Tag #1
Yay! My first tag! I was tagged by kmbell92 and _Padfootie_
This is a very long one!
1. Do you like writing in blue or black pen?
-I usually write in blue pen but I don't really have a preference. But I'm always quite a big fan of writing in highlighter or bright colours, even if my teachers hate it.
2. Would you rather live in the country or the city?
-I currently live in the suburbs right behind a school. I do enjoy living in the suburbs and having most things at arm's reach. However, when I was younger I always wanted to live in the country. The thought of the peace, quiet and fresh air always pleased me. My family actually do own a farm and the few times I have been there, I have thoroughly enjoyed it. Overall, I probably would choose living in the country.
3. If you could have a skill what would it be?
-I've always been jealous of people who can knit. I've grown up around people who can knit, even my younger cousin can knit! I have tried on numerous occasions but have never been able to really succeed at it.
4. Do you drink tea or coffee with sugar?
-No. I'm not a big fan of coffee, but I do drink tea. I rarely have sugar in my tea, I only really have it, if I'm sick and need to boost my blood sugar levels.
5. What was your favourite book as a child?
-My childhood was filled with Harry Potter, but I did have lots of other books I was completely obsessed with.
One of the first books I remember receiving and being able to read on my own was 'The Story of Growl' by Judy Horacek. The book is about a little purple monster who lives alone at the end of her street. Growl likes to hop, skip, jump and sing. But Growl loves to growl more than anything. She growls all morning and night. But one time the police ban her from what she loves best. I loved this book so much and it has a prized place on my bookshelf still.
The Deltora Quest Series by Emily Rodda was also a big favourite of mine throughout my childhood. I have always loved fantasy. The books follow three companions as they journey across the land of Deltora, looking to find seven gems stolen from the Belt of Deltora and defeat the evil Shadow Lord and his allies. I actually met Emily Rodda a year or two ago and got my book signed. She is such a nice person.
One of the first book series I really enjoyed was The Tashi Series by Anna Fienberg, Barbara Fienberg and Kim Gamble. Tashi is Jack's imaginary friend. Tashi is a gnome-like character from a far away place. Tashi tells adventurous tales of being sold to a warlord and escaping on a swan, Tashi escapes giants, ghost, demons and witches. I was captivated by the first word and I loved hearing Tashi's tales of courage and determination.
The last books I was obsessed with as a kid were probably any of Enid Blyton's books. I loved the Famous Five series and I had all the books growing up. One time I was homesick, and I finished seven books in one day. I loved the Faraway Tree series as well. The different characters that I could relate to and the plot that had me captivated from the first page were always amazing.
6. Baths or showers?
Showers. Don't get me wrong I love baths, being able to sink into the water and relax has always appealed to me but the water gets cold after about ten minutes. I prefer showers because the water always stays hot and I'm about to think about things under the water.
7. If you could be a mythical creature what would you be?
I would probably be a dragon or a phoenix because I've always wanted to be able to fly.
8. Do you prefer reading paper or electronic books?
Paperback books will always hold a special place in my heart, but electronic books are handier to carry around. A day that paperbacks books are produced anymore will be a very sad day.
9. What is your favourite item of clothing?
I love jumpers or hoodies. I always buy them a size or two bigger because I love having what I call "sweater paws". I know it's weird but don't judge.
10. Who is a mentor to you?
My parents. They are always there for me and I really appreciate that.
11. Would you ever want to be famous? If so what for?
I might want to be famous, but I would have to love the thing I was famous for. I would love to be famous for my writing but when I was younger I wanted to be famous because being an actress or singer always appealed to me.
12. Are you a restless sleeper?
I am quite a restless sleeper. When I was younger I would often get little to no sleep each night. I toss and turn quite a lot in my sleep.
13. Do you consider yourself to be romantic?
Not really.
14. Which of the elements best describe you?
I don't want to be stereotypical or anything, but I would probably choose fire or something. I'm very headstrong and determined and have a short temper. I know what I want in life and how to get it.
15. Who would you like to get close to?
I would like to get closer to some of my friends from my childhood. I have drifted apart from them throughout the years and I would love to get to see them again.
16. Who do you miss right now?
I miss my extended family. They live far away from me and I haven't seen them in a while. But I'm so grateful that things like Skype and Facetime exist so I'm still able to stay in contact.
17. Tell us a childhood memory.
I was once in Indonesian class and everyone was talking, I was singing to myself to pass time. Suddenly, the entire class went quiet just as I started to sing the high note. I was so embarrassed, I swear I was bright red for the rest of the lesson.
18. What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
The strangest thing I've eaten was probably dog food. I know, it's disgusting but it was a bet. I won ten dollars for it.
19. What do you see outside your bedroom window?
I can currently see my garden and my dog laying on the grass playing with the grass.
20. What are you most thankful for?
I'm most thankful for the people in my life. My family, my friends, my peers and my teachers. I'm so grateful for all their places in my life.
21. Do you like spicy food?
I don't mind spicy food. If I had to eat spicy food I would, but if I had a choice I wouldn't choose spicy food.
22. Have you met someone famous?
As I said before I've met Emily Rodda and I've also met Dr Karl Kruszelnicki. Both are really lovely people and I enjoyed meeting them.
23. Do you keep a diary?
I've tried to several times, but I've never been able to stick to it. I don't see the point of it. I'm writing something that probably no one else but me will read. That's why I prefer writing a blog overwriting a diary.
24. Do you prefer to write in pencil or pen?
I like both, but I prefer writing in pen when writing essays or for a long time.
25. What is your star sign?
I'm a Taurus.
26. Do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy?
I suppose I prefer my cereal soggy.
27. What would your legacy be?
Legacy. What is a legacy? It's planting seeds in a garden you never get to see.
(If you get that reference, I'll buy you a chocolate bar!)
28. Do you like reading? What was last you read?
I love reading a lot. The book I last read was We Were Liars by E. Lockhart. It's the best book ever and I've read it about three times. I highly recommend it.
29. How do you show someone you love them?
I'm not really affectionate in many ways but I'll let the person know how much I appreciate them in my life.
30. Do you like ice in your drinks?
I suppose so, but I don't really mind either way.
31. What are you afraid of?
I'm afraid of failure. I hate failing things, it makes me feel really bad about myself.
32. What is your favourite smell?
-Cinnamon, vanilla and freshly cut grass
33. Do you address people by their first name is last name?
It really depends on the person. If I was talking to a teacher or respected adult I would address them by their last name but if I was talking to a friend, I would address them by their first name.
34. If money weren't a factor, how would you live your life?
I would probably travel a lot. I would also buy the best tickets at all the Broadway shows. I'd buy my friends and family gifts and presents to show them how much I appreciate them in my life.
35. Do you prefer swimming in the ocean or the pool?
I love swimming in both. The pool is great because you can just swim around and not have to worry how far you are going out and the ocean is fun as well because of the waves. I don't really have a preference for either.
36. Have you seen shooting star? Did you make a wish?
I've seen a heap of shooting stars. I occasionally make a wish but I usually don't. My birthday wishes have never come true so I usually don't bother.
37. What is the one thing you want to teach your children?
I'm not sure I even want children but if I did have them I would teach them to stay alive and how to be brave and kind.
38. If you had a tattoo where would it be? What would it be?
I have never really thought about getting a tattoo. But if I did it would have to hold a lot of significance for me. I would love to get a Harry Potter tattoo, a small bee or a quote from a musical or book. I would have to really want it to have it on my body for the rest of my life.
39. What can you hear right now?
I can hear students rapidly clicking keyboards. I'm currently in my French class. No one in this class actually does any work, all they do is play Fortnite. I can hear my French teacher telling us about conjugations.
40. What is the one thing you want to overcome?
I would want to overcome my fears of failure and my other fears.
41. If you could travel back to any era what would it be?
I don't really know. Maybe the 90's?
42. Which is your most used emoji?
I don't use emojis that much, but my most used emoji are probably 😂
43. What is your favourite seasons? Why?
My favourite season is Autumn. I love Autumn. The leaves, the changing weather and the flavours. I'm a big fan of a spiced pumpkin latte!
44. How would you spend your ideal day?
Curled up under a blanket with my dog and a cup of tea, watching Netflix or reading Harry Potter.
45. Describe yourself in one word?
46. What do you regret the most?
I don't really regret anything. I have gone through some hard times and challenges and I've had to make some difficult decisions, but I don't find myself regretting any of those choices.
47. Invent your own word. What does it mean?
Qerrassa. It means 'let's get out of here'
I'm finally done! I've literally been working on this for three days straight. It's really long.
I'm going to tag some people. If you get tagged you really don't have to do this, it's really long.
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