Kentucky's new law
[ok so this one will more than likely be more serious than other skits I've made, I mean the topic is abortion. So if your sensitive or want this matter to be taken more seriously then just comment, thanks]
Kentucky - Indy, Ten! i need yall to read this new act I wanna pass
Tennessee - *sees title* you do realize that both me and Indiana republican right? we're going to have the same thoughts on this
Indiana - *reading new law while ten talks to ken*
Tennessee - why don't you get north carolina or virginia to read it?
Kentucky - . . They'd probably kill me
Tennessee - then get Ohio to read it
kentucky - he doesn't listen to me
Indiana - honestly i think this law is great, but he's right, we should get someone from the other party to read it
Indiana - that way you would at least know what to expect if somebody tries to deny it
~ Timeskip ~
Virginia - . . .
Ohio - nope
Kentucky - what really?
Indiana - wait seriously??
Ohio - yeah people aren't going to like this, well I mean some people
Virginia - mhm. .
NC - people aint gonna like what?
[btw I consider SC a "middle state", sure they've probably voted for a certain party numerous times, but only by a slight margin]
SC - n-noTHING! hehehhh
NC - *snatches SC's paper*
Ohio - oh shit-
NC - this *points to paper* is disgusting
Indiana - you barley even read it!
NC - I did and its horrible!! your trying to take away womens rights!
Tennessee - what about the baby's rights!
NC - the baby isnt even alive yet!
Ohio - ENOUGH!
NY - I heard screaming whaz happenin'?
Ohio - shUT UP!
NY - 0-0
Indiana - this is why we don't piss of neutral states. .
Ohio - now then, North Carolina this doesnt concern you. You're not fucking Kentucky! You don't decide his laws!
NC - I-i. .
Ohio - Kentucky, I understand the new law you want to make but it's risky, the legislator won't like it
Kentucky - *sighs*
NJ - exactly and he shouldn't
Indiana - *she
Texas - pfft-
Ohio - *Ohio.exe has stopped working*
Indiana - oh nuuuu
Illinois - whatever Texas at least we're not taking away womens rights
Texas - wE'RE NOT?!
Kentucky - should I actually explain this law to its fullest extent?
Every state considered democratic {this varies depending on the person} - nO
[If you want me to explain what the law actually was then just ask. Also the only reason i said was an not is is because eventually the act was struck down by Kentuckian District Judge Joseph H. McKinley Jr.]
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