The porch lights of Joost's childhood home lit up the driveway. While his own Volkswagen Golf sat next to Nanda's SUV, the bonnet of Hugo's Nissan was propped open. Joost and Hugo's shadows casted over the engine and a torch sat in the oldest's hand. He held the light up for Joost to see the many parts of the X-Trail, their silence transitioning from a tense to a comfortable one after some painful minutes.
'There's a crack in the exhaust system,' Joost noted, peering through the various pieces to see the cause of the hissing sound. 'You'll need to fix that as soon as possible.'
'Can you do it?'
'I can take it in tomorrow. When are you going home?'
'Not until Tuesday.'
Joost straigthened up from the engine and looked to where Hugo held the torch. The night was cool, the creak of crickets in the hedges being the only sounds. Leeuwarden was so different to Amsterdam. In the city, there was always the sounds of cars or bikes dinging through the streets at any given time. But in the small town, the house that held all three of the Klein siblings for the first time in years was serenaded by it's own ambience.
'Thanks for doing this. Tilli would have a fit if I left it and we were stuck in the motorway's emergency lane,' Hugo said and Joost snickered.
'Knowing your luck, your son would have a fit, too.'
Hugo sounded a familiar laugh and it made Joost do the same tones. Lowering the X-Trail's bonnet, Joost turned and leaned back against the car's front. The hoodie he had pulled on allowed him to stuff his hands into the front pocket. He looked back at the house, spotting the living room through the window.
There, Nanda, Tallulah and Elke were cross-legged on the rug. Joost could see them emmerced in the activities of Hendrick, who wandered between the three with toys in hand. The boy got to Elke, holding out a plastic truck for her to take. She did so with a smile and an exaggerated 'thank you', making Hendrick giggle while running back to his mother.
'You want one?' Joost was pulled from the adorable scene to see Hugo staring with raised eyebrows.
'A kid. Are you and Elke planning to...?'
'No. God, no. Not yet, at least,' Joost rushed.
The question threw him off. Joost hadn't even considered having kids and Elke had never mentioned it. They were only just settling into their quiet life after the crazy year they'd had. When Joost felt like they were secure in their jobs and they were happy in their quiet, small-town life, then maybe he would consider the idea of starting a family.
'How did you guys meet?' Hugo decided to say, also looking into the front room with a fond look. 'Or do I not want to know?'
'At a car meet. I nearly ran her over.'
'It worked, didn't it?' Joost shrugged his shoulders. 'Then we found out we were neighbours. She was dating someone else at the time, though.'
'And you swooped in with the superior Klein genes and badboy looks. You fucking whore.'
Joost couldn't help but cackle at his brother's jab. After the evening's attempts to break Hugo's exterior, the talk was easing. It became natural, just like how they used to be when they were younger. Although Joost was a teenager when Hugo was in his thirties, the two used to be close. And even after years of not speaking, Joost felt like he did then; enjoying time with the man he looked up to even now.
After their laughter died down, Joost swallowed. He had been wondering how he was going to address the situation all night. Now that Hugo was willing to talk to him, Joost felt like it was a good time to say what had to be said.
'Hugo, I know it doesn't mean much after so long, but I am sorry for how I acted before all this,' he started, pushing off the X-Trail to face his brother. 'I was stupid. I thought I was too important and I learnt quickly that I needed to treat people with more respect. But by that point, I'd already soiled my relationship with you and Nanda. I'll fix your exhaust system for free and you can have free servicing as long as I work-'
'Woah, slow down, dude. I'm not going to accept all that as your apology. The exhaust will be enough.'
Joost blinked at Hugo's words. He eyed the blonde with a creased brow and noticed the relaxed shoulders and casual demeanour. It was a stark difference to how he was when Joost first arrived at the house and throughout the course of dinner. Sinking back to lean against the X-Trail, Joost glanced back to the living room, where Elke had just stood up from the floor.
Unaware of Hugo's eyes, Joost watched as Elke caught his stare through the window. She stepped to be closer and waved with a smile. The corners of his lips twitched uncontrollably and he waved back. Elke's small laugh was silent behind the glass, but seeing the twinkle in her brown eyes and the crinkle of her nose, Joost beamed.
She walked away from the window and out of sight. Joost turned back to Hugo, his smile lingering. The smug look on his brother's face made a blush settle on his cheeks. He had been caught glowing at the very sight of his girlfriend. Joost would hate to think what Apson or Tantu would say at witnessing him blushing, smiling and being a downright 'simp'.
'I can see you've changed. I'm sure she has a lot to do with it, but it's good. Mum and Dad wouldn't want me to hold a grudge. Not in their house, anyway,' Hugo said. Joost didn't need to ask who 'she' was or question if he was being serious about the last part. From the lack of hostility in his voice, Hugo was being genuine when saying he had forgiven Joost.
'Elke made me want to be normal. I wouldn't have been able to do it without her,' he found himself saying. 'I love her.'
'Good for you, Joost. Never thought I would see the day.'
As he pulled his cigarettes out of he pocket, Joost was relieved when Hugo didn't retreat inside in disgust.
In the passenger's seat, Elke watched the sparce streetlights pass. There was no one on the pathways, something that just wasn't a thing in Amsterdam. There were no dogwalkers, party-goers or those heading to the corner shop for a late-night browse.
The few cars that passed contained families or senior couples coming home from their Saturday dinners. Just like Joost and Elke, Leeuwarden's locals were turning in for an early night.
Looking to the driver's seat, Elke took in Joost's slowly blinking-eyes behind his glasses. The hood of his jumper sat far back on his head and she was able to admire the way his nose curved and the way his lips sat permanently pursed. The mole on his chin taunted her, the spec being one of Elke's favourite places to kiss.
Feeling her stare, Joost met Elke's eye in a quick look away from the road.
'What?' he asked, a smile growing at being her muse.
'Nothing. You're just handsome,' she said truthfully and Joost scoffed. 'Even with the beard.'
'Don't flatter me when I'm driving otherwise I might get overconfident,' he raised one hand to run his finger over his facial hair. 'And I'll shave tomorrow. I've just been too lazy.'
'I like it...'
'Then I'll keep it.'
Elke rolled her eyes at Joost's appeasement to her every desire. At her action, Joost chuckled and she felt her stomach bubble at the noise. She felt the same way she did that night she knocked on Joost's apartment door with champagne in her hand. After learning about what he did for work, what happened to Roan, and about the world she didn't know about, nothing had changed for Elke. Joost still made her feel loved, special and protected.
She couldn't imagine being anywhere else with anyone different. Leeuwarden was tranquil and despite it's unassuming front, the town had work opportunities for Elke. She didn't have to take on stressful roles to be fulfilled. With her worklife secured, Elke could enjoy her downtime with Joost, whose job as a mechanic, and only a mechanic, allowed him to be free when she was.
'I'm going to go see the guys next weekend. There's a meet that Daan wanted to go to and they want me there in case some dick hurts their egos,' Joost stated.
'I thought Enzo was as good as you at racing, now?'
'Please, that's crazy talk,' Joost glanced away from the windshield with a roll of his eyes. 'No one is as good as me. I'm there to scare away the guys who've not been around long enough to know my name.'
'I thought the whole point of moving here was so that people didn't know your name?'
'Not in the car business, schatje. I have a reputation to keep and a girlfriend to parade around.'
'So, I'm coming along, then?'
Joost gave her an 'are-you-being-serious?' look before saying,
'Wasn't that obvious?'
Elke almost kicked her feet in glee at the way Joost included her without consultation. The idea of being in the background of Joost's friends, his large hand on her waist and looming over her shoulders excited her. Now that he didn't need to be at the forefront of his friends, unless provoked, Joost could reserve all his attention for warm kisses.
When the day of the car meet rolled around, Elke found herself exactly where she wanted to be. Stuntje, Apson, Alanis, Tantu, Daan and Enzo were stood together, cans of alcohol in hand and two cars between them. They laughed together, joking about the next naive man that decided to pass and give them a dirty look.
While they drew the meet's attention, Joost sat back against Elke's Swift; different to how he used to look. Those who recognised him underneath the facial hair greeted him with familiarity and those who didn't would soon be aware. The blonde didn't entertain anyone other than Elke, who stood in-between his outstretched legs.
Her hands sat in his, their eyes level for once from Joost's leaning posture. It meant that all he had to do to get a kiss was to tug her hands towards him and hold Elke by the waist to lock her in.
'Would you be recognised in Berlin?' Elke asked as Joost kissed her with a hum.
'We can go on a short holiday there. Just for a long weekend?'
'We can do that,' Joost made sure to pause to slip his tongue through her smiling lips. 'We shouldn't be bothered, though. I can keep Alanis on-call for any emergencies.
'You mean Stuntje? Remember, it's his job to give the orders now.'
'Hm, you should tell me off more often.'
Joost straigthened up against the Swift to kiss Elke fully, wrapping his arms around her waist. Her hands slid up from his shoulders to cup his face and caressed the bristles of his beard. It made him smile, the pads of Elke's fingers and thumbs against the roughness comforting. Leaning down, Joost held Elke close and brushed his lips against hers. But before he could seal them in a kiss, heightened voices made the two look to the group nearby.
A group of young men gathered as Stuntje stood with his arms crossed. He dared to grin at the clearly agitated leader and Daan appeared at his side with his own fiery desire. Enzo was already preparing to defend his friend, but as Alanis glanced over her shoulder to where Joost and Elke stood, it was clear who was about to represent the group.
Before Elke knew it, her keys were slipped from her jeans' back pocket. She couldn't even scold Joost for the quick squeeze he gave her backside before he was making his way towards his friends and their challengers.
'I hope you have Swift tires at work to replace the ones you wear out,' she called out to his retreating figure. While pulling on his fingerless gloves, Joost turned. He walked backwards while saying,
'I guess you'll just have to trust me, right?'
Flashing her a cheeky grin, Joost turned and struck horror in the men who had just challenged the group to a race.
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