had her face buried in a textbook, her hand mindlessly picking fruit from a container and delivering them to her mouth. She shot both her arms up into the air when she spotted her best friends.
"Beebies!" She shouted with unbridled delight.
Amethyst sat next to her and Shel sat across from them on the other side. Sierra nudged her fruit towards Shel.
"My mom made me a fruit bowl this morning," she popped a blueberry into her mouth. "She included extra strawberries for you."
"Holy shit, thank you," he bit into a juicy strawberry and moaned. "I need to see your mom again, how is she doing?"
"Thriving," Sierra began. "She dumped Calvin and has so much time to dedicate to herself now."
"And to fruit bowls," Amethyst picked a raspberry from the container. "I'm really happy for her, Calvin sucked."
"Oh my god, I almost forgot," Sierra slammed her textbook closed. "You slept with Niko last night!"
"Lower your voice," Shel hissed, looking around at all the passersby. "We slept in the same bed, not together."
"Semantics aside," Amethyst interrupted. "Did anything special happen?" She smiled knowingly.
"Uhhhh," Shel propped his chin on his hand and looked to the side to avoid the pressing scrutiny of his friends. "We kissed. A little kiss."
"Knew it," Amethyst said over Sierra's growing squeals.
"Are you thrilled or, what?" Sierra asked eagerly.
"I mean," Shel faced the girls again. "It was a great kiss, but it's not like we're in a different spot than before. We're just... neighbors."
"That might change," Sierra hypothesized with a hopeful shrug.
"Want me to do a love spread for you?" Amethyst offered, noting Shel's inner turmoil.
"Sure, maybe that will help me get my head on straight," Shel groaned.
Amethyst pulled her bag onto her lap. "Neon deck or cat deck," she asked while rummaging through it.
"Cat deck," Shel answered while thinking about the tabby from this morning.
Amethyst unraveled a protective tarot mat onto the table. "You know how this goes," she said while spreading the cat cards onto the mat. "Let's do strengths, challenges, and long term. Pick three cards."
Shel chose his cards and Amethyst arranged them in order.
"The strengths of your relationship," she flipped the first card. "Illustrated by the two of cups."
Shel looked down at the card depicting two cats drinking milk from two cups. He was well aware of its meaning, but let Amethyst explain anyway.
"Early love, blossoming relationship, mutual attraction," Amethyst listed. "Good start."
Amethyst flipped the second card. "Your challenges are represented by the nine of swords," she sighed. "We've seen this card a lot for you."
Shel nodded solemnly, barely amused by the depiction of the cat with teary eyes sitting next to a wall of nine swords.
"Anxiety, overthinking, negative thoughts. Often a self-fulfilling prophecy," Amethyst rested her hand on Shel's.
"That's where I'm at right now," Shel explained.
"Finally, your long term," she flipped the card slowly. "The star." Her eyes crinkled with a smile, "Hope, new beginnings, and peace; often after a period of turmoil."
Shel picked up the card and studied the drawing of a little cat with a star cutout around its face.
"Turmoil," he said quietly and placed the card down.
"You could focus on the negative," Amethyst began. "Or use this as a sign to think differently. I know it's not easy, but Sierra and I are here for you."
Sierra agreed with an enthused nod. Shel appreciated their support and confidence in him, but his brewing anxiety felt insurmountable.
"What if he never mentions it again?" Shel wondered aloud.
"You should bring it up," Amethyst advised. "His aura reading was pretty ominous, so it's a good idea to be straightforward with someone like him."
Shel nodded dismissively, still not willing to put too much stock into spiritual readings. The sun was low in the sky by the time he finished all his classes and studying for the day. He walked home with butterflies in his stomach, excited to spend another night with Niko, but still nervous about the situation.
Shel jogged lightly up the steps in the apartment. As he walked towards Niko's unit he noticed the door to his own apartment was wide open. He peeked inside and saw Mr. Romano standing just out the bathroom with his hands on his hips. Shel walked in cautiously and stood next to his landlord.
"Hey, kid," Mr. Romano grumbled.
Shel peered into the bathroom where Niko stood with his arms outstretched above him, holding a piece of pipe in place. An older man was crouched on the floor fidgeting with some sort of tool. Niko whipped his head towards Shel when he heard Mr. Romano's greeting, his face glowed.
Niko's dark hair was stuck to his forehead with water and sweat. His hands and forearms were smudged with black stains. In the position he was in, his damp shirt rose above his waistline and revealed his defined hipbones.
"Shel!" Niko rejoiced. "Hi, buddy."
"Hold still," the older man scolded while climbing onto a step ladder next to Niko.
"Larry needed someone to hold the piece while he worked," Mr. Romano explained without looking at Shel. "He should be done in a minute and you can have your unit back."
Niko turned away begrudgingly to focus on helping Larry. Shel sighed and flopped onto his bed, it creaked under the sudden movement. He closed his eyes and replayed the kiss in his head again.
"All set," Mr. Romano announced after a few minutes. Shel sat up to see Mr. Romano and Larry leaving his room.
"Sorry about the mess," Larry waved with a polite smile.
"Thank you," Shel called out as he stood from his bed.
Shel walked into his bathroom to see Niko washing his hands in the sink. He watched in a distracted daze.
"How was your day?" Niko broke the silence while drying his hands.
"Uneventful," Shel murmured. "Guess I have my apartment back, though," his disappointment was apparent.
"Come with me to grab your stuff," Niko slipped past Shel to the front door. "I'd get it for you but I'm kind of filthy," he gestured to his body.
Shel followed Niko wordlessly and picked up his cardboard box from the floor. He glanced wistfully at the unmade bed where they shared their first kiss.
"Thanks for letting me stay with you," Shel's voice was distant.
"Anytime," Niko took a single step forward. "Seriously."
Shel's eyes flicked upward to Niko's lips. He nodded and quickly turned to head for the door.
"Oh," Niko spoke suddenly. "If you're not busy tomorrow, I'd like to take you somewhere."
"Take me somewhere?" Shel repeated with a raised eyebrow.
"Nothing fancy," Niko clarified. "There's a farmers market I go to, I think you'd enjoy it."
"I'd like that," Shel's demeanor brightened.
"I'll be at your door nice and early tomorrow," Niko's smile radiated joy. "9 am sharp."
Niko closed the door behind Shel and silently pumped his fists, thrilled to have scored a date with him. He quickly showered off the sweat and grime and stumbled into bed. He picked up the note Shel left him and read it again.
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