Chapter 2: At the Lobby
It took a while for Alex to fully mentally process that by some weird ass event, he's wound up in what Kosma's revealed to be a simulation.
One thing that did catch Alex's attention was what he said towards the end and how this place apparently used to exist but didn't anymore.
As he focused on that, he began to get some deja vu.
'Huh. If I had a nickel for every time I wound up in a simulation of the past, then I'd have two. It isn't a lot but it's strange how that's happened twice to me now.' He thought to himself before opting to question Kosma if he knew any more than that.
"Hey so, you said this is a simulation right? What's it about?" He asked.
It took a moment for the green haired boy to answer but he just shook his head no.
"My apologies. I'm not really the right person to ask that question. You're better off asking someone else."
"Okay, who?"
"You'll most likely meet them when you get to the lobby."
Seeing as he wasn't gonna get anymore out of him, Alex decided to end the conversation there.
The journey would end a few minutes later as the three stopped upon what was seemingly the device that would send Alex to this supposed main lobby that would lead him to the exit.
"Is this it?" Asked Alex as Kosma nodded.
"Stand in the center for a few seconds. The censor will detect you and immediately send you to the lobby."
"Alright. Thanks for the help." Said Alex as Kosma simply nodded once more.
Before he was about to walk onto the device, he felt a tug at his sleeve as he looked down at Griseo.
"Hm? What is it Griseo?" He asked.
"Will you be coming back soon? I'd like to spend more time with you, if Kosma allows it." She said.
"Um, sorry but I'm not sure. Technically I'm not even supposed to be here, literally. I'm more than likely gonna get in big trouble when I get back." He said which got the painter a little upset. "Don't worry though. If things go well then I'm sure I'll be back again."
This quickly raised the girl's spirits.
Alex would step onto the device and turned to wave goodbye to the two as Griseo waved goodbye back as she walked off with Kosma.
The boy would face forward again and stood still for a moment.
He began to hear the device slowly come to life as the area around him began to slowly shine brighter and brighter.
In a split second, he heard the machine reach max power, his body feeling light for a fleeting moment before everything went blank and numb.
Alex was unaware of how much time passed until he slowly opened his eyes, sitting up as he looked down and saw that he was on a couch.
He'd sit up, feeling a little lightheaded as he looked around to get his bearings straight.
This was when he noticed that he was now in a rather fancy and luxurious looking longue area that had a cozy vibe to it.
'This must be the lobby that Kosma was referring too. Looks pretty nice.' Thought Alex as he began to walk around the place, exploring a bit.
He noticed a few odd and peculiar things in this area such as the holographic screens on the other side of the room as upon a quick glance, he noticed walls of text and information.
'Hmm. Wonder what kind of stuff I can find out from this.' He thought, very intrigued now.
It didn't take long for Alex to hear a pair of footsteps slowly approach where he was at as he turned to look at a hallway back on the otherside near the couch he had woken up on until whoever it was eventually emerged out from the hallway.
Standing there was an adult woman that light blue eyes with pink pupils and light pink hair that was tied into a low ponytail and that was curled at the tips which extended far past her shoulders.
On the right side of her head, she had a large hair clip with a light blue gem on it as her ears were also pointy just like Kosma's.
She wore a white top and black shorts with long black stockings, along with a little black off-the-shoulder styled shawl.
The sleeve she used had purple layered frills and a shoulder plate, while her other arm had a black glove instead.
Lastly, she wore a white, black, and lilac cape on her waist which had fur trimming at the end.
The girl adjusted her hair for a moment, initially not noticing the boy as Alex just stood there awkwardly.
She eventually looked up and noticed him standing there as Alex tensed up and was immediately about to begin explaining himself as to not raise suspicion.
Oddly though, the elf girl simply smiled and walked up to him with noticeable joy.
"My my, another guest? I'm so thrilled~!" She excitedly said which left Alex perplexed until he noticed something she said.
"Wait, another guest?" He asked as the girl gave him a teasing look.
"Mhm. My elf instincts tell me you may possibly know them~." She said playfully. "Just to be sure, does this person have long chrome hair and two lovely looking red horns?"
"Y-Yeah that's them! You've seen Mei, right!?"
"Seen them? They've been a wonderful breathe of fresh air~! Having someone amazing like her around has been splendid." Said the girl.
"Uh, okay? A-Anyways, where is she right now?"
"Our lovely Mei is currently busy on an expedition right now."
"Oh. I see." Said Alex.
"Currently however, I wanna direct my attention onto you, new guest~."
"Uh..............please don't."
Despite his words, the elf girl walked around Alex, seemingly inspecting him which only added to Alex's awkwardness.
"My, you're so young but also quite adorable~. Also pretty short too. Little Griseo is near your height." She said.
"Yeah yeah I know I wasn't blessed with height. Can we move on?" Asked Alex, already at his witts end.
"Aww, fine~." She said, stepping back in front of him as she extended her hand out.
"I'm Elysia." She said as Alex shook her hand back.
"Name's Alex." He said.
"Alex huh? I like that name as well."
"Look Ms. Elysia, technically I'm not supposed to be here right now. I only came here just to know how Mei's doing but since according to you she seems to he fine, then I've already had my questions answered. I should get going now. Is there an exit to this place?" He asked.
Elysia and pointed to a set of stairs heading downwards.
"I assume you got here from a hallway right? Then just take those stairs and you should be right back." She said as Alex nodded.
"Thank you Ms. Elysia. Before I go, could you relay a message to Mei to me? Tell her to check in every once in a while okay? It's been months since I was last properly in contact with her." He said.
"Alright understood. Before you go however, there is one last thing."
"What is it?"
"I did indeed say that Mei went on an excursion, however I never explicitly stated when she left, so how about you tell her yourself right. About. Now?"
Right as Elysia finished speaking, a rift would appear at the front of the room as Elysia and Alex looked there and saw none other than Mei herself enter the lobby, stretching a bit.
"Elysia. I'm back." She said in a tired tone.
"Welcome back, Mei! There's a surprise for you~." Said the elf girl.
"Oh, really?" Asked Mei in a slightly annoyed tone as she looked in her direction before immediately being stunned silent when she saw Alex standing there.
The boy just stared back at her and awkwardly waved hello.
"H-Hey Mei...........wassup?" He nervously said as he noticed her expression become one of irritation.
"Yes Mei?"
"I'm taking a break for now. I'll be back." She said before immediately storming up to and yanking Alex's away as she forcefully took him along with her to the exit stairs.
"H-Hey that hurts! Whatever I did wrong I'm sorry! Please let me-OW TOO TIGHT! Let me explain myself!" Pleaded Alex as Elysia saw the two leave, having a smile on her smile as she giggled and waved goodbye.
"Bye you two. Hope you come back!'
Chapter 2: Complete
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