Encounter (AC)
The class, having calmed down at this point, glanced at Koro-sensei expectantly. "Sensei? Will you take it?" Kayano asks the octopus hesitantly. Koro-sensei lifts his head, in a sign that he was thinking. "I don't see why not!" He replied, grin growing wider. He swiftly grabs the shimmering vial and removes the stopper. He lifted his tentacle and pours the strange substance into his mouth, and swallows. The class waited in anticipation, leaning forward in their seats.
Suddenly Koro-sensei cried out in pain, flailing his tentacles. He began gasping and growling, a couple tentacles clutching his chest. Soon he began wheezing, and steam started coming off of him, creating a cloud of steam that no one could see through. Worried whispers filled the room; the students were concerned. The windows were opened, trying to get the steam out so they could see their beloved sensei.
Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice, an unfamiliar human voice started coughing, sounding slightly pained. The students froze. The steam had cleared, and there was Koro-sensei, sitting on the floor swathed in his old graduation cloak and tie. Except it wasn't. The man sitting there, clutching his head dazedly was not their sensei. Dark black hair and black eyes, pale skin, without scars or any blemishes, mouth opening and closing without a sound. Eyes narrow and calculating, confusion. This man wasn't their fun-loving petty teacher. Except he was.
The students stared, shocked. The man held up a hand, flexing it experimentally. He blinks, and a smile of wonder slowly appeared, taking in his changes. The atmosphere was that of wonder and awe and disbelief. "I'm back...I'm actually a human again..." Pure happiness radiated from his voice as he whispered. "I'm really a human again!" A happy grin splits his face as he laughs his signature laugh.
Nakamura smirks. "Y'know sensei, it's actually surprising that you look that good - I would have never thought." Everyone in the room sweatdrops. "Now, now Nakamura-San, no need to be rude." He chides, standing up. His cloak was a bit big on him, so it hung loosely on his shoulders, and some of the gown bunched up at his feet. "I need to go get some proper clothing before I do anything else - and Karasuma? Please send a report to the government of my current condition. Irina, you'll teach the class in my absence. Bye now!" Koro-sensei swept out of the room silently and gracefully, despite the cumbersome cloak.
Irina just stares, very confused. "What just happened?!" She screeches, coming back to her senses. "We found a cure for Koro-sensei in front of the classroom building - Nagisa, Okuda and I brought it inside and he took it. So now he's back to normal!" Sugino explains. Irina suddenly frowns. "Who placed it there? And how did anyone outside of assassins catch wind of this?! No one even knows what had made the octopus and octopus! So how?!" She continues to screech, pacing back and forth in the room.
Karasuma appeared in the doorway. "Whatever the case, causing a scene about it won't do us any good. The higher ups are currently discussing the matter of the target, and what should happen. In the meantime, I suggest you all focus on school until we get a lead on the situation. Irina, calm down and for once - act your age." With that, the government official turned on his heel and left an annoyed Bitch-sensei to fume. After calming down, she started class as usual.
——— Meanwhile ———
Koro-sensei had left the classroom, and was sneaking around in the woods, having temporarily stolen Karasuma's wallet (he was broke! What else was he to do?!) and tried to locate the nearest store. When he did, he came out in a black suit, dark and formal, with a couple other outfits (a couple in Aguri's usual style, because of sentimental value) and walked back down the street, humming, when he noticed something odd. Two boys - they looked like twins - were walking down the street, however one of them had a hand on an unusual bulge on his thigh, looking behind him warily every so often. The other boy appeared to be bubbly and funny without a care in the world, but at a closer look he was scanning the crowd for someone warily. The two chatted, so it would look like they were two teenage boys skipping school instead of some teenagers who looked so paranoid that it was very concerning.
The bubbly one looked his way, and they locked eyes. The boy's eyes flashed fearfully, and he kept up his charade, but all the while keeping a close eye on him. Making a mental note of this encounter, he tore his gaze away and sped up towards Kunigigaoka school.
'What was that? Who were those boys, and why are they so paranoid? Did something happen? Are they hiding? Why?' Koro-sensei frowned, and then another thought flashed through his mind. 'How can I help them?'
Hi guys! So, any ideas on who might've given them the vial? Err, left it I mean. Also just a note, the timelines for both sides of the story currently do not match up. The DCMK timeline is behind, so the days will go by faster than the AC timeline, just as a note. That is, until they match up. Sorry, by the way, for not updating yesterday! Time flew by and I totally forgot! I'll make it up, I'm working on the second chapter for today right now! Hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you next chapter!
-Anime-Dragons (aka Kana)
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