Jacksie's Squawk Box: Darling Writer's Corner
Hello everyone! I apologize for not posting any updates for months. As you can see, since our class started, I have been bombarded by school reports, home works, after school activities and exams that I never even got the time to scratch my ass!
I swear our teachers are conspiring on us. I never seen them gave us pop quizzes all at the same time in military precision. Well, except for our gym teacher, coach Cassidy. He is always been easy going and laid back since our Athletics team, the Demigods has been bringing home medals and when he started going on dates again. The last time I heard, Coach Cassidy is seeing a fellow teacher from our rival school, Pebble Creek High.
Anyways, I have some good news! Our English class hosted a creative writing contest for all junior students and in the next few days or weeks, our dear Principal, Mr. Willoughby will be announcing the top three stories during our next school assembly. He would probably read the names of the winners right after he scolded the seniors again like last time when they made a zip line that ran from his office down to the school carpark!
Anyway, as I was saying, the contest had a theme that focused on the bonds of friendship written as a short story or a novelette. The genre had to be modern, with or without the element of magic and definitely no violence that will cause our teacher Mrs. Darling to spiral down the rabbit hole of doom and gloom! ahahaha!
The class was pretty excited especially when we found out that Jeremy and Ted, also known as the Harlow Brothers, the famous Hollywood horror film makers are in town and graciously agreed to judge the contest and offered a cash prize for the first top three novellas. Not only that, the Harlow brothers will turn the winning story into a mini film. OMG, right?!It's like those two had no other places to go and had nothing better else to do!
You see, Jeremy and Ted were former students of Lakeview High after they were kicked out from Pebble Creek High for a reason not made known to the public. Even when they are both based in Los Angeles now, they still considered Lakeview as their real home.
The Harlow Brothers are both nice and very down to earth. In fact, we met them in person when we were invited to view the test screening of their horror flick, Clucky the Evil Doll right here in Lakeview.
The mention of their names caused a pandemonium amongst our year! Everyone was rummaging for a good story. I swear, Mrs. Darling's inbox was inundated by drafts and blurbs for her approval. We also overheard from the grapevine that the author of the winning story would make a cameo appearance in the film! Oh.My.God! This is even better than winning the Pulitzer prize!
During our free time, the lost boys (Nathan, Jet, Hawky, Piper and I) and our muse Raven baby doll , the mathletes (Tim, Greg and Mika) and their muse Mariella(who is also Tim's cousin) met up at the school bleacher to discuss our stories. Surprisingly, all our ideas were approved in the first round.
I knew of classmates who had their drafts approved on the third try. Not only that, we were told that the story needed to be original and if we based it on a movie or a book, points would automatically get deducted.
Since Mika and I are both in the school's journalism club, our friends asked us to curate their ideas.
Mariella's story is about a K-9 handler named Alice, her black Labrador Retriever named Sergeant and a kitten that they rescued under the rubble of the twin tower during the 9/11 tragedy. Her blurb is pretty interesting! I am very excited to read her story.
Mika in turn, read my Raven baby doll's story draft. I asked him to curate it because I am 101% that her story is about me. AHAHAHAHA! I am just kidding. Her novelette was about a girl and a boy and a mysterious letter that would test their endearing friendship. As Mika was reading the well written synopsis, I saw Nathan's face turned white as a sheet and he looked like he was going to passed out. HIHIHIHIHI! Guilty as charged! That bastard has been receiving tons of love letters from his admirers. All of them have poor taste and most likely legally blind! I betcha, my GF Raven found the stash of love notes kept inside an old shoe box that Nathan placed under his bed, guarded and securely draped by a questionable, dirty looking briefs and from that, she got herself a story. Good on her!
Greg's narrative is very unique because the setting of his modern tale happens on a chessboard and the characters were the chess pieces. You gotta remember, he is the founding member of the school's 3D chess club and he has a big crush on Mariella! HIHIHI! Spoiler alert! His story is entitled Marshall's Law. It's a play on words between Martial Law; the temporary substitution of military authority for civilian rule and Marshall or Frank Marshall, a strong chess player in the early 20th century who popularized two chess moves named after him ---the Marshall attack and the Marshall defense.
Now Tim, his story has a tinge of romance and its not a straight cut platonic friendship. We were shocked that Mrs. Darling gave him a green light and she even wrote a note saying that she is looking forward on how the story will pan out! Being the strongest mathematician in our year and probably in school, his story involves numbers, codes and ciphers. His story is entitled PROBLEM-MATH-TICK. It's about a prom queen named Essi Calene who needed a crash course in Trigonometry and a reluctant math tutor named Matt. Tim pulled our teacher's heart strings when he wrote this one liner ----->"Why go off a tangent when the sines are all there."
Dammit! Why didn't I think of that!
Nathan's story is about my Raven sugar sweet, my secret gf and soon to be made public, just not now. Ahahaha! He is trying to make me jealous and it's working!
Anywho, his story is anecdotal in the sense that it was based on the time the two of them went to a pumpkin patch farm. I think we were eight years old then and they got lost inside a haunted corn maze with spooky looking scarecrows ! I remember the story because I was there with them and we got separated. I was bobbing for apples and trying my best to win a prize for Raven but Nathan stole her attention and took her for a walk inside the haunted maze. They were trapped and were walking in circles and couldn't find the way out for fifteen minutes which is like eight hours in Nathan's head. Knowing him to be Mr Theatrics, he will wield this story like Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, just watch!
For most of you who regularly reads my blog. You guys know about my love hate relationship with my friend, Jet. He is our wealthiest friend and he lives in that big ass mansion on top of the hill. They also own the mall in our town. He also has a big crush on my gf, Raven baby doll since we were in grade school. Not everyone knows that he is an excellent equestrian and his story is about Sir Alphonse, a rescue horse that he trained and later became his riding horse that won him competitions in dressage and show jumping.
Our fellow lost boys, Hawky and Piper had great ideas for stories too. Both of their stories were based on their Dad's experiences when they were in their teens.
Hawky's story is about a skateboarder who opened up a skateboard clinic for young kids. Piper's story is about this surfer who nearly became shark food but was saved by an unlikely rescuer --- a sea turtle.
Mika's story is a bit futuristic. It involves a human doctor framed for administering a lethal dose of medication to a patient and an android nurse who is there to defend his innocence.
For my story, it took me awhile to find the right theme. I want it to be simple but poignant. I want it to have a bit of drama but with a feel good ending. To be able to get the prize, I need my story to be a real friendship story, a platonic romcom. It has to be original. As luck would have it, I received a text message from Marykelly aka Scribbling_Myrtle. She is the best selling author of the book entitled Star Crossed Starlings. I have been working as her personal assistant for a couple of years now and I am loving every minute of it.
I came to see her and told her about our writing contest in school. It perked her interest and she asked me what sort of story I am planning to write. I said, "I want a story about two friends who's love exceeds that of a romantic love. A love that equaled a parental love. A love similar to a patriotic love. A love that will rival the love of a Brother-in-Arms. A love that is more than love but I don't know whether this type of love even exist!"
She told me to sit back and relax. She got up and went inside her office. She came back holding what looked like a tattered looking diary with a red leather cover. There were several pages that were dog-eared and traces of gold around the edge of the book. A sign that it was once fully gilded in gold. She handed me a notepad and a pen and then she started reading an excerpt from the journal . That story became my entry for the contest. And it goes something like this .... To be continued :D
Author's Notes: I am dedicating this blog to my ever dearest friend, Noah. We met in here, in this writing platform two years ago and we have been friends since then.
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