I Can't Sweem
The journey this time wasn't as long as the first. The ocean was only just behind their base really. Except the place they needed to be was in the middle of it. The swim was going to be the worst. Two reasons. One; it was surging which would make it difficult for the second reason. Two; some people weren't the strongest of swimmers. That's quite understandable though seeing as most of them spend their time playing this game. Skeppy looked anxiously at the faces of his friends trying to read how nervous they were. Techno looked fine. And that's good. Spifey was joyful as usual. A6D was most likely scarring Bad who seemed like he was gonna have a heart attack. Skeppy shook his head and then Techno got in. Soon we all followed, and the longest swim of their goddamn lives began. The water just kept getting colder and colder as they continued. It was also very nerve-racking to put your foot down to stand up and not find any ground there. At least no-one was having a fit. Not including Bad. He was trying to catch up to A6D and Skeppy who were swimming at the back. They slowed down for him and as soon as he could touch one of them, he began to cling onto them. It was quite an effort to hold themselves up and Bad at the same time AND swim to a platform in the middle of the ocean. But they all managed to get there. They were exhausted but safe.
"Alright," Techno addressed everyone. "Where do we go now?"
"Well I saw an under-water spot when I nearly drowned," Bad panted.
"You didn't drown," A6D shook his head.
"I NEARLY drowned!" Bad shouted.
"No, we nearly drowned thanks," Skeppy put in smirking. Bad shook his head muttering something.
"Okay so we go there," Techno nodded. "But we need to divide ourselves into positions. We should have some that stay on the surface and some that go under."
"I'll go under," Spifey replied. "And I can take two other people down with me."
"I think we should go under and protect Spifey seeing as there is most likely something bad down there," Skeppy volunteered as well as Bad.
"Then A6D and I will stay up here and try to attack them from above," Techno smiled at the plan. "Lets do this shall we." The under-water team sat on the edge of the platform and all prepared to drink their water breathing potions. After they finished that they went under. Skeppy was correct, there was so many drowned down there. Luckily though they could breathe under-water. Techno and A6D saw the enemies and prepared to attack them. Spifey was swimming quickly past the water zombies and got into the temple quickly. In there was two chests and some writing above them both. Skeppy was slaying the monsters easily as Bad stood at the entrance blocking them from passing through to their unarmed friend. On the surface Techno was sniping the ones he could spot also easily. A6D was occasionally going under-water to kill them too. Spifey was conflicted about which chest he had to choose. The instructions were clear. Pick one chest and if you pick both the entire thing blows up. What a nice way to put it. But they had to be quick otherwise they would end up like the drowned. He soon opened the closest one to him out of frustration and panic. In it was a nether star. He took the object quickly, but the other chest quickly exploded without a warning. Typical evil forces. Everyone felt the explosion and the structure began to slowly fall to the ocean floor. Skeppy and Bad were both knocked back as Techno and A6D started to panic. Spifey was knocked unconscious from the impact. Then the water breathing potions began to fade away just at the right moment. Bad quickly hurried to the surface to explain the problem that had happened. Once that was done, he went back down to Skeppy to help him recover Spifey from the crumbling building. It was a bit of a struggle and Bad wasn't a very confident person in swimming as seen beforehand. A6D and Techno had both jumped in to give the other three time to get back up to the surface. Skeppy and Bad managed to find Spifey and get him free of a pillar. More drowned had began to rise out from beneath where the temple used to be. Bad and Skeppy were successfully carrying Spifey to the platform until a drowned go a grip on Skeppy's ankle. He nearly screamed out in shock but thought better of it. He began to swing his sword at the ugly monster but continued to miss. Soon his lungs were about to explode for air and his brain forced him to open his mouth for air. But it got nothing but water. Salty dirty WATER. He was panicking really quickly as the colour black began to taunt him at the edge of his vision. Techno had helped Bad and Spifey onto the platform as A6D quickly swam down to help his friend. He quickly kicked the nasty creature away and headed back for the surface now carrying a semi-conscious Skeppy. Techno helped them onto the platform as soon as they broke the surface. Bad was performing CPR on Spifey and Techno began the same thing on Skeppy. Spifey was soon enough coughing out all that murky water. Then everyone focused on Skeppy. He still wasn't breathing, and it felt like hours had passed. Soon Techno had to give up.
"He's," Techno sighed blinking rapidly. "D-Dead." Bad looked at Techno then to where Skeppy lay unmoving and gradually turning pale.
"N-No!" he exclaimed. "I REFUSE!" Bad then moved to go to Skeppy but Techno stopped him. The pvp god looked like he was on the verge of tears. Bad stepped back and sniffed. He then just looked in disbelief at Skeppy's body. Spifey soon realised what had happened and was trying not to cry. A6D was standing right beside Bad as he tried to comfort his friend whilst holding back his own share of tears. Little did everyone know that Skeppy could still hear them. As he slowly died, he heard everyone's quiet sobs of mourning. He didn't like it when his friends were sad. Even if he couldn't see them. This can't be the end for me can it?
Word count: 1082
Okay so you are all gonna hate me for such a cliffhanger but on a much happier note i was noticed by someone i look up to recently and it made me nearly cry. Thank you.
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