Chapter Twelve: Death Spiral Smackdown
Luna's Pov
Luckily the others were able to make it up to Leo after celebrating his party without him.
Right now I'm in my room getting ready.
I took a nice shower and changed.
I walked downstairs where the others were.
The others were by the kitchen counter. I made my over to Chase and sat next to him.
"Hey baby" Chase said, "hey babe" I said as he wrapped his arm around my waist.
"After school today is the big Death Spiral Smackdown. Me and Adam are gonna unleash the fury" Leo said and I smiled.
"You guys gonna come watch?" Leo asked.
"We'd love to, but we're gonna go to the mall and check out the escalator. I finally mastered the art of stepping off without tripping" Chase explained.
Everyone looked at him weirdly while I giggled.
"Ooh, um, were we supposed to do that today? Shoot, I-I can't make it. I have a really big test to study for" Bree said.
I raised my eyebrow at her, I know damn well she's lying.
"What? Okay, fine. I just hope those old ladies are there again to clap for me" Chase said.
"No worries baby, I'll go with you and clap for you" I said.
He smiled and kissed my forehead.
"Never had this cereal before" Leo said as he grabbed a box that were filled with some food pellets inside.
"No, Leo! Those are power pellets" Bree warned, "I don't care what they're called, as long as they make my milk chocolaty" Leo said.
"No. They're bite-sized pieces of adrenaline that activate our bionics" Chase explained.
"Yeah, but, we don't eat them anymore because we learned how to active them ourselves" Bree said and I smiled.
"They taste like dog treats without the livery aftertaste" Chase said with a smile and we all looked at him weirdly.
"I'm guessing" Chase quickly said.
"Well, I guess I'll just have these" Leo said as he grabbed another cereal box, and this one actually looked edible.
"Careful, Leo! Those are Powdered Sugar Cookie Donut O's. Studies have shown they slow down your brain activity" Chase warned as he snatched the box away from him.
"Yummy Powdered Sugar Cookie Donut O's!" Adam cheered as he walked into the room.
He snatched the box from Chase and started eating.
We all rolled our eyes at his childish behavior.
"Come on, we got school soon" I said.
Everyone nodded and we left the counter to get our bags for school.
At School
Me, Chase, and Leo were walking around the hallway together.
We stopped when we spotted Bree talking to Caitlin and a few others girls.
"What is Bree still doing here? She said she had to study for a test" Chase asked.
"Yeah, she's not studying for a test" Leo said and I glared at him.
"Use your bionic hearing to listen to what they're saying" I suggested.
Chase nodded and pressed his fingers on his temple.
He started listening what they were saying and it's fair to say that he was mad.
"She lied to me" Chase said.
"Wow. Millions of dollars of technology for you to get a tiny grasp of the obvious" Leo said.
I glared at him and smacked him upside the head.
"She thinks she can ditch me and get away with it? Ohh. She is going down" Chase said.
"What are you going to do?" I asked and he smirked.
"Mr. Davenport gave me an Override App so in an emergency situation, I can take over Adam and Bree's bionics" Chase explained.
He pressed his fingers against his temple.
"Connect to Bree" Chase said.
He then started lightly slapping himself and pointed towards Bree. We looked at her and saw her slapping herself.
"Ow! Ow! Ow! Why am I hitting myself?" Bree asked.
I started laughing along with Leo and Chase, sorry Bree.
But you deserve this for ditching my boyfriend.
"Time to wake up, Bree! Not sleepy anymore! Wake up!" Bree scolded herself.
"I was friends with a self-slapper once. I'm not going down that road again" Caitlin said as she and the other girls ran away from Bree.
Bree groaned and walked away while the rest of us continued laughing.
"Ok, that was the best" I said and the boys nodded.
An Hour Later
I was walking around the halls when I saw Chase standing by the lockers.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"The same thing I did an hour ago" Chase said and I sighed.
"Really?" I asked and he nodded.
I just nodded and kissed his cheek as Bree walked up to Caitlin and her friends.
"Hey, guys. Sorry about earlier. It's this new school-- It's got me all slap-happy" Bree explained.
Chase smirked and soon started his over ride app so he could control Bree again.
"That's okay. We all have our moments" Caitlin reassured her and Bree smiled.
"Great" Bree said.
Then she started talking gibberish and I looked at Chase and he was mothing a few words.
"Bree, you're having a lot of moments" Caitlin said.
"No, it's just, um, I speak Swedish" Bree said with a nervous smile.
Chase then made her say something in spanish.
"A-And Spanish" Bree said with another nervous smile and let out a nervous chuckle.
Chase then made her voice more deeper. "S'up, ladies? How you livin'?" Bree asked in her deeper voice.
I immediately burst out laughing and Chase smiled at me.
"And man-ish" Bree said.
"I don't know what happened. She wasn't this weird last week" Caitlin said as she ran away from Bree, the other girls following behind her.
Bree groaned and looked at us. Chase was smirking while I was giggling.
She glared at Chase and walked over to us.
"You did this to me. You're using that stupid Override App" Bree said and then turned to me.
"Don't look at me, I didn't do anything but sit back and watch" I said and she nodded and turned her attention back to Chase.
"Yep, because you lied to me" Chase said.
"Well, since you used bionics on me, I'm gonna use mine on you. And beware. It's coming when you least expect it" Bree said while walking away, glancing back at Chase a few times.
"Ooh! Those are big words coming from the manly Spanish-speaking Swede" Chase teased and I giggled.
"Come on, let's go watch the death spiral smackdown thing" I said and he nodded.
He grabbed my hand and we walked into the cafeteria.
When we walked in we saw everyone there.
Bree was on the other side of the room. Most likely planning her revenge.
We watched Leo and Adam taking on two other boys.
They were doing well, but then again they were only winning because of Adam.
Finally they took care of the last boy and knocked him out.
"Come on! Yes! Whoo-hoo!" Leo cheered as Principal Perry stepped onto the platform.
"If they ask at the hospital, that did not happen on school grounds" Principal Perry said and I rolled my eyes at her.
"You just keep getting better and better" Leo said with a smile.
"I know, and I'm not even trying" Adam said.
I frowned at him and glared at Leo, something was going on.
Adam is acting a bit too energetic, Leo must've done something to him and I'm going to figure out what it is after this.
Suddenly Bree superspeeded to Chase, ripped his top, jeans, put a clown wig on his head, a fake nose, and monkey tail on him.
Everyone started laughing, I giggled but also blushed because I got to see Chase's abs.
I mean...he looks hot.
"Aah! What the--? You will pay for this!" Chase yelled in anger as he left the cafeteria.
I giggled even more and shook my head.
"I want that tail" Adam yelled, making me smile.
"This is it-- The final showdown. Who'd have thought you'd make it? A 90-pounder like you should have eaten it in round two" Perry announced.
"Yeah, tell him" Gordo yelled.
"Shut it, little orphan Annie" Principal Perry yelled, making me laugh.
"Come on" Principal Perry announced as she imitated the air horn, it was fucking annoying.
Soon Leo and Adam started fighting Gordo and his partner.
Adam and Gordo's partner were fighting each other, while Leo and Gordo fought each other, by slapping each other.
"Seriously" Principal Perry yelled in annoyance.
"Leo" Adam yelled at Leo.
Leo jumped onto his back and soon Adam started spinning around, really fast.
Gordo and his partner went next to each other and hugged each other. "Tell my mom I love her" Gordo yelled.
Him and his partner fell off the platform and landed onto some students, the rest of winced when they landed.
"We won, we won" Leo cheered and everyone cheered with him.
"That's it? No way! We're too pumped for this thing to end! I want more! More! More!" Adam yelled.
'Alright, what is going on with him?' I thought.
Me and Bree walked up to Leo and I glared at him.
"Leo! What's going on with Adam?" Bree asked.
"Oh, he's just a winner, like me. Me and Adam winners" Leo said, "leo" I warned.
"I didn't do anything" Leo quickly said and I rolled my eyes at him.
"Did you give him power pellets?" Bree asked.
"Just one" Leo said and me and Bree gave him a look.
"Bowl" Leo finished and our eyes widened.
"What? Too many of those pellets will keep his adrenaline going" I explained and Bree nodded.
"It'll snowball, and he won't be able to turn his bionics off" Bree said, clearly panicking.
"Doesn't matter now. We won!" Leo cheered.
'I'm not so sure it's over, considering the whole reason this thing is going on is because of Principal Perry' I thought.
"Now, on to the finals" Principal Perry said, "called it" I muttered under my breath.
"The what?" Leo asked in fear.
"There can only be one true winner of the Death Spiral Smackdown, so tomorrow we go mano-a-mano. Gentlemen, your teammate is now your enemy" Principal Perry explained with an evil giggle.
"I need to go against him?" Leo asked as we all looked at Adam.
"Rrraaaahhhh!" Adam yelled as he completely destroyed the basketball he was holding using his super strength.
"Yep. So you go home and get your rest. And I'm gonna go home and get my camera" Principal Perry said with a smirk and walked away.
" was nice knowing you Leo" I said with an innocent smile, causing him to glare at me.
Back At Home
I was in the living room.
Adam had left the room to get something while Bree and Chase still weren't here.
Then the door opened and we saw Bree and Chase enter the house.
Chase...was wearing a drummers uniform and hat.
"Hey, it's the little drummer boy" Leo teased and I giggled.
"It's all that was left in the lost and found" Chase defended and huffed in annoyance.
"And the hat?" I asked.
"It's part of the ensemble. You can't break up the set" Chase said with a smile.
He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before walking away to get changed.
"Come on, Luna Bree, you two have to help me! I need to go against Adam tomorrow, and he's like a big, strong, goofy godzilla, and I'm Tokyo" Leo explained.
"You're something else and it ain't Tokyo" I teased, causing Bree to giggle and Leo to glare at me.
"What's the big deal? Just quit" Bree suggested and I nodded.
"I can't just quit. The whole school is expecting me to take on Adam tomorrow, and if I quit, I'll just be humiliated" Leo explained and the both of us looked at him weirdly.
"More humiliated. If I wanted to lose, I could have just stuck with Gordo and kept a friend" Leo explained.
"The pellets will wear off eventually, but until they do, just keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't destroy the whole house" Bree explained and I nodded.
Just then Adam came into the kitchen, with a toilet in his hands.
"Can somebody help me put this back on?" Adam asked and we all groaned.
The Next Day
Quickly grabbing myself a cookie I grabbed my bag and left the house.
I made it to school and quickly put my bag in my locker so I could watch the smackdown finals.
I walked inside the cafeteria, only to find my best and boyfriend next to each other and saying most likely rude comments towards each other.
The only weird thing is that.
Chase is wearing multiple clothes.
And Bree has this tin foil thing around her neck.
Sighing I made my way over to them.
"All those clothes, and you couldn't find something to cover your face?" Bree asked.
"Oh come on, what's wrong with his cute face?" I asked.
Chase smirked while Bree glared at me.
"Go ahead. Try to humiliate me. I have 36 items of clothing on" Chase said and I giggled.
"Why would I try? You're humiliating yourself" Bree asked.
"Oh, yeah? Well, the tin man called. He wants his neck back" Chase joked and I giggled even more.
"It's to deflect your stupid App from connecting to my chip. It's the heavy duty kind they use in restaurant" Bree said.
Everyone stared at them and soon starts laughing at them.
"Look what you've done. Everyone thinks we're weirdos" Bree complained.
"We've always been weirdos" I said.
Both of them nodded in agreement and I smiled.
"Hey, it's your fault for lying and ditching me" Chase argued.
"I-I didn't want to hurt your feelings. Caitlin's the first-" Bree started but I glared at her and her eyes widened.
"Luna is the first friend and only best friend I've had. Caitlin is the second real friend I've ever had. Just 'cause I want to hang out with her doesn't mean I like you any less" Bree explained and I smiled softly at her.
"Yeah, well, I have other friends too now, so..." Chase said.
"That's great. I mean, you should go hang out with them sometimes" Bree encouraged.
"Yeah, I don't really have other friends. But I'm gonna go get some" Chase said.
I smiled and kissed his cheek, "you've already got us as your friends, and me as your girlfriend. Trust me babe, you don't need anyone else" I reassured him.
He smiled and nodded.
"Good. Oh, and before you do that, you might want to lose a layer or two" Bree suggested.
"Yeah, and you might want to lose the baked potato neck" Chase suggested as he walked away.
I helped Bree take the tin foil thing off her neck and threw it into the trash.
"Sometimes I wonder why you're dating my brother?" Bree asked and I giggled.
"Because he's the absolute best, and super cute" I said.
Bree faked gagged while I rolled my eyes at her in annoyance.
We walked over to the other side of the room, Chase walked back in a few seconds later.
He made his way over to me and wrapped his arm around my waist and I laid my head on his shoulder.
I couldn't hear what was going on, it was either because I was too lazy to listen or because of how much people were cheering for the final round to start.
Adam finally ran into the gym and got into position, he looked ready to fight while Leo looked scared.
I slightly jumped when I heard an air horn.
We all looked and saw Principal Perry holding an air horn in her hands.
"I bought a new one" Principal Perry announced.
Soon everyone started cheering and clapping as the final round began.
Adam was trying to fight Leo but Leo kept on trying to run away from him.
"Let's go! I'm paying these pandemics by the hour! Break something already!" Principal Perry announced.
"Sometimes I wonder how she's still the principal at this school" I whispered to Bree and Chase and they nodded in agreement.
Leo tried running away but that was impossible since he didn't want to lose but at the same time he didn't want to go up against Adam.
Finally Adam had got to him and grabbed him from behind, getting ready to throw him.
'Oh shit' I thought nervously.
"Adam ate a whole bowl of power pellets! He's gonna turn Leo into a human wrecking ball if we don't stop him from finishing his countdown!" Bree explained to Chase, worry in her voice.
"What do we do?" I asked.
"Quick, use your Override App" Bree suggested and I nodded.
"It's only for emergencies" Chase argued.
"Babe, this is an emergency" I argued back and Bree nodded.
"Connect to Adam" Chase said as he pressed his hands on his temple.
We turned around and saw that Adam was close to throwing Leo, but Chase got into override mode just in time and began controlling Adam.
He made Adam put Leo on the floor so he wouldn't get hurt.
"Wait, why-- Why aren't I destroying you?" Adam asked.
"I... Don't... Know... But... What I do know is..." Leo said.
He then pushed Adam off the platform and Adam fell to the ground.
"I win" Leo yelled.
Everyone cheered and clapped for him.
The three of us quickly ran over to Adam to make sure he was alright.
"Adam, are you ok?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'm good, for the most part" Adam said as me and Bree helped him up.
Chase then explained to Adam that Leo fed him power pellets and that's why he was so active.
Adam got mad but I could also see some betrayal in his face.
We turned around and saw Leo still standing on the platform with the trophy in his hands.
"Hey, Chase told me about the power pellets! Leo, I told you, I didn't want to use bionics. You took advantage of me, Leo" Adam said in anger as he walked up to him.
"I'm sorry. I just-- I really wanted to win. I didn't mean for it to hurt our friendship" Leo explained.
"Yeah, well, it did, and nothing's going to fix it" Adam said in sadness.
'Is this really the end of their friendship?' I thought nervously.
"You can have my victory cape" Leo said.
"Buddy! Ooh!" Adam cheered as he took the cape from Leo and put it on and pretended like he was some sort of superhero.
We all laughed at the two of them.
"Man, their friendship is a weird one" I said and they nodded.
Chase wrapped his arms around me and I leaned into his touch as we continued staring and laughing at Adam pretending to be a superhero.
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