9. 5 times, 1 time (hugging)
Five times Stephen hugged Tony, and the one time Tony hugged Stephen because that's just cute.
Enjoy :)
Tony Stark was not having a good day.
He didn't get much sleep the night before (once Pepper forced him into his room and shut off his lab) from nightmares that continuously woke him up and when he finally did fall asleep, Steve Rodgers just had to wake him up at five in the morning for an early morning training session. Then, the coffee machine broke, Tony was mauled by fans when he tried to get coffee from the nearest Starbucks, missed a meeting with Fury, got yelled at by both Pepper and Fury, and to top it all off, his chest was hurting from the Arc Reactor. Appearently, the universe hated him for some reason and decided that today was one of those rare days when the reactor hurt more than normal and the pain meds were no where to be found.
So yes, Tony Stark was not having a good day.
Until his crush, Stephen Strange, walked into the compound, red cape and all, took one look at Tony (who both looked and felt like he was going to burst into tears at any second) and asked in the gentlest, kindest voice Tony had ever heard him use, "Do... Do you need a hug?"
Tony nodded and Stephen crossed the room, hesitantly opening his arms. The genius all but threw himself into the sorcerer's arms, sobbing.
Stephen, suprisingly empathetic, calmed him down and suggested they go out for coffee. Upon hearing Tony's concern of paparazzi, he ordered takeout coffee. Then, they went on a walk around the city, found a secluded park bench, and Stephen let Tony rant about how horrendously horrible his day had been going. Stephen nodded along and told him it was going to be okay.
They hugged again, Tony thanked Stephen (albeit slightly teary) and Stephen leaned forward and pressed his soft, cupid bow's lips to Tony's rough, slightly chapped ones.
Tony's mind went blanck, except for three things. One, Stephen Strange, his crush, was kissing him. Two, Stephen Strange was a really good kisser (his lips tasted like black tea, caramel macchiato, and various herbs, too). And three, maybe Tony's day wasn't so bad after all.
Tony let out a hiss of pain when he tried to move his shoulder. Dislocated, probably. He had been working in his lab when Dumb-E had rolled past his legs, chirping cheerfully, and somehow managed to trip Tony. The billionaire fell, dropped his box of tools, tried to stop his fall by grabbing the edge of an appliance (which, spoiler alert, didn't work) wrenched his shoulder out of its socket, and fell. Face first into a thousand different sharp and pointy things ranging from nails and screws, to needle nose pliers and flathead screwdrivers.
Currently, he was sitting in the middle of his lab, nursing a dislocated left shoulder, various cuts and scrapes on his face, upper arms, and chest, all with Dumb-E beeping apologetically in the background, holding a fire extinguisher.
"Not now, Dumb-E!" Tony growled, struggling to get up. He should probably go to a doctor. The only problem was that Bruce was off world with Thor, Dr. Cho would lecture him about his safety (he really didn't want to have that conversation today), the genius didn't have an ounce of medical knowledge aside from 'stick on a band-aid, swallow some painkillers, and deal with it, ironically, and Tony Stark would rather die before he'd step foot in an actual hospital. That left one person he knew to fix him up.
Dr. Stephen Strange.
Groaning in despair, Tony fired up the Iron Man suit and slipped in, wincing at the pain it caused his shoulder. Off to see the wizard.
Stephen was lounging in his favorite armchair in the New York Sanctum library when the doorbell rang. Groaning, Stephen realized he had to get it himself seeing as Wong had left for Kamar-Taj the day before.
When he finally got around to answering the door, however, he was surprised. Standing on the doorstep was Tony Stark, his left arm dangling limply to his side, and his face sporting various cuts and bruises. Not something you'd see everyday.
"Stark?" Stephen asked, schooling his features to remain neutral.
"Heyyy, Strange..." Tony greeted with a lopsided smile. "Tripped in my lab and dislocated my shoulder. No one's home, my medical knowledge is non-existent, and you're tolerable. Fix me?"
Stephen, though he'll never admit, stood there, frozen, his mouth slightly adjar, staring at Tony. After three minutes of nothing, Tony just pushed past the sorcerer and sat himself down on an armchair. "Alright, well, are you just going to stand there and watch the birds or come help me? My arm actually really hurts right now, and I'd prefer to not be in pain.
"Asdfgjkl- huh, sorry, yes, yes, dislocated shoulder." Stephen muttered, closing the Sanctum door and turning around. "Right. Uh, you want me to reset it?"
Tony nodded, a pained expression on his face. Stephen moved to Tony's side, grabbing the billionaire's injured arm with his right, and resting lift left hand on the other's chest, near the reactor he knew to be hidden under the thick shirt.
"Okay. It's going to hurt a lot, just saying. Are you ready?" Tony nodded quickly, looking away. "Do you want me to count?"
Tony squeezed his eyes shut. "No! Just do it already, Doc!"
Stephen nodded. "Brace yourself."
'one...' he counted in his head. 'two...'
On three, he quickly performed the 'out, up, in' motions, hearing the 'pop' as the bone slid back into place, even through Tony's shout of agony.
"That should do it." Stephen noted as Tony retracted his arm and held it close to his chest.
"Ow. Shit. F-ck. That really hurt, Strange." Tony panted between laboured breaths.
"I told you. Now try and slow your breathing, like this." Stephen took a deep breath and slowly let it out, smiling softly when Tony copied him. "Good. Now keep breathing, just like that, while I go get a splint and some pain meds." Tony nodded.
Stephen returned ten minutes later with his old sling (from when he broke his arm three years ago- it got lost in the Sanctum. Stephen eventually found it buried in an abandoned troll nest in the attic and threw it into a drunk drawer to be dealt with later) and pain meds, as promised. He also grabbed some cotton swabs, bandages, an ice pack, hydrogen peroxide, and a suture kit- the most of what he could find around the Sanctum.
"Okay. I'll help you put the sling on. After that, he's an ice pack for the shoulder, some pain meds, and then you'll let me have a look at those cuts." Tony nodded wordlessly, uncurling his arm to allow the doctor to slip his injured arm into the sling and secure it around his shoulder. The billionaire took the ice pack with a nodd and dry swallowed the two paracetamol pills.
"Y'know," Tony finally said, "it still hurts."
Stephen made a pouty face. "Do you need Daddy to kiss it better? Do you want a lollipop for being a good boy?" He teased.
Tony barked out a laugh, wincing slightly at the pain it caused his shoulder. "Thanks, no. But..." Tony and Stephen both paused.
"But what?"
"But... I would like a hug." Tony finished. "That thing really-f-cking-hurt."
Slightly bemused by the request, but oddly wanting to fulfill it, Stephen awkwardly leaned forward and hesitantly wrapped his arms around the shorter man. Stephen frozen when Tony's arms –er, arm– snaked around his waist, but eventually melted into the hug. This was good. Tony was suprisingly warm and felt safe, and Stephen didn't want this moment to end.
However, all good things must come to an end, and Tony let go.
Stephen unwrapped himself and cleared his throat, looking away. "Now, er, about those cuts..."
Tony Stark was sick. And he did not like it. At all.
His body ached everywhere, especially his chest (where his arc was), his throat felt like it was on fire, he was cold, but sweating, his nose was stuffy, it hurt to breathe, he couldn't taste or smell anything, and he had the biggest headache in the history of big headaches
It was hell. Tony was miserable and he made sure everyone else knew that he was in pain.
At least he had his super-awsome-gay-wizard-doctor-boyfriend, named Stephen Strange, who brought him soup and ice packs and pain killers and kept Tony entertained during those rare moments when he felt slightly less miserable.
Oh, and the hugs. Stephen gave the best hugs. One particular moment was somewhere in the middle of this illness. It was dark outside, probably 10 or 11 pm, when Stephen told him to go to bed. Tony had –begrudgingly– eaten Stephen's chicken noodle soup, allowed his boyfriend to cover him in blankets, lay an ice pack on his forehead, and pump him full of pain killers and Nite Quill.
Stephen was about to turn the light off in Tony's room and go to bed when the billionaire stopped him. "Stephie... One more thing?" He asked in his hoarse whisper.
Stephen stopped and turned around. "What is it, Tony?"
Tony lifted his arms. "I could really use a hug right now."
Stephen sighed, then smiled gently. "Alright. But just this once, I don't want to get sick."
And Stephen leaned down and gave Tony what felt like The Best Hug Ever™.
And then Tony sneezed in his face, Stephen's nose crinkled, Tony decided that the sorcerer looked super cute, and promptly passed out. In that order.
A week later, when Tony was almost completely recovered, Stephen complained of aching muscles, a headache, sore throat, and the inability to smell. He was not happy in the slightest.
(highschool AU)
Frantic knocking was was what Stephen Strange woke up to. At 5 am. In the middle of summer.
Stephen's parents were out of town and his siblings were at camps, leaving the house empty. Except for Stephen.
Groaning, Stephen sluggishly threw off his warm blankets and trudged through the cold house. "Coming! 'm coming!" He shouted as the knocking continued.
Somehow, the eldest Strange kid made it to the door and unlocked it, ready to tell at whoever was interupting his beauty sleep. Until, much to his surprise, the door opened to reveal his boyfriend, Tony Stark.
"Tony...?" Stephen asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
"Stephen- oh thank G-d! Stephen, guess what!!" Tony exclaimed.
Tony paused for what seemed to be a dramatic effect.
"I got it!!!!" He practically screamed.
"You- they accepted you, for study abroad?!?"
"YES! ITALY, here I come!!!" Tony squealed.
Without thinking, Stephen grabbed his boyfriend and pulled him into the biggest hug of his life, twirling him around as they laughed.
"Oh, my G-D, Tony, that's incredible!"
"I know! I'm so excited!" Tony laughed.
"I'm so proud of you!" Stephen exclaimed.
"We need to celebra-" Tony was cut off by Stephen stealing the shorter man's lips with a passionate kiss.
When it finally ended, both boys were bright red. "I know one way we can celebrate." Stephen teased.
Tony grinned. "I call bottom."
And suddenly, it was a mad rush to Stephen's bedroom, admission paper forgotten on the entryway table.
"Stephen..." Tony called from his place sprawled across the common room couch.
"What." Stephen responded, sitting at the kitchen table.
"I'm boreeeed!"
"Okay, and...?" Stephen muttered.
Tony huffed and shifted so one leg was dangling off the back of the couch and his torso was halfway off the front if the sofa. "Pepper kicked me out of the lab."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"All the movies are boring. I've read all my books. It's too hot to do anything else." Tony wined.
Stephen chuckled. "You could... clean?"
Tony made a face. "Nu-uh. Not cleaning. Nope, nada, non, zilch."
"It was just a suggestion." Stephen hummed. Tony groaned. After a few minutes of silence, aside from Tony's wining, Stephen spoke up again. "Hey, I have an idea."
Stephen stood up and made his way over to the couch, Tony warily watching as the taller man approached.
Without warning, Stephen launched himself onto Tony, attacking him with tickles. "Tickle monster!" He yelled as Tony screamed with laughter.
"No, NO- UNCLE, UNCLE!" Tony shouted, unable to control his laughing, tears springing in his eyes. Tony began to writhe as Stephen continued to tickle him, pushing the two onto the floor. Tony landed on top, but Stephen flipped them over.
"More tickles or will you stop complaining?" Stephen asked, grinning.
Panting, Tony smiled up at the sorcerer. "I'll stop, I'll stop, promise!"
"Good." Stephen leaned down and planted a soft kiss on Tony's lips. Tony kissed back, humming his enthusiasm. Stephen moaned back, collapsing to the side and taking Tony with him, wrapping the older man in a warm hug, their lips still interlocked.
When the two finally separated, Tony smiled. "Love you, wizard."
Stephen chuckled. "Love you too, Mr. Stark."
Tony closed his eyes, his smile growing wider. The two lay there in each other's arms for what felt like hours (but was actually maybe seven minutes) until Tony pushed Stephen off, much to the younger man's displeasure. "Now get off me, ya big oaf!"
Tony survived the snap, Nat's still alive
Stephen sighed, staring into his glass of whiskey.
He didn't really want to drink it, never liking the taste. He'd rather have some champagne in one of those cocktail glasses. But it wouldn't hurt, it's the least he could do at his ex-girlfriends wedding.
That, and part of him still loved her and he wanted to forget. 'oh f-ck it,' he thought. Laughing bitterly, he chugged the glass, wincing at the taste and the burning it caused in the back of his throat. Stephen set down his glass and was about to magically refill it when someone called his name. Turning, he found Tony Stark smiling up at him.
"Stark! What are you doing here?" He exclaimed.
"I was invited. Charlie's a big fan of the Avengers and a friend of a friend arranged it." Tony explained, shrugging.
"No, I mean, what are you doing here."
"Ooooh... You mean here, with you." Tony smiled. "You looked sad and no one should be sad at a wedding. It looked like you needed a hug, so here I am."
Stephen swallowed. Now that Tony mentioned it, yeah, Stephen did want a hug. He nodded and Tony wrapped his arms around the sorcerer.
Stephen closed his eyes and returned the hug, grateful for the act of kindness seemingly out of the blue. Tony and Stephen hated each other, but this... this felt right. Stephen could feel the heat coming from Tony's flesh arm and the colder feeling of his new vibranium arm (Tony had survived the snap, but his arm hadn't). It felt oddly comforting in Tony's arms, Stephen realized. He never wanted to let go.
"Thank you." Stephen whispered in the older man's ear. Tony hummed.
"Anything for the love of my life."
Stephen's eyes snapped open. "What-"
Tony let go of Stephen, ending the hug. Still trying to process the information, Stephen lost track of reality until Tony pressed his lips against the sorcerer's, his metal hand in Stephen's hair and the flesh one on his neck.
Stephen subconsciously leaned forward, opening his mouth to deepen the kiss, his own arms winding around Tony's waist.
People began to applaud as Stephen and Tony kissed, and Stephen smiled. Suddenly, kissing Tony-freaking-Stark in a room full of people applauding them, at his best friend/ex-girlfriends wedding, Stephen finally felt content.
This felt right, and Stephen was happy.
Until something crashed a block away, quickly followed by screaming civilians forced the kiss to break. But even then, when Stephen was trying to demobilize the one-eyes child of Satan, Tony was right there besides him.
This should probably be renamed to '5 times Stephen kissed Tony and 1 time Tony kissed Stephen, but eh.'
Longest chapter in this book at a whopping 2819 words!
I'm actually super proud of 1, 2, and 3, I loved writing them!
4 was kind of iffy, it was kind of rushed, but eh.
5 was just adorable and I loved it.
6/+1 was just *chef's kiss* MWAH!
Anyways, huge thank yous to those people who made this one-shot possible by answering the 'fingers or shoulder' question. I really appreciate it, guys :D
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